347 research outputs found

    HANDLOOM: Learned Tracing of One-Dimensional Objects for Inspection and Manipulation

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    Tracing - estimating the spatial state of - long deformable linear objects such as cables, threads, hoses, or ropes, is useful for a broad range of tasks in homes, retail, factories, construction, transportation, and healthcare. For long deformable linear objects (DLOs or simply cables) with many (over 25) crossings, we present HANDLOOM (Heterogeneous Autoregressive Learned Deformable Linear Object Observation and Manipulation), a learning-based algorithm that fits a trace to a greyscale image of cables. We evaluate HANDLOOM on semi-planar DLO configurations where each crossing involves at most 2 segments. HANDLOOM makes use of neural networks trained with 30,000 simulated examples and 568 real examples to autoregressively estimate traces of cables and classify crossings. Experiments find that in settings with multiple identical cables, HANDLOOM can trace each cable with 80% accuracy. In single-cable images, HANDLOOM can trace and identify knots with 77% accuracy. When HANDLOOM is incorporated into a bimanual robot system, it enables state-based imitation of knot tying with 80% accuracy, and it successfully untangles 64% of cable configurations across 3 levels of difficulty. Additionally, HANDLOOM demonstrates generalization to knot types and materials (rubber, cloth rope) not present in the training dataset with 85% accuracy. Supplementary material, including all code and an annotated dataset of RGB-D images of cables along with ground-truth traces, is at https://sites.google.com/view/cable-tracing

    Learning Sim-to-Real Dense Object Descriptors for Robotic Manipulation

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    It is crucial to address the following issues for ubiquitous robotics manipulation applications: (a) vision-based manipulation tasks require the robot to visually learn and understand the object with rich information like dense object descriptors; and (b) sim-to-real transfer in robotics aims to close the gap between simulated and real data. In this paper, we present Sim-to-Real Dense Object Nets (SRDONs), a dense object descriptor that not only understands the object via appropriate representation but also maps simulated and real data to a unified feature space with pixel consistency. We proposed an object-to-object matching method for image pairs from different scenes and different domains. This method helps reduce the effort of training data from real-world by taking advantage of public datasets, such as GraspNet. With sim-to-real object representation consistency, our SRDONs can serve as a building block for a variety of sim-to-real manipulation tasks. We demonstrate in experiments that pre-trained SRDONs significantly improve performances on unseen objects and unseen visual environments for various robotic tasks with zero real-world training.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 202

    Learning to Rearrange Deformable Cables, Fabrics, and Bags with Goal-Conditioned Transporter Networks

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    Rearranging and manipulating deformable objects such as cables, fabrics, and bags is a long-standing challenge in robotic manipulation. The complex dynamics and high-dimensional configuration spaces of deformables, compared to rigid objects, make manipulation difficult not only for multi-step planning, but even for goal specification. Goals cannot be as easily specified as rigid object poses, and may involve complex relative spatial relations such as "place the item inside the bag". In this work, we develop a suite of simulated benchmarks with 1D, 2D, and 3D deformable structures, including tasks that involve image-based goal-conditioning and multi-step deformable manipulation. We propose embedding goal-conditioning into Transporter Networks, a recently proposed model architecture for learning robotic manipulation that rearranges deep features to infer displacements that can represent pick and place actions. We demonstrate that goal-conditioned Transporter Networks enable agents to manipulate deformable structures into flexibly specified configurations without test-time visual anchors for target locations. We also significantly extend prior results using Transporter Networks for manipulating deformable objects by testing on tasks with 2D and 3D deformables. Supplementary material is available at https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/bags/.Comment: See https://berkeleyautomation.github.io/bags/ for project website and code; v2 corrects some BibTeX entries, v3 is ICRA 2021 version (minor revisions

    GenDOM: Generalizable One-shot Deformable Object Manipulation with Parameter-Aware Policy

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    Due to the inherent uncertainty in their deformability during motion, previous methods in deformable object manipulation, such as rope and cloth, often required hundreds of real-world demonstrations to train a manipulation policy for each object, which hinders their applications in our ever-changing world. To address this issue, we introduce GenDOM, a framework that allows the manipulation policy to handle different deformable objects with only a single real-world demonstration. To achieve this, we augment the policy by conditioning it on deformable object parameters and training it with a diverse range of simulated deformable objects so that the policy can adjust actions based on different object parameters. At the time of inference, given a new object, GenDOM can estimate the deformable object parameters with only a single real-world demonstration by minimizing the disparity between the grid density of point clouds of real-world demonstrations and simulations in a differentiable physics simulator. Empirical validations on both simulated and real-world object manipulation setups clearly show that our method can manipulate different objects with a single demonstration and significantly outperforms the baseline in both environments (a 62% improvement for in-domain ropes and a 15% improvement for out-of-distribution ropes in simulation, as well as a 26% improvement for ropes and a 50% improvement for cloths in the real world), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in one-shot deformable object manipulation.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:2306.0987

    GenORM: Generalizable One-shot Rope Manipulation with Parameter-Aware Policy

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    Due to the inherent uncertainty in their deformability during motion, previous methods in rope manipulation often require hundreds of real-world demonstrations to train a manipulation policy for each rope, even for simple tasks such as rope goal reaching, which hinder their applications in our ever-changing world. To address this issue, we introduce GenORM, a framework that allows the manipulation policy to handle different deformable ropes with a single real-world demonstration. To achieve this, we augment the policy by conditioning it on deformable rope parameters and training it with a diverse range of simulated deformable ropes so that the policy can adjust actions based on different rope parameters. At the time of inference, given a new rope, GenORM estimates the deformable rope parameters by minimizing the disparity between the grid density of point clouds of real-world demonstrations and simulations. With the help of a differentiable physics simulator, we require only a single real-world demonstration. Empirical validations on both simulated and real-world rope manipulation setups clearly show that our method can manipulate different ropes with a single demonstration and significantly outperforms the baseline in both environments (62% improvement in in-domain ropes, and 15% improvement in out-of-distribution ropes in simulation, 26% improvement in real-world), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in one-shot rope manipulation

    MIRA: Mental Imagery for Robotic Affordances

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    Humans form mental images of 3D scenes to support counterfactual imagination, planning, and motor control. Our abilities to predict the appearance and affordance of the scene from previously unobserved viewpoints aid us in performing manipulation tasks (e.g., 6-DoF kitting) with a level of ease that is currently out of reach for existing robot learning frameworks. In this work, we aim to build artificial systems that can analogously plan actions on top of imagined images. To this end, we introduce Mental Imagery for Robotic Affordances (MIRA), an action reasoning framework that optimizes actions with novel-view synthesis and affordance prediction in the loop. Given a set of 2D RGB images, MIRA builds a consistent 3D scene representation, through which we synthesize novel orthographic views amenable to pixel-wise affordances prediction for action optimization. We illustrate how this optimization process enables us to generalize to unseen out-of-plane rotations for 6-DoF robotic manipulation tasks given a limited number of demonstrations, paving the way toward machines that autonomously learn to understand the world around them for planning actions.Comment: CoRL 2022, webpage: https://yenchenlin.me/mir

    Data-driven robotic manipulation of cloth-like deformable objects : the present, challenges and future prospects

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    Manipulating cloth-like deformable objects (CDOs) is a long-standing problem in the robotics community. CDOs are flexible (non-rigid) objects that do not show a detectable level of compression strength while two points on the article are pushed towards each other and include objects such as ropes (1D), fabrics (2D) and bags (3D). In general, CDOs’ many degrees of freedom (DoF) introduce severe self-occlusion and complex state–action dynamics as significant obstacles to perception and manipulation systems. These challenges exacerbate existing issues of modern robotic control methods such as imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL). This review focuses on the application details of data-driven control methods on four major task families in this domain: cloth shaping, knot tying/untying, dressing and bag manipulation. Furthermore, we identify specific inductive biases in these four domains that present challenges for more general IL and RL algorithms.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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