454 research outputs found

    Discriminative Transfer Learning for General Image Restoration

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    Recently, several discriminative learning approaches have been proposed for effective image restoration, achieving convincing trade-off between image quality and computational efficiency. However, these methods require separate training for each restoration task (e.g., denoising, deblurring, demosaicing) and problem condition (e.g., noise level of input images). This makes it time-consuming and difficult to encompass all tasks and conditions during training. In this paper, we propose a discriminative transfer learning method that incorporates formal proximal optimization and discriminative learning for general image restoration. The method requires a single-pass training and allows for reuse across various problems and conditions while achieving an efficiency comparable to previous discriminative approaches. Furthermore, after being trained, our model can be easily transferred to new likelihood terms to solve untrained tasks, or be combined with existing priors to further improve image restoration quality

    Learning generative texture models with extended Fields-of-Experts

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    We evaluate the ability of the popular Field-of-Experts (FoE) to model structure in images. As a test case we focus on modeling synthetic and natural textures. We find that even for modeling single textures, the FoE provides insufficient flexibility to learn good generative models – it does not perform any better than the much simpler Gaussian FoE. We propose an extended version of the FoE (allowing for bimodal potentials) and demonstrate that this novel formulation, when trained with a better approximation of the likelihood gradient, gives rise to a more powerful generative model of specific visual structure that produces significantly better results for the texture task

    A combined first and second order variational approach for image reconstruction

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    In this paper we study a variational problem in the space of functions of bounded Hessian. Our model constitutes a straightforward higher-order extension of the well known ROF functional (total variation minimisation) to which we add a non-smooth second order regulariser. It combines convex functions of the total variation and the total variation of the first derivatives. In what follows, we prove existence and uniqueness of minimisers of the combined model and present the numerical solution of the corresponding discretised problem by employing the split Bregman method. The paper is furnished with applications of our model to image denoising, deblurring as well as image inpainting. The obtained numerical results are compared with results obtained from total generalised variation (TGV), infimal convolution and Euler's elastica, three other state of the art higher-order models. The numerical discussion confirms that the proposed higher-order model competes with models of its kind in avoiding the creation of undesirable artifacts and blocky-like structures in the reconstructed images -- a known disadvantage of the ROF model -- while being simple and efficiently numerically solvable.Comment: 34 pages, 89 figure

    Accurate transition state generation with an object-aware equivariant elementary reaction diffusion model

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    Transition state (TS) search is key in chemistry for elucidating reaction mechanisms and exploring reaction networks. The search for accurate 3D TS structures, however, requires numerous computationally intensive quantum chemistry calculations due to the complexity of potential energy surfaces. Here, we developed an object-aware SE(3) equivariant diffusion model that satisfies all physical symmetries and constraints for generating pairs of structures, i.e., reactant, TS, and product, in an elementary reaction. Provided reactant and product, this model generates a TS structure in seconds instead of the hours required when performing quantum chemistry-based optimizations. The generated TS structures achieve an average error of 0.13 A root mean square deviation compared to true TS. With a confidence scoring model for uncertainty quantification, we approach an accuracy required for reaction rate estimation (2.6 kcal/mol) by only performing quantum chemistry-based optimizations on 14% of the most challenging reactions. We envision the proposed approach to be useful in constructing and pruning large reaction networks with unknown mechanisms

    Road Redesign Technique Achieving Enhanced Road Safety by Inpainting with a Diffusion Model

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    Road infrastructure can affect the occurrence of road accidents. Therefore, identifying roadway features with high accident probability is crucial. Here, we introduce image inpainting that can assist authorities in achieving safe roadway design with minimal intervention in the current roadway structure. Image inpainting is based on inpainting safe roadway elements in a roadway image, replacing accident-prone (AP) features by using a diffusion model. After object-level segmentation, the AP features identified by the properties of accident hotspots are masked by a human operator and safe roadway elements are inpainted. With only an average time of 2 min for image inpainting, the likelihood of an image being classified as an accident hotspot drops by an average of 11.85%. In addition, safe urban spaces can be designed considering human factors of commuters such as gaze saliency. Considering this, we introduce saliency enhancement that suggests chrominance alteration for a safe road view.Comment: 9 Pages, 6 figures, 4 table
