1,846 research outputs found

    Learning Nonlinear Input-Output Maps with Dissipative Quantum Systems

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    In this paper, we develop a theory of learning nonlinear input-output maps with fading memory by dissipative quantum systems, as a quantum counterpart of the theory of approximating such maps using classical dynamical systems. The theory identifies the properties required for a class of dissipative quantum systems to be {\em universal}, in that any input-output map with fading memory can be approximated arbitrarily closely by an element of this class. We then introduce an example class of dissipative quantum systems that is provably universal. Numerical experiments illustrate that with a small number of qubits, this class can achieve comparable performance to classical learning schemes with a large number of tunable parameters. Further numerical analysis suggests that the exponentially increasing Hilbert space presents a potential resource for dissipative quantum systems to surpass classical learning schemes for input-output maps.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Close to published version in Quantum Information Processing (https://rdcu.be/bCBUf

    The quest for a Quantum Neural Network

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    With the overwhelming success in the field of quantum information in the last decades, the "quest" for a Quantum Neural Network (QNN) model began in order to combine quantum computing with the striking properties of neural computing. This article presents a systematic approach to QNN research, which so far consists of a conglomeration of ideas and proposals. It outlines the challenge of combining the nonlinear, dissipative dynamics of neural computing and the linear, unitary dynamics of quantum computing. It establishes requirements for a meaningful QNN and reviews existing literature against these requirements. It is found that none of the proposals for a potential QNN model fully exploits both the advantages of quantum physics and computing in neural networks. An outlook on possible ways forward is given, emphasizing the idea of Open Quantum Neural Networks based on dissipative quantum computing.Comment: Review of Quantum Neural Networks research; 21 pages, 5 figs, 71 Ref

    Entropic Geometry of Crowd Dynamics

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    We propose an entropic geometrical model of psycho-physical crowd dynamics (with dissipative crowd kinematics), using Feynman action-amplitude formalism that operates on three synergetic levels: macro, meso and micro. The intent is to explain the dynamics of crowds simultaneously and consistently across these three levels, in order to characterize their geometrical properties particularly with respect to behavior regimes and the state changes between them. Its most natural statistical descriptor is crowd entropy SS that satisfies the Prigogine's extended second law of thermodynamics, ∂tS≥0\partial_tS\geq 0 (for any nonisolated multi-component system). Qualitative similarities and superpositions between individual and crowd configuration manifolds motivate our claim that goal-directed crowd movement operates under entropy conservation, ∂tS=0\partial_tS = 0, while natural crowd dynamics operates under (monotonically) increasing entropy function, ∂tS>0\partial_tS > 0. Between these two distinct topological phases lies a phase transition with a chaotic inter-phase. Both inertial crowd dynamics and its dissipative kinematics represent diffusion processes on the crowd manifold governed by the Ricci flow, with the associated Perelman entropy-action. Keywords: Crowd psycho-physical dynamics, action-amplitude formalism, crowd manifold, Ricci flow, Perelman entropy, topological phase transitionComment: 44 pages, 1 figure, Latex, submitted to Entrop

    Neural Graphs and Category of Memory States

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    The brain as an astonishingly remarkable device has been studied from various angles. It is now well known that neurons are the seat of all activities of the brain function. The dynamical properties pertaining to a single neuron and a collection of neurons may be widely different owing to the clustering properties of a group of neurons. As it can be clearly understood theory of complex physical systems has been more and more employed to study the behaviour of neurons and neuronal circuits. We here mainly discuss neural correlates of memory and cognitive functions utilizing graph theory and ideas from geometry. It has been suggested that stochastic processes being at the helm of affairs in the neuronal level there may exist surfaces to some extent like a hologram for the existence of memory functions.It is also instructive to mention that Amari's developments \cite{amari} as regards information geometry has acted as an important inspiration. Unlike some previous analysis categorization of memory from neural perspectives have been reconsidered at the neuronal level. In essence the main point of discussion here has been to give an alternative model of memory where stochastic geometry and algebraic surfaces is an important ingredient.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum Neuron: an elementary building block for machine learning on quantum computers

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    Even the most sophisticated artificial neural networks are built by aggregating substantially identical units called neurons. A neuron receives multiple signals, internally combines them, and applies a non-linear function to the resulting weighted sum. Several attempts to generalize neurons to the quantum regime have been proposed, but all proposals collided with the difficulty of implementing non-linear activation functions, which is essential for classical neurons, due to the linear nature of quantum mechanics. Here we propose a solution to this roadblock in the form of a small quantum circuit that naturally simulates neurons with threshold activation. Our quantum circuit defines a building block, the "quantum neuron", that can reproduce a variety of classical neural network constructions while maintaining the ability to process superpositions of inputs and preserve quantum coherence and entanglement. In the construction of feedforward networks of quantum neurons, we provide numerical evidence that the network not only can learn a function when trained with superposition of inputs and the corresponding output, but that this training suffices to learn the function on all individual inputs separately. When arranged to mimic Hopfield networks, quantum neural networks exhibit properties of associative memory. Patterns are encoded using the simple Hebbian rule for the weights and we demonstrate attractor dynamics from corrupted inputs. Finally, the fact that our quantum model closely captures (traditional) neural network dynamics implies that the vast body of literature and results on neural networks becomes directly relevant in the context of quantum machine learning.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Topographic Representation for Quantum Machine Learning

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    This paper proposes a brain-inspired approach to quantum machine learning with the goal of circumventing many of the complications of other approaches. The fact that quantum processes are unitary presents both opportunities and challenges. A principal opportunity is that a large number of computations can be carried out in parallel in linear superposition, that is, quantum parallelism. The challenge is that the process is linear, and most approaches to machine learning depend significantly on nonlinear processes. Fortunately, the situation is not hopeless, for we know that nonlinear processes can be embedded in unitary processes, as is familiar from the circuit model of quantum computation. This paper explores an approach to the quantum implementation of machine learning involving nonlinear functions operating on information represented topographically (by computational maps), as common in neural cortex.Comment: 29 page

    A steady state quantum classifier

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    We report that under some specific conditions a single qubit model weakly interacting with information environments can be referred to as a quantum classifier. We exploit the additivity and the divisibility properties of the completely positive (CP) quantum dynamical maps in order to obtain an open quantum classifier. The steady state response of the system with respect to the input parameters was numerically investigated and it's found that the response of the open quantum dynamics at steady state acts non-linearly with respect to the input data parameters. We also demonstrate the linear separation of the quantum data instances that reflects the success of the functionality of the proposed model both for ideal and experimental conditions. Superconducting circuits were pointed out as the physical model to implement the theoretical model with possible imperfections.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Passivity Analysis of Replicator Dynamics and its Variations

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    In this paper, we focus on studying the passivity properties of different versions of replicator dynamics (RD). RD is an important class of evolutionary dynamics in evolutionary game theory. Evolutionary dynamics describe how the population composition changes in response to the fitness levels, resulting in a closed-loop feedback system. RD is a deterministic monotone non-linear dynamic that allows incorporation of the distribution of population types through a fitness function. Here, in this paper, we use a tools for control theory, in particular, the passivity theory, to study the stability of the RD when it is in action with evolutionary games. The passivity theory allows us to identify class of evolutionary games in which stability with RD is guaranteed. We show that several variations of the first order RD satisfy the standard loseless passivity property. In contrary, the second order RD do not satisfy the standard passivity property, however, it satisfies a similar dissipativity property known as negative imaginary property. The negative imaginary property of the second order RD allows us to identify the class of games that converge to a stable equilibrium with the second order RD

    Temporal Information Processing on Noisy Quantum Computers

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    The combination of machine learning and quantum computing has emerged as a promising approach for addressing previously untenable problems. Reservoir computing is an efficient learning paradigm that utilizes nonlinear dynamical systems for temporal information processing, i.e., processing of input sequences to produce output sequences. Here we propose quantum reservoir computing that harnesses complex dissipative quantum dynamics. Our class of quantum reservoirs is universal, in that any nonlinear fading memory map can be approximated arbitrarily closely and uniformly over all inputs by a quantum reservoir from this class. We describe a subclass of the universal class that is readily implementable using quantum gates native to current noisy gate-model quantum computers. Proof-of-principle experiments on remotely accessed cloud-based superconducting quantum computers demonstrate that small and noisy quantum reservoirs can tackle high-order nonlinear temporal tasks. Our theoretical and experimental results pave the path for attractive temporal processing applications of near-term gate-model quantum computers of increasing fidelity but without quantum error correction, signifying the potential of these devices for wider applications including neural modeling, speech recognition and natural language processing, going beyond static classification and regression tasks.Comment: 9 pages main text, 14 pages appendices, 13 figures. Added implementation scheme using QND measurements and proposal of more efficient implementation schemes without and with QND measurements. To appear in Physical Review Applie
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