6 research outputs found

    A novel active learning technique for multi-label remote sensing image scene classification

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    Copyright 2018 Society of Photo‑Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this publication for a fee or for commercial purposes, and modification of the contents of the publication are prohibited.This paper presents a novel multi-label active learning (MLAL) technique in the framework of multi-label remote sensing (RS) image scene classification problems. The proposed MLAL technique is developed in the framework of the multi-label SVM classifier (ML-SVM). Unlike the standard AL methods, the proposed MLAL technique redefines active learning by evaluating the informativeness of each image based on its multiple land-cover classes. Accordingly, the proposed MLAL technique is based on the joint evaluation of two criteria for the selection of the most informative images: i) multi-label uncertainty and ii) multi-label diversity. The multi-label uncertainty criterion is associated to the confidence of the multi-label classification algorithm in correctly assigning multi-labels to each image, whereas multi-label diversity criterion aims at selecting a set of un-annotated images that are as more diverse as possible to reduce the redundancy among them. In order to evaluate the multi-label uncertainty of each image, we propose a novel multi-label margin sampling strategy that: 1) considers the functional distances of each image to all ML-SVM hyperplanes; and then 2) estimates the occurrence on how many times each image falls inside the margins of ML-SVMs. If the occurrence is small, the classifiers are confident to correctly classify the considered image, and vice versa. In order to evaluate the multi-label diversity of each image, we propose a novel clustering-based strategy that clusters all the images inside the margins of the ML-SVMs and avoids selecting the uncertain images from the same clusters. The joint use of the two criteria allows one to enrich the training set of images with multi-labels. Experimental results obtained on a benchmark archive with 2100 images with their multi-labels show the effectiveness of the proposed MLAL method compared to the standard AL methods that neglect the evaluation of the uncertainty and diversity on multi-labels.EC/H2020/759764/EU/Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation/BigEart

    Domain Adaptive Transfer Attack (DATA)-based Segmentation Networks for Building Extraction from Aerial Images

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    Semantic segmentation models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained much attention in relation to remote sensing and have achieved remarkable performance for the extraction of buildings from high-resolution aerial images. However, the issue of limited generalization for unseen images remains. When there is a domain gap between the training and test datasets, CNN-based segmentation models trained by a training dataset fail to segment buildings for the test dataset. In this paper, we propose segmentation networks based on a domain adaptive transfer attack (DATA) scheme for building extraction from aerial images. The proposed system combines the domain transfer and adversarial attack concepts. Based on the DATA scheme, the distribution of the input images can be shifted to that of the target images while turning images into adversarial examples against a target network. Defending adversarial examples adapted to the target domain can overcome the performance degradation due to the domain gap and increase the robustness of the segmentation model. Cross-dataset experiments and the ablation study are conducted for the three different datasets: the Inria aerial image labeling dataset, the Massachusetts building dataset, and the WHU East Asia dataset. Compared to the performance of the segmentation network without the DATA scheme, the proposed method shows improvements in the overall IoU. Moreover, it is verified that the proposed method outperforms even when compared to feature adaptation (FA) and output space adaptation (OSA).Comment: 11pages, 12 figure

    CAD-Net: A Context-Aware Detection Network for Objects in Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Accurate and robust detection of multi-class objects in optical remote sensing images is essential to many real-world applications such as urban planning, traffic control, searching and rescuing, etc. However, state-of-the-art object detection techniques designed for images captured using ground-level sensors usually experience a sharp performance drop when directly applied to remote sensing images, largely due to the object appearance differences in remote sensing images in term of sparse texture, low contrast, arbitrary orientations, large scale variations, etc. This paper presents a novel object detection network (CAD-Net) that exploits attention-modulated features as well as global and local contexts to address the new challenges in detecting objects from remote sensing images. The proposed CAD-Net learns global and local contexts of objects by capturing their correlations with the global scene (at scene-level) and the local neighboring objects or features (at object-level), respectively. In addition, it designs a spatial-and-scale-aware attention module that guides the network to focus on more informative regions and features as well as more appropriate feature scales. Experiments over two publicly available object detection datasets for remote sensing images demonstrate that the proposed CAD-Net achieves superior detection performance. The implementation codes will be made publicly available for facilitating future researches

    Deep learning for land cover and land use classification

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    Recent advances in sensor technologies have witnessed a vast amount of very fine spatial resolution (VFSR) remotely sensed imagery being collected on a daily basis. These VFSR images present fine spatial details that are spectrally and spatially complicated, thus posing huge challenges in automatic land cover (LC) and land use (LU) classification. Deep learning reignited the pursuit of artificial intelligence towards a general purpose machine to be able to perform any human-related tasks in an automated fashion. This is largely driven by the wave of excitement in deep machine learning to model the high-level abstractions through hierarchical feature representations without human-designed features or rules, which demonstrates great potential in identifying and characterising LC and LU patterns from VFSR imagery. In this thesis, a set of novel deep learning methods are developed for LC and LU image classification based on the deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) as an example. Several difficulties, however, are encountered when trying to apply the standard pixel-wise CNN for LC and LU classification using VFSR images, including geometric distortions, boundary uncertainties and huge computational redundancy. These technical challenges for LC classification were solved either using rule-based decision fusion or through uncertainty modelling using rough set theory. For land use, an object-based CNN method was proposed, in which each segmented object (a group of homogeneous pixels) was sampled and predicted by CNN with both within-object and between-object information. LU was, thus, classified with high accuracy and efficiency. Both LC and LU formulate a hierarchical ontology at the same geographical space, and such representations are modelled by their joint distribution, in which LC and LU are classified simultaneously through iteration. These developed deep learning techniques achieved by far the highest classification accuracy for both LC and LU, up to around 90% accuracy, about 5% higher than the existing deep learning methods, and 10% greater than traditional pixel-based and object-based approaches. This research made a significant contribution in LC and LU classification through deep learning based innovations, and has great potential utility in a wide range of geospatial applications