68 research outputs found

    Learning Generative ConvNets via Multi-grid Modeling and Sampling

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    This paper proposes a multi-grid method for learning energy-based generative ConvNet models of images. For each grid, we learn an energy-based probabilistic model where the energy function is defined by a bottom-up convolutional neural network (ConvNet or CNN). Learning such a model requires generating synthesized examples from the model. Within each iteration of our learning algorithm, for each observed training image, we generate synthesized images at multiple grids by initializing the finite-step MCMC sampling from a minimal 1 x 1 version of the training image. The synthesized image at each subsequent grid is obtained by a finite-step MCMC initialized from the synthesized image generated at the previous coarser grid. After obtaining the synthesized examples, the parameters of the models at multiple grids are updated separately and simultaneously based on the differences between synthesized and observed examples. We show that this multi-grid method can learn realistic energy-based generative ConvNet models, and it outperforms the original contrastive divergence (CD) and persistent CD.Comment: CVPR 201

    On the Anatomy of MCMC-Based Maximum Likelihood Learning of Energy-Based Models

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    This study investigates the effects of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling in unsupervised Maximum Likelihood (ML) learning. Our attention is restricted to the family of unnormalized probability densities for which the negative log density (or energy function) is a ConvNet. We find that many of the techniques used to stabilize training in previous studies are not necessary. ML learning with a ConvNet potential requires only a few hyper-parameters and no regularization. Using this minimal framework, we identify a variety of ML learning outcomes that depend solely on the implementation of MCMC sampling. On one hand, we show that it is easy to train an energy-based model which can sample realistic images with short-run Langevin. ML can be effective and stable even when MCMC samples have much higher energy than true steady-state samples throughout training. Based on this insight, we introduce an ML method with purely noise-initialized MCMC, high-quality short-run synthesis, and the same budget as ML with informative MCMC initialization such as CD or PCD. Unlike previous models, our energy model can obtain realistic high-diversity samples from a noise signal after training. On the other hand, ConvNet potentials learned with non-convergent MCMC do not have a valid steady-state and cannot be considered approximate unnormalized densities of the training data because long-run MCMC samples differ greatly from observed images. We show that it is much harder to train a ConvNet potential to learn a steady-state over realistic images. To our knowledge, long-run MCMC samples of all previous models lose the realism of short-run samples. With correct tuning of Langevin noise, we train the first ConvNet potentials for which long-run and steady-state MCMC samples are realistic images.Comment: Code available at: https://github.com/point0bar1/ebm-anatom

    A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Registration: New Technologies, Uncertainty, Evaluation Metrics, and Beyond

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    Over the past decade, deep learning technologies have greatly advanced the field of medical image registration. The initial developments, such as ResNet-based and U-Net-based networks, laid the groundwork for deep learning-driven image registration. Subsequent progress has been made in various aspects of deep learning-based registration, including similarity measures, deformation regularizations, and uncertainty estimation. These advancements have not only enriched the field of deformable image registration but have also facilitated its application in a wide range of tasks, including atlas construction, multi-atlas segmentation, motion estimation, and 2D-3D registration. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of the most recent advancements in deep learning-based image registration. We begin with a concise introduction to the core concepts of deep learning-based image registration. Then, we delve into innovative network architectures, loss functions specific to registration, and methods for estimating registration uncertainty. Additionally, this paper explores appropriate evaluation metrics for assessing the performance of deep learning models in registration tasks. Finally, we highlight the practical applications of these novel techniques in medical imaging and discuss the future prospects of deep learning-based image registration

    CLIP2Scene: Towards Label-efficient 3D Scene Understanding by CLIP

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    Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) achieves promising results in 2D zero-shot and few-shot learning. Despite the impressive performance in 2D, applying CLIP to help the learning in 3D scene understanding has yet to be explored. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate how CLIP knowledge benefits 3D scene understanding. We propose CLIP2Scene, a simple yet effective framework that transfers CLIP knowledge from 2D image-text pre-trained models to a 3D point cloud network. We show that the pre-trained 3D network yields impressive performance on various downstream tasks, i.e., annotation-free and fine-tuning with labelled data for semantic segmentation. Specifically, built upon CLIP, we design a Semantic-driven Cross-modal Contrastive Learning framework that pre-trains a 3D network via semantic and spatial-temporal consistency regularization. For the former, we first leverage CLIP's text semantics to select the positive and negative point samples and then employ the contrastive loss to train the 3D network. In terms of the latter, we force the consistency between the temporally coherent point cloud features and their corresponding image features. We conduct experiments on SemanticKITTI, nuScenes, and ScanNet. For the first time, our pre-trained network achieves annotation-free 3D semantic segmentation with 20.8% and 25.08% mIoU on nuScenes and ScanNet, respectively. When fine-tuned with 1% or 100% labelled data, our method significantly outperforms other self-supervised methods, with improvements of 8% and 1% mIoU, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generalizability for handling cross-domain datasets. Code is publicly available https://github.com/runnanchen/CLIP2Scene.Comment: CVPR 202

    Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People

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    Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.Comment: In press at Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Open call for commentary proposals (until Nov. 22, 2016). https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/information/calls-for-commentary/open-calls-for-commentar
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