2 research outputs found

    Analyzing and Learning Movement Through Human-Computer Co-Creative Improvisation and Data Visualization

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    Recent years have seen an incredible rise in the availability of household motion and video capture technologies, ranging from the humble webcam to the relatively sophisticated Kinect sensor. Naturally, this precipitated a rise in both the quantity and quality of motion capture data available on the internet. The wealth of data on the internet has caused a new interest in the field of motion data classification, the specific task of having a model classify and sort different clips of human motion. However, there is comparatively little work in the field of motion data clustering, which is an unsupervised field that may be more useful in the future as it allows for agents to recognize “categories” of motions without the need for user input or classified data. Systems that can cluster motion data focus more on “what type of motion data is this, and what is it similar to” rather than which motion is this. The LuminAI project, as described in this paper, is an example of a practical use for motion data clustering that allows the system to respond to user dance moves with a similar but different gesture. To analyze the efficacy and properties of this motion data clustering pipeline, we also propose a novel data visualization tool and the design considerations involved in its development.Undergraduat

    Embodying an Interactive AI for Dance Through Movement Ideation

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    What expectations exist in the minds of dancers when interacting with a generative machine learning model? During two workshop events, experienced dancers explore these expectations through improvisation and role-play, embodying an imagined AI-dancer. The dancers explored how intuited flow, shared images, and the concept of a human replica might work in their imagined AI-human interaction. Our findings challenge existing assumptions about what is desired from generative models of dance, such as expectations of realism, and how such systems should be evaluated. We further advocate that such models should celebrate non-human artefacts, focus on the potential for serendipitous moments of discovery, and that dance practitioners should be included in their development. Our concrete suggestions show how our findings can be adapted into the development of improved generative and interactive machine learning models for dancers’ creative practice