80,900 research outputs found

    Tubelet-Contrastive Self-Supervision for Video-Efficient Generalization

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    We propose a self-supervised method for learning motion-focused video representations. Existing approaches minimize distances between temporally augmented videos, which maintain high spatial similarity. We instead propose to learn similarities between videos with identical local motion dynamics but an otherwise different appearance. We do so by adding synthetic motion trajectories to videos which we refer to as tubelets. By simulating different tubelet motions and applying transformations, such as scaling and rotation, we introduce motion patterns beyond what is present in the pretraining data. This allows us to learn a video representation that is remarkably data efficient: our approach maintains performance when using only 25\% of the pretraining videos. Experiments on 10 diverse downstream settings demonstrate our competitive performance and generalizability to new domains and fine-grained actions.Comment: Accepted in ICCV 202

    Tubelet-Contrastive Self-Supervision for Video-Efficient Generalization

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    We propose a self-supervised method for learning motion-focused video representations. Existing approaches minimize distances between temporally augmented videos, which maintain high spatial similarity. We instead propose to learn similarities between videos with identical local motion dynamics but an otherwise different appearance. We do so by adding synthetic motion trajectories to videos which we refer to as tubelets. By simulating different tubelet motions and applying transformations, such as scaling and rotation, we introduce motion patterns beyond what is present in the pretraining data. This allows us to learn a video representation that is remarkably data efficient: our approach maintains performance when using only 25% of the pretraining videos. Experiments on 10 diverse downstream settings demonstrate our competitive performance and generalizability to new domains and fine-grained actions. Code is available at https://github.com/fmthoker/tubelet-contrast

    Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations via Dense Trajectory Clustering

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    This paper addresses the task of unsupervised learning of representations for action recognition in videos. Previous works proposed to utilize future prediction, or other domain-specific objectives to train a network, but achieved only limited success. In contrast, in the relevant field of image representation learning, simpler, discrimination-based methods have recently bridged the gap to fully-supervised performance. We first propose to adapt two top performing objectives in this class - instance recognition and local aggregation, to the video domain. In particular, the latter approach iterates between clustering the videos in the feature space of a network and updating it to respect the cluster with a non-parametric classification loss. We observe promising performance, but qualitative analysis shows that the learned representations fail to capture motion patterns, grouping the videos based on appearance. To mitigate this issue, we turn to the heuristic-based IDT descriptors, that were manually designed to encode motion patterns in videos. We form the clusters in the IDT space, using these descriptors as a an unsupervised prior in the iterative local aggregation algorithm. Our experiments demonstrates that this approach outperform prior work on UCF101 and HMDB51 action recognition benchmarks. We also qualitatively analyze the learned representations and show that they successfully capture video dynamics

    Self-Supervised Relative Depth Learning for Urban Scene Understanding

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    As an agent moves through the world, the apparent motion of scene elements is (usually) inversely proportional to their depth. It is natural for a learning agent to associate image patterns with the magnitude of their displacement over time: as the agent moves, faraway mountains don't move much; nearby trees move a lot. This natural relationship between the appearance of objects and their motion is a rich source of information about the world. In this work, we start by training a deep network, using fully automatic supervision, to predict relative scene depth from single images. The relative depth training images are automatically derived from simple videos of cars moving through a scene, using recent motion segmentation techniques, and no human-provided labels. This proxy task of predicting relative depth from a single image induces features in the network that result in large improvements in a set of downstream tasks including semantic segmentation, joint road segmentation and car detection, and monocular (absolute) depth estimation, over a network trained from scratch. The improvement on the semantic segmentation task is greater than those produced by any other automatically supervised methods. Moreover, for monocular depth estimation, our unsupervised pre-training method even outperforms supervised pre-training with ImageNet. In addition, we demonstrate benefits from learning to predict (unsupervised) relative depth in the specific videos associated with various downstream tasks. We adapt to the specific scenes in those tasks in an unsupervised manner to improve performance. In summary, for semantic segmentation, we present state-of-the-art results among methods that do not use supervised pre-training, and we even exceed the performance of supervised ImageNet pre-trained models for monocular depth estimation, achieving results that are comparable with state-of-the-art methods

    BRACE: The Breakdancing Competition Dataset for Dance Motion Synthesis

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    Generative models for audio-conditioned dance motion synthesis map music features to dance movements. Models are trained to associate motion patterns to audio patterns, usually without an explicit knowledge of the human body. This approach relies on a few assumptions: strong music-dance correlation, controlled motion data and relatively simple poses and movements. These characteristics are found in all existing datasets for dance motion synthesis, and indeed recent methods can achieve good results.We introduce a new dataset aiming to challenge these common assumptions, compiling a set of dynamic dance sequences displaying complex human poses. We focus on breakdancing which features acrobatic moves and tangled postures. We source our data from the Red Bull BC One competition videos. Estimating human keypoints from these videos is difficult due to the complexity of the dance, as well as the multiple moving cameras recording setup. We adopt a hybrid labelling pipeline leveraging deep estimation models as well as manual annotations to obtain good quality keypoint sequences at a reduced cost. Our efforts produced the BRACE dataset, which contains over 3 hours and 30 minutes of densely annotated poses. We test state-of-the-art methods on BRACE, showing their limitations when evaluated on complex sequences. Our dataset can readily foster advance in dance motion synthesis. With intricate poses and swift movements, models are forced to go beyond learning a mapping between modalities and reason more effectively about body structure and movements.Comment: ECCV 2022. Dataset available at https://github.com/dmoltisanti/brac
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