6 research outputs found

    Towards the Development of a Security Framework to Protect Against Social Networks Services Threats

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    Internal security attacks are malicious and sometimes inadvertent in nature. Although security policies, standards, awareness,strategies and tools currently are usually put in place, employees usually engage in risky behaviours that can jeopardizebusiness interest. The problem has become acute with the proliferation of Social Networks Services (SNS) that has nowconstitute a threat through which business enterprise data networks can be attacked, leading to information leakage andexternal intrusions. The direction of this research is to propose, develop and test a framework that can be used to guide andmitigate against security threats and vulnerabilities on Social Network Services. This paper presents our thoughts andattempt at such accomplishment.Keywords - Social networks, threats, security, intrusion and attacks

    Architectural approaches to build the Museum of the Person

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    The Museum of the Person (Museu da Pessoa, MP) is a virtual museum aimed at exhibiting life stories of common people. Its assets are composed of several interviews involving people whose stories we want to perpetuate. So the museum holds an heterogeneous collection of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents that constitute the working repository. The main idea is to extract automatically the information included in the repository in order to build the web pages that realize the museum's exhibition rooms. This project started by creating a specific ontology (OntoMP) for the knowledge repository of MP. That ontology is intended to allow a conceptual navigation over the available information. We will adopt the standard for museum ontologies CIDOC-CRM (CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model) refined with FOAF to represent OntoMP. The objective of this paper is to discuss different architectural approaches to build a system that will create the virtual rooms from the XML repository to enable visitors to lookup individual life stories and also intercross information among them. The first architecture is based on a TripleStore and uses SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) technology to extract the information, while the second proposal is based on a Relational Database and uses CaVa Generator to query the repository and build the exhibition spaces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Building Effective Ontology for Semantic Web: a Discussion Based on Practical Examples

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    The study aims to investigate semantic web and create useful ontology as a teaching and educational tool for others interested in learning more about Semantic web. This paper discussed several emerging issues about the semantic web and ontology building. This paper combines ontology implementation examples with research topics to identify current issues and potential solution in both application and theoretical level. It concludes that although semantic web and ontology technology are not mature enough currently, there is a clear tendency for them to be integrated into various applications to exert synergies

    An infrastructure for the development of Semantic Desktop applications

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    In einem permanent wachsenden Ausmaß wird unser Leben digital organisiert. Viele tagtĂ€gliche AktivitĂ€ten manifestieren sich (auch) in digitaler Form: einerseits explizit, wenn digitale Informationen fĂŒr Arbeitsaufgaben oder in der Freizeit entstehen und verwendet werden; andererseits auch implizit, wenn Informationen indirekt, als Konsequenz unseres Handelns, erzeugt oder manipuliert wird. Ein großer Teil dieser InformationsbestĂ€nde ist persönlicher Natur, d.h., diese Information hat einen bestimmten Bezug zu uns als Person. Die Speicher- und Rechenleistung der GerĂ€te, mit denen wir ĂŒblicherweise mit solchen persönlichen Daten interagieren, wurde in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich erhöht, und es besteht Grund zur Annahme, dass sich diese Entwicklung in der Zukunft fortsetzt. WĂ€hrend also die physische Leistung von Datenspeichern enorm erhöht wurde, hat deren logische und organisatorische Leistung seit der Erfindung der ersten Personal Computer praktisch stagniert. Nach wie vor sind hierarchische Dateisysteme der de-facto-Standard fĂŒr die Organisation von persönlichen Daten. Solche Dateisysteme reprĂ€sentieren Daten als diskrete Einheiten (Dateien), die BlĂ€tter eines Baums von beschrifteten Knoten (Verzeichnisse) darstellen. Die Unterteilung des persönlichen Datenraums in kleine Einheiten unterstĂŒtzt die Handhabung solcher Strukturen durch den Menschen, allerdings können viele Arten von Organisationsinformation nicht adĂ€quat in einer Baumstruktur dargestellt werden. Dies wirkt sich negativ auf die QualitĂ€t der Datenorganisation aus. Aktuelle Forschung im Bereich Personal Information Management liefert zwar mögliche AnsĂ€tze, um hierarchische Systeme zu ersetzen, tendiert jedoch manchmal dazu, die Arbeit mit Information ĂŒberzuformalisieren. Dies ist insbesondere kritisch, weil der durchschnittliche Anwender von PIM-Systemen ĂŒber keine Erfahrung mit komplexen logischen Systemen verfĂŒgt. Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert ein alternatives Organisationsmodell fĂŒr persönliche Daten, die darauf abzielt, eine Balance zwischen der unstrukturierten Charakteristik von Dateisystemen und den formalen Eigenschaften von logik-basierten Systemen zu finden. Nach einer vergleichenden Studie der aktuellen Forschungssituation im Bereich Semantic Desktop und Personal Information Management wird dieses Modell auf drei Ebenen vorgestellt. ZunĂ€chst wird ein abstraktes Modell sowie eine Abfrage-Algebra in Form von abstrakten Operationen auf dieses Modell vorgestellt. Dieses Modell erlaubt die Abbildung von im Personal Information Management gebrĂ€uchlichen Daten, aber erfordert keine völlige Umstellung auf Seiten des Benutzers. Anschließend wird dieses abstrakte Modell in konkreten ReprĂ€sentationen ĂŒbergefĂŒhrt, und es wird gezeigt, wie diese ReprĂ€sentationen effizient bearbeitet, gespeichert, und ausgetauscht werden können. Schließlich wird die Anwendung dieses Modells anhand von konkreten prototypischen Implementierungen gezeigt.The extent to which our daily lives are digitized is continuously growing. Many of our everyday activities manifest themselves in digital form; either in an explicit way, when we actively use digital information for work or spare time; or in an implicit way, when information is indirectly created or manipulated as a consequence of our action. A large fraction of these data volumes can be considered as personal information, that is, information that has a certain class of relationship to us as human beings. The storage and processing capacity of the devices that we use to interact with these data has been enormously increasing over the last years, and we can expect this development to continue in the future. However, while the power of physical data storage is permanently increasing, the development of logical data organization power of personal devices has been stagnating since the invention of the first personal computers. Still, hierarchical file systems are the de-facto standard for data organization on personal devices. File systems represent information as a set of discrete data units (files) that are arranged as leaves on a tree of labeled nodes (directories). This structure, on the one hand, can be easily understood by humans, since the separation into small information units supports the manual manageability of the personal data space, in comparison to systems that employ continuous data structures. On the other hand, hierarchical structures suffer from a number of deficiencies which have negative impact on the quality of personal information management, and it lacks of expressive mechanisms which in turn would help to improve information retrieval according to user needs. Significant research effort has been invested in order to improve the mechanisms for personal information management. The resulting works represent potential alternatives or supplements for systems in place, but sometimes run the risk of over-formalizing information management; a problem that is especially apparent in situations where a non-expert end user is the direct consumer of such services. The contribution of this thesis is to present an alternative organizational model for management of personal data that strikes a balance between the unstructured nature of file systems and the highly formal characteristics of logic-based systems. After a comparative analysis of the current situation and recent research effort in this direction, it describes this organizational metaphor on three levels: First, on a conceptual level, it discusses an abstract data model, a corresponding query algebra, and a set of abstract operations on this data model. This formal framework is suitable to represent common data structures and usage patterns that can be found in personal information management, but on the same time does not enforce a complete paradigm shift away from established systems. Second, on a representation level, it discusses how this model can be efficiently processed, stored, and exchanged between different systems. Third, on an implementation level, it describes how concrete realizations of this data model can be built and used in various application scenarios