231 research outputs found

    A Deep Learning based Fast Signed Distance Map Generation

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    Signed distance map (SDM) is a common representation of surfaces in medical image analysis and machine learning. The computational complexity of SDM for 3D parametric shapes is often a bottleneck in many applications, thus limiting their interest. In this paper, we propose a learning based SDM generation neural network which is demonstrated on a tridimensional cochlea shape model parameterized by 4 shape parameters. The proposed SDM Neural Network generates a cochlea signed distance map depending on four input parameters and we show that the deep learning approach leads to a 60 fold improvement in the time of computation compared to more classical SDM generation methods. Therefore, the proposed approach achieves a good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency

    Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation

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    Generative models for 3D geometric data arise in many important applications in 3D computer vision and graphics. In this paper, we focus on 3D deformable shapes that share a common topological structure, such as human faces and bodies. Morphable Models and their variants, despite their linear formulation, have been widely used for shape representation, while most of the recently proposed nonlinear approaches resort to intermediate representations, such as 3D voxel grids or 2D views. In this work, we introduce a novel graph convolutional operator, acting directly on the 3D mesh, that explicitly models the inductive bias of the fixed underlying graph. This is achieved by enforcing consistent local orderings of the vertices of the graph, through the spiral operator, thus breaking the permutation invariance property that is adopted by all the prior work on Graph Neural Networks. Our operator comes by construction with desirable properties (anisotropic, topology-aware, lightweight, easy-to-optimise), and by using it as a building block for traditional deep generative architectures, we demonstrate state-of-the-art results on a variety of 3D shape datasets compared to the linear Morphable Model and other graph convolutional operators.Comment: to appear at ICCV 201

    Pix2Surf: Learning Parametric 3D Surface Models of Objects from Images

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    We investigate the problem of learning to generate 3D parametric surface representations for novel object instances, as seen from one or more views. Previous work on learning shape reconstruction from multiple views uses discrete representations such as point clouds or voxels, while continuous surface generation approaches lack multi-view consistency. We address these issues by designing neural networks capable of generating high-quality parametric 3D surfaces which are also consistent between views. Furthermore, the generated 3D surfaces preserve accurate image pixel to 3D surface point correspondences, allowing us to lift texture information to reconstruct shapes with rich geometry and appearance. Our method is supervised and trained on a public dataset of shapes from common object categories. Quantitative results indicate that our method significantly outperforms previous work, while qualitative results demonstrate the high quality of our reconstructions.Comment: ECCV 202

    Implicit Feature Networks for Texture Completion from Partial 3D Data

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    Prior work to infer 3D texture use either texture atlases, which require uv-mappings and hence have discontinuities, or colored voxels, which are memory inefficient and limited in resolution. Recent work, predicts RGB color at every XYZ coordinate forming a texture field, but focus on completing texture given a single 2D image. Instead, we focus on 3D texture and geometry completion from partial and incomplete 3D scans. IF-Nets have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on 3D geometry completion using a multi-scale deep feature encoding, but the outputs lack texture. In this work, we generalize IF-Nets to texture completion from partial textured scans of humans and arbitrary objects. Our key insight is that 3D texture completion benefits from incorporating local and global deep features extracted from both the 3D partial texture and completed geometry. Specifically, given the partial 3D texture and the 3D geometry completed with IF-Nets, our model successfully in-paints the missing texture parts in consistence with the completed geometry. Our model won the SHARP ECCV'20 challenge, achieving highest performance on all challenges.Comment: SHARP Workshop, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 202

    Landmark-Free Statistical Shape Modeling Via Neural Flow Deformations

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    Statistical shape modeling aims at capturing shape variations of an anatomical structure that occur within a given population. Shape models are employed in many tasks, such as shape reconstruction and image segmentation, but also shape generation and classification. Existing shape priors either require dense correspondence between training examples or lack robustness and topological guarantees. We present FlowSSM, a novel shape modeling approach that learns shape variability without requiring dense correspondence between training instances. It relies on a hierarchy of continuous deformation flows, which are parametrized by a neural network. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in providing an expressive and robust shape prior for distal femur and liver. We show that the emerging latent representation is discriminative by separating healthy from pathological shapes. Ultimately, we demonstrate its effectiveness on two shape reconstruction tasks from partial data. Our source code is publicly available (https://github.com/davecasp/flowssm)