17 research outputs found

    Adversarial Directed Graph Embedding

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    Node representation learning for directed graphs is critically important to facilitate many graph mining tasks. To capture the directed edges between nodes, existing methods mostly learn two embedding vectors for each node, source vector and target vector. However, these methods learn the source and target vectors separately. For the node with very low indegree or outdegree, the corresponding target vector or source vector cannot be effectively learned. In this paper, we propose a novel Directed Graph embedding framework based on Generative Adversarial Network, called DGGAN. The main idea is to use adversarial mechanisms to deploy a discriminator and two generators that jointly learn each node's source and target vectors. For a given node, the two generators are trained to generate its fake target and source neighbor nodes from the same underlying distribution, and the discriminator aims to distinguish whether a neighbor node is real or fake. The two generators are formulated into a unified framework and could mutually reinforce each other to learn more robust source and target vectors. Extensive experiments show that DGGAN consistently and significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods across multiple graph mining tasks on directed graphs.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    CONVERT:Contrastive Graph Clustering with Reliable Augmentation

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    Contrastive graph node clustering via learnable data augmentation is a hot research spot in the field of unsupervised graph learning. The existing methods learn the sampling distribution of a pre-defined augmentation to generate data-driven augmentations automatically. Although promising clustering performance has been achieved, we observe that these strategies still rely on pre-defined augmentations, the semantics of the augmented graph can easily drift. The reliability of the augmented view semantics for contrastive learning can not be guaranteed, thus limiting the model performance. To address these problems, we propose a novel CONtrastiVe Graph ClustEring network with Reliable AugmenTation (COVERT). Specifically, in our method, the data augmentations are processed by the proposed reversible perturb-recover network. It distills reliable semantic information by recovering the perturbed latent embeddings. Moreover, to further guarantee the reliability of semantics, a novel semantic loss is presented to constrain the network via quantifying the perturbation and recovery. Lastly, a label-matching mechanism is designed to guide the model by clustering information through aligning the semantic labels and the selected high-confidence clustering pseudo labels. Extensive experimental results on seven datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. We release the code and appendix of CONVERT at https://github.com/xihongyang1999/CONVERT on GitHub

    Greedy PIG: Adaptive Integrated Gradients

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    Deep learning has become the standard approach for most machine learning tasks. While its impact is undeniable, interpreting the predictions of deep learning models from a human perspective remains a challenge. In contrast to model training, model interpretability is harder to quantify and pose as an explicit optimization problem. Inspired by the AUC softmax information curve (AUC SIC) metric for evaluating feature attribution methods, we propose a unified discrete optimization framework for feature attribution and feature selection based on subset selection. This leads to a natural adaptive generalization of the path integrated gradients (PIG) method for feature attribution, which we call Greedy PIG. We demonstrate the success of Greedy PIG on a wide variety of tasks, including image feature attribution, graph compression/explanation, and post-hoc feature selection on tabular data. Our results show that introducing adaptivity is a powerful and versatile method for making attribution methods more powerful