241 research outputs found

    Learning a spin glass: determining Hamiltonians from metastable states

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    We study the problem of determining the Hamiltonian of a fully connected Ising Spin Glass of NN units from a set of measurements, whose sizes needs to be O(N2){\cal O}(N^2) bits. The student-teacher scenario, used to study learning in feed-forward neural networks, is here extended to spin systems with arbitrary couplings. The set of measurements consists of data about the local minima of the rugged energy landscape. We compare simulations and analytical approximations for the resulting learning curves obtained by using different algorithms.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Physica

    Statistical physics and practical training of soft-committee machines

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    Equilibrium states of large layered neural networks with differentiable activation function and a single, linear output unit are investigated using the replica formalism. The quenched free energy of a student network with a very large number of hidden units learning a rule of perfectly matching complexity is calculated analytically. The system undergoes a first order phase transition from unspecialized to specialized student configurations at a critical size of the training set. Computer simulations of learning by stochastic gradient descent from a fixed training set demonstrate that the equilibrium results describe quantitatively the plateau states which occur in practical training procedures at sufficiently small but finite learning rates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Pruning training sets for learning of object categories

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    Training datasets for learning of object categories are often contaminated or imperfect. We explore an approach to automatically identify examples that are noisy or troublesome for learning and exclude them from the training set. The problem is relevant to learning in semi-supervised or unsupervised setting, as well as to learning when the training data is contaminated with wrongly labeled examples or when correctly labeled, but hard to learn examples, are present. We propose a fully automatic mechanism for noise cleaning, called ’data pruning’, and demonstrate its success on learning of human faces. It is not assumed that the data or the noise can be modeled or that additional training examples are available. Our experiments show that data pruning can improve on generalization performance for algorithms with various robustness to noise. It outperforms methods with regularization properties and is superior to commonly applied aggregation methods, such as bagging

    Noise-Tolerant Learning, the Parity Problem, and the Statistical Query Model

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    We describe a slightly sub-exponential time algorithm for learning parity functions in the presence of random classification noise. This results in a polynomial-time algorithm for the case of parity functions that depend on only the first O(log n log log n) bits of input. This is the first known instance of an efficient noise-tolerant algorithm for a concept class that is provably not learnable in the Statistical Query model of Kearns. Thus, we demonstrate that the set of problems learnable in the statistical query model is a strict subset of those problems learnable in the presence of noise in the PAC model. In coding-theory terms, what we give is a poly(n)-time algorithm for decoding linear k by n codes in the presence of random noise for the case of k = c log n loglog n for some c > 0. (The case of k = O(log n) is trivial since one can just individually check each of the 2^k possible messages and choose the one that yields the closest codeword.) A natural extension of the statistical query model is to allow queries about statistical properties that involve t-tuples of examples (as opposed to single examples). The second result of this paper is to show that any class of functions learnable (strongly or weakly) with t-wise queries for t = O(log n) is also weakly learnable with standard unary queries. Hence this natural extension to the statistical query model does not increase the set of weakly learnable functions

    Crowdsourced PAC Learning under Classification Noise

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    In this paper, we analyze PAC learnability from labels produced by crowdsourcing. In our setting, unlabeled examples are drawn from a distribution and labels are crowdsourced from workers who operate under classification noise, each with their own noise parameter. We develop an end-to-end crowdsourced PAC learning algorithm that takes unlabeled data points as input and outputs a trained classifier. Our three-step algorithm incorporates majority voting, pure-exploration bandits, and noisy-PAC learning. We prove several guarantees on the number of tasks labeled by workers for PAC learning in this setting and show that our algorithm improves upon the baseline by reducing the total number of tasks given to workers. We demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm by exploring its application to additional realistic crowdsourcing settings.Comment: 14 page
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