475,729 research outputs found

    Learning Multi-Scale Representations for Material Classification

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    The recent progress in sparse coding and deep learning has made unsupervised feature learning methods a strong competitor to hand-crafted descriptors. In computer vision, success stories of learned features have been predominantly reported for object recognition tasks. In this paper, we investigate if and how feature learning can be used for material recognition. We propose two strategies to incorporate scale information into the learning procedure resulting in a novel multi-scale coding procedure. Our results show that our learned features for material recognition outperform hand-crafted descriptors on the FMD and the KTH-TIPS2 material classification benchmarks

    Cortical mechanisms of sensory learning and object recognition

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    Learning about the world through our senses constrains our ability to recognise our surroundings. Experience shapes perception. What is the neural basis for object recognition and how are learning-induced changes in recognition manifested in neural populations? We consider first the location of neurons that appear to be critical for object recognition, before describing what is known about their function. Two complementary processes of object recognition are considered: discrimination among diagnostic object features and generalization across non-diagnostic features. Neural plasticity appears to underlie the development of discrimination and generalization for a given set of features, though tracking these changes directly over the course of learning has remained an elusive task

    Multi-level 3D CNN for Learning Multi-scale Spatial Features

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    3D object recognition accuracy can be improved by learning the multi-scale spatial features from 3D spatial geometric representations of objects such as point clouds, 3D models, surfaces, and RGB-D data. Current deep learning approaches learn such features either using structured data representations (voxel grids and octrees) or from unstructured representations (graphs and point clouds). Learning features from such structured representations is limited by the restriction on resolution and tree depth while unstructured representations creates a challenge due to non-uniformity among data samples. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end multi-level learning approach on a multi-level voxel grid to overcome these drawbacks. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed multi-level learning, we use a multi-level voxel representation of 3D objects to perform object recognition. The multi-level voxel representation consists of a coarse voxel grid that contains volumetric information of the 3D object. In addition, each voxel in the coarse grid that contains a portion of the object boundary is subdivided into multiple fine-level voxel grids. The performance of our multi-level learning algorithm for object recognition is comparable to dense voxel representations while using significantly lower memory.Comment: CVPR 2019 workshop on Deep Learning for Geometric Shape Understandin