407 research outputs found

    Tensor Decompositions for Signal Processing Applications From Two-way to Multiway Component Analysis

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    The widespread use of multi-sensor technology and the emergence of big datasets has highlighted the limitations of standard flat-view matrix models and the necessity to move towards more versatile data analysis tools. We show that higher-order tensors (i.e., multiway arrays) enable such a fundamental paradigm shift towards models that are essentially polynomial and whose uniqueness, unlike the matrix methods, is guaranteed under verymild and natural conditions. Benefiting fromthe power ofmultilinear algebra as theirmathematical backbone, data analysis techniques using tensor decompositions are shown to have great flexibility in the choice of constraints that match data properties, and to find more general latent components in the data than matrix-based methods. A comprehensive introduction to tensor decompositions is provided from a signal processing perspective, starting from the algebraic foundations, via basic Canonical Polyadic and Tucker models, through to advanced cause-effect and multi-view data analysis schemes. We show that tensor decompositions enable natural generalizations of some commonly used signal processing paradigms, such as canonical correlation and subspace techniques, signal separation, linear regression, feature extraction and classification. We also cover computational aspects, and point out how ideas from compressed sensing and scientific computing may be used for addressing the otherwise unmanageable storage and manipulation problems associated with big datasets. The concepts are supported by illustrative real world case studies illuminating the benefits of the tensor framework, as efficient and promising tools for modern signal processing, data analysis and machine learning applications; these benefits also extend to vector/matrix data through tensorization. Keywords: ICA, NMF, CPD, Tucker decomposition, HOSVD, tensor networks, Tensor Train

    Stable, Robust and Super Fast Reconstruction of Tensors Using Multi-Way Projections

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    In the framework of multidimensional Compressed Sensing (CS), we introduce an analytical reconstruction formula that allows one to recover an NNth-order (I1×I2×⋯×IN)(I_1\times I_2\times \cdots \times I_N) data tensor X‾\underline{\mathbf{X}} from a reduced set of multi-way compressive measurements by exploiting its low multilinear-rank structure. Moreover, we show that, an interesting property of multi-way measurements allows us to build the reconstruction based on compressive linear measurements taken only in two selected modes, independently of the tensor order NN. In addition, it is proved that, in the matrix case and in a particular case with 33rd-order tensors where the same 2D sensor operator is applied to all mode-3 slices, the proposed reconstruction X‾τ\underline{\mathbf{X}}_\tau is stable in the sense that the approximation error is comparable to the one provided by the best low-multilinear-rank approximation, where τ\tau is a threshold parameter that controls the approximation error. Through the analysis of the upper bound of the approximation error we show that, in the 2D case, an optimal value for the threshold parameter τ=τ0>0\tau=\tau_0 > 0 exists, which is confirmed by our simulation results. On the other hand, our experiments on 3D datasets show that very good reconstructions are obtained using τ=0\tau=0, which means that this parameter does not need to be tuned. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate the stability and robustness of the method when it is applied to real-world 2D and 3D signals. A comparison with state-of-the-arts sparsity based CS methods specialized for multidimensional signals is also included. A very attractive characteristic of the proposed method is that it provides a direct computation, i.e. it is non-iterative in contrast to all existing sparsity based CS algorithms, thus providing super fast computations, even for large datasets.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Blind Multilinear Identification

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    We discuss a technique that allows blind recovery of signals or blind identification of mixtures in instances where such recovery or identification were previously thought to be impossible: (i) closely located or highly correlated sources in antenna array processing, (ii) highly correlated spreading codes in CDMA radio communication, (iii) nearly dependent spectra in fluorescent spectroscopy. This has important implications --- in the case of antenna array processing, it allows for joint localization and extraction of multiple sources from the measurement of a noisy mixture recorded on multiple sensors in an entirely deterministic manner. In the case of CDMA, it allows the possibility of having a number of users larger than the spreading gain. In the case of fluorescent spectroscopy, it allows for detection of nearly identical chemical constituents. The proposed technique involves the solution of a bounded coherence low-rank multilinear approximation problem. We show that bounded coherence allows us to establish existence and uniqueness of the recovered solution. We will provide some statistical motivation for the approximation problem and discuss greedy approximation bounds. To provide the theoretical underpinnings for this technique, we develop a corresponding theory of sparse separable decompositions of functions, including notions of rank and nuclear norm that specialize to the usual ones for matrices and operators but apply to also hypermatrices and tensors.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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