5 research outputs found

    Learn While You Earn: Two Approaches to Learning Auction Parameters in Take-it-or-leave-it Auctions

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    Much of the research in auction theory assumes that the auctioneer knows the distribution of participants ’ valuations with complete certainty. However, this is unrealistic. Thus, we analyse cases in which the auctioneer is uncertain about the valuation distributions; specifically, we consider a repeated auction setting in which the auctioneer can learn these distributions. Using take-it-or-leave-it auctions (Sandholm and Gilpin, 2006) as an exemplar auction format, we consider two auction design criteria. Firstly, an auctioneer could maximise expected revenue each time the auction is held. Secondly, an auctioneer could maximise the information gained in earlier auctions (as measured by the Kullback-Liebler divergence between its posterior and prior) to develop good estimates of the unknowns, which are later exploited to improve the revenue earned in the long-run. Simulation results comparing the two criteria indicate that setting offers to maximise revenue does not significantly detract from learning performance, but optimising offers for information gain substantially reduces expected revenue while not producing significantly better parameter estimates

    Fraction auctions: the tradeoff between effciency and running time

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    This paper studies the sales of a single indivisible object where bidders have continuous valuations. In Grigorieva et al. [13] it was shown that, in this setting, query auctions necessarily allocate inefficiently in equilibrium. In this paper we propose a new sequential auction, called the c-fraction auction. We show c-fraction auctions guarantee approximate efficiency at any desired level of accuracy, independent of the number of bidders. We discuss the running time and the efficiency in the ex-post equilibrium of the auction. We show that by changing the parameter c of the auction we can trade off efficiency against running time.operations research and management science;

    Optimal Design Of English Auctions With Discrete Bid Levels

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    This paper considers a form of ascending price English auction widely used in both live and online auctions. This discrete bid auction requires that the bidders submit bids at predetermined discrete bid levels, and thus, there exists a minimal increment by which the bid price may be raised. In contrast, the academic literature of optimal auction design deals almost solely with continuous bid auctions. As a result, there is little practical guidance as to how an auctioneer, seeking to maximize its revenue, should determine the number and value of these discrete bid levels, and it is this omission that is addressed here. To this end, a model of a discrete bid auction from the literature is considered, and an expression for the expected revenue of this auction is derived. This expression is used to determine both numerical and analytical solutions for the optimal bid levels, and uniform and exponential bidder’s valuation distributions are compared. Finally, the limiting case where the number of discrete bid levels is large is considered. An analytical expression for the distribution of the optimal discrete bid levels is derived, and an intuitive understanding of how this distribution maximizes the revenue of the auction is developed

    Learning Environmental Parameters For The Design Of Optimal English Auctions With Discrete Bid Levels

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    In this paper we consider the optimal design of English auctions with discrete bid levels. Such auctions are widely used in online internet settings and our aim is to automate their configuration in order that they generate the maximum revenue for the auctioneer. Specifically, we address the problem of estimating the values of the parameters necessary to perform this optimal auction design by observing the bidding in previous auctions. To this end, we derive a general expression that relates the expected revenue of the auction when discrete bid levels are implemented, but the number of participating bidders is unknown. We then use this result to show that the characteristics of these optimal bid levels are highly dependent on the expected number of bidders and on their valuation distribution. Finally, we derive and demonstrate an online algorithm based on Bayesian machine learning, that allows these unknown parameters to be estimated through observations of the closing price of previous auctions. We show experimentally that this algorithm converges rapidly toward the true parameter values and, in comparison with an auction using the more commonly implemented fixed bid increment, results in an increase in auction revenue