48,438 research outputs found

    Learning Classical Planning Strategies with Policy Gradient

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    A common paradigm in classical planning is heuristic forward search. Forward search planners often rely on simple best-first search which remains fixed throughout the search process. In this paper, we introduce a novel search framework capable of alternating between several forward search approaches while solving a particular planning problem. Selection of the approach is performed using a trainable stochastic policy, mapping the state of the search to a probability distribution over the approaches. This enables using policy gradient to learn search strategies tailored to a specific distributions of planning problems and a selected performance metric, e.g. the IPC score. We instantiate the framework by constructing a policy space consisting of five search approaches and a two-dimensional representation of the planner's state. Then, we train the system on randomly generated problems from five IPC domains using three different performance metrics. Our experimental results show that the learner is able to discover domain-specific search strategies, improving the planner's performance relative to the baselines of plain best-first search and a uniform policy.Comment: Accepted for ICAPS 201

    Portfolio-based Planning: State of the Art, Common Practice and Open Challenges

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    In recent years the field of automated planning has significantly advanced and several powerful domain-independent planners have been developed. However, none of these systems clearly outperforms all the others in every known benchmark domain. This observation motivated the idea of configuring and exploiting a portfolio of planners to perform better than any individual planner: some recent planning systems based on this idea achieved significantly good results in experimental analysis and International Planning Competitions. Such results let us suppose that future challenges of the Automated Planning community will converge on designing different approaches for combining existing planning algorithms. This paper reviews existing techniques and provides an exhaustive guide to portfolio-based planning. In addition, the paper outlines open issues of existing approaches and highlights possible future evolution of these techniques

    Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs

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    In this work, we present a method for node embedding in temporal graphs. We propose an algorithm that learns the evolution of a temporal graph's nodes and edges over time and incorporates this dynamics in a temporal node embedding framework for different graph prediction tasks. We present a joint loss function that creates a temporal embedding of a node by learning to combine its historical temporal embeddings, such that it optimizes per given task (e.g., link prediction). The algorithm is initialized using static node embeddings, which are then aligned over the representations of a node at different time points, and eventually adapted for the given task in a joint optimization. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach over a variety of temporal graphs for the two fundamental tasks of temporal link prediction and multi-label node classification, comparing to competitive baselines and algorithmic alternatives. Our algorithm shows performance improvements across many of the datasets and baselines and is found particularly effective for graphs that are less cohesive, with a lower clustering coefficient

    Representation Learning on Graphs: A Reinforcement Learning Application

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    In this work, we study value function approximation in reinforcement learning (RL) problems with high dimensional state or action spaces via a generalized version of representation policy iteration (RPI). We consider the limitations of proto-value functions (PVFs) at accurately approximating the value function in low dimensions and we highlight the importance of features learning for an improved low-dimensional value function approximation. Then, we adopt different representation learning algorithm on graphs to learn the basis functions that best represent the value function. We empirically show that node2vec, an algorithm for scalable feature learning in networks, and the Variational Graph Auto-Encoder constantly outperform the commonly used smooth proto-value functions in low-dimensional feature space
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