23 research outputs found

    Multi-task Learning of Pairwise Sequence Classification Tasks Over Disparate Label Spaces

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    We combine multi-task learning and semi-supervised learning by inducing a joint embedding space between disparate label spaces and learning transfer functions between label embeddings, enabling us to jointly leverage unlabelled data and auxiliary, annotated datasets. We evaluate our approach on a variety of sequence classification tasks with disparate label spaces. We outperform strong single and multi-task baselines and achieve a new state-of-the-art for topic-based sentiment analysis.Comment: To appear at NAACL 2018 (long

    Hierarchical Network with Label Embedding for Contextual Emotion Recognition

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    Emotion recognition has been used widely in various applications such as mental health monitoring and emotional management. Usually, emotion recognition is regarded as a text classification task. Emotion recognition is a more complex problem, and the relations of emotions expressed in a text are nonnegligible. In this paper, a hierarchical model with label embedding is proposed for contextual emotion recognition. Especially, a hierarchical model is utilized to learn the emotional representation of a given sentence based on its contextual information. To give emotion correlation-based recognition, a label embedding matrix is trained by joint learning, which contributes to the final prediction. Comparison experiments are conducted on Chinese emotional corpus RenCECps, and the experimental results indicate that our approach has a satisfying performance in textual emotion recognition task

    Constructing Artificial Data for Fine-tuning for Low-Resource Biomedical Text Tagging with Applications in PICO Annotation

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    Biomedical text tagging systems are plagued by the dearth of labeled training data. There have been recent attempts at using pre-trained encoders to deal with this issue. Pre-trained encoder provides representation of the input text which is then fed to task-specific layers for classification. The entire network is fine-tuned on the labeled data from the target task. Unfortunately, a low-resource biomedical task often has too few labeled instances for satisfactory fine-tuning. Also, if the label space is large, it contains few or no labeled instances for majority of the labels. Most biomedical tagging systems treat labels as indexes, ignoring the fact that these labels are often concepts expressed in natural language e.g. `Appearance of lesion on brain imaging'. To address these issues, we propose constructing extra labeled instances using label-text (i.e. label's name) as input for the corresponding label-index (i.e. label's index). In fact, we propose a number of strategies for manufacturing multiple artificial labeled instances from a single label. The network is then fine-tuned on a combination of real and these newly constructed artificial labeled instances. We evaluate the proposed approach on an important low-resource biomedical task called \textit{PICO annotation}, which requires tagging raw text describing clinical trials with labels corresponding to different aspects of the trial i.e. PICO (Population, Intervention/Control, Outcome) characteristics of the trial. Our empirical results show that the proposed method achieves a new state-of-the-art performance for PICO annotation with very significant improvements over competitive baselines.Comment: International Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI-20); AAAI-2

    Look, Read and Feel: Benchmarking Ads Understanding with Multimodal Multitask Learning

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    Given the massive market of advertising and the sharply increasing online multimedia content (such as videos), it is now fashionable to promote advertisements (ads) together with the multimedia content. It is exhausted to find relevant ads to match the provided content manually, and hence, some automatic advertising techniques are developed. Since ads are usually hard to understand only according to its visual appearance due to the contained visual metaphor, some other modalities, such as the contained texts, should be exploited for understanding. To further improve user experience, it is necessary to understand both the topic and sentiment of the ads. This motivates us to develop a novel deep multimodal multitask framework to integrate multiple modalities to achieve effective topic and sentiment prediction simultaneously for ads understanding. In particular, our model first extracts multimodal information from ads and learn high-level and comparable representations. The visual metaphor of the ad is decoded in an unsupervised manner. The obtained representations are then fed into the proposed hierarchical multimodal attention modules to learn task-specific representations for final prediction. A multitask loss function is also designed to train both the topic and sentiment prediction models jointly in an end-to-end manner. We conduct extensive experiments on the latest and large advertisement dataset and achieve state-of-the-art performance for both prediction tasks. The obtained results could be utilized as a benchmark for ads understanding.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure