231 research outputs found

    Learning DNFs under product distributions via {\mu}-biased quantum Fourier sampling

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    We show that DNF formulae can be quantum PAC-learned in polynomial time under product distributions using a quantum example oracle. The best classical algorithm (without access to membership queries) runs in superpolynomial time. Our result extends the work by Bshouty and Jackson (1998) that proved that DNF formulae are efficiently learnable under the uniform distribution using a quantum example oracle. Our proof is based on a new quantum algorithm that efficiently samples the coefficients of a {\mu}-biased Fourier transform.Comment: 17 pages; v3 based on journal version; minor corrections and clarification

    A Quantum Computational Learning Algorithm

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    An interesting classical result due to Jackson allows polynomial-time learning of the function class DNF using membership queries. Since in most practical learning situations access to a membership oracle is unrealistic, this paper explores the possibility that quantum computation might allow a learning algorithm for DNF that relies only on example queries. A natural extension of Fourier-based learning into the quantum domain is presented. The algorithm requires only an example oracle, and it runs in O(sqrt(2^n)) time, a result that appears to be classically impossible. The algorithm is unique among quantum algorithms in that it does not assume a priori knowledge of a function and does not operate on a superposition that includes all possible states.Comment: This is a reworked and improved version of a paper originally entitled "Quantum Harmonic Sieve: Learning DNF Using a Classical Example Oracle

    A Survey of Quantum Learning Theory

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    This paper surveys quantum learning theory: the theoretical aspects of machine learning using quantum computers. We describe the main results known for three models of learning: exact learning from membership queries, and Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) and agnostic learning from classical or quantum examples.Comment: 26 pages LaTeX. v2: many small changes to improve the presentation. This version will appear as Complexity Theory Column in SIGACT News in June 2017. v3: fixed a small ambiguity in the definition of gamma(C) and updated a referenc

    Quantum Algorithms for Learning and Testing Juntas

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    In this article we develop quantum algorithms for learning and testing juntas, i.e. Boolean functions which depend only on an unknown set of k out of n input variables. Our aim is to develop efficient algorithms: - whose sample complexity has no dependence on n, the dimension of the domain the Boolean functions are defined over; - with no access to any classical or quantum membership ("black-box") queries. Instead, our algorithms use only classical examples generated uniformly at random and fixed quantum superpositions of such classical examples; - which require only a few quantum examples but possibly many classical random examples (which are considered quite "cheap" relative to quantum examples). Our quantum algorithms are based on a subroutine FS which enables sampling according to the Fourier spectrum of f; the FS subroutine was used in earlier work of Bshouty and Jackson on quantum learning. Our results are as follows: - We give an algorithm for testing k-juntas to accuracy ϵ\epsilon that uses O(k/ϵ)O(k/\epsilon) quantum examples. This improves on the number of examples used by the best known classical algorithm. - We establish the following lower bound: any FS-based k-junta testing algorithm requires Ω(k)\Omega(\sqrt{k}) queries. - We give an algorithm for learning kk-juntas to accuracy ϵ\epsilon that uses O(ϵ1klogk)O(\epsilon^{-1} k\log k) quantum examples and O(2klog(1/ϵ))O(2^k \log(1/\epsilon)) random examples. We show that this learning algorithms is close to optimal by giving a related lower bound.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Uses synttree package. To appear in Quantum Information Processin

    Optimal Quantum Sample Complexity of Learning Algorithms

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    \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} In learning theory, the VC dimension of a concept class CC is the most common way to measure its "richness." In the PAC model \Theta\Big(\frac{d}{\eps} + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}\Big) examples are necessary and sufficient for a learner to output, with probability 1δ1-\delta, a hypothesis hh that is \eps-close to the target concept cc. In the related agnostic model, where the samples need not come from a cCc\in C, we know that \Theta\Big(\frac{d}{\eps^2} + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\eps^2}\Big) examples are necessary and sufficient to output an hypothesis hCh\in C whose error is at most \eps worse than the best concept in CC. Here we analyze quantum sample complexity, where each example is a coherent quantum state. This model was introduced by Bshouty and Jackson, who showed that quantum examples are more powerful than classical examples in some fixed-distribution settings. However, Atici and Servedio, improved by Zhang, showed that in the PAC setting, quantum examples cannot be much more powerful: the required number of quantum examples is \Omega\Big(\frac{d^{1-\eta}}{\eps} + d + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}\Big)\mbox{ for all }\eta> 0. Our main result is that quantum and classical sample complexity are in fact equal up to constant factors in both the PAC and agnostic models. We give two approaches. The first is a fairly simple information-theoretic argument that yields the above two classical bounds and yields the same bounds for quantum sample complexity up to a \log(d/\eps) factor. We then give a second approach that avoids the log-factor loss, based on analyzing the behavior of the "Pretty Good Measurement" on the quantum state identification problems that correspond to learning. This shows classical and quantum sample complexity are equal up to constant factors.Comment: 31 pages LaTeX. Arxiv abstract shortened to fit in their 1920-character limit. Version 3: many small changes, no change in result

    Quantum machine learning: a classical perspective

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    Recently, increased computational power and data availability, as well as algorithmic advances, have led machine learning techniques to impressive results in regression, classification, data-generation and reinforcement learning tasks. Despite these successes, the proximity to the physical limits of chip fabrication alongside the increasing size of datasets are motivating a growing number of researchers to explore the possibility of harnessing the power of quantum computation to speed-up classical machine learning algorithms. Here we review the literature in quantum machine learning and discuss perspectives for a mixed readership of classical machine learning and quantum computation experts. Particular emphasis will be placed on clarifying the limitations of quantum algorithms, how they compare with their best classical counterparts and why quantum resources are expected to provide advantages for learning problems. Learning in the presence of noise and certain computationally hard problems in machine learning are identified as promising directions for the field. Practical questions, like how to upload classical data into quantum form, will also be addressed.Comment: v3 33 pages; typos corrected and references adde

    On Statistical Query Sampling and NMR Quantum Computing

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    We introduce a ``Statistical Query Sampling'' model, in which the goal of an algorithm is to produce an element in a hidden set SsubseteqbitnSsubseteqbit^n with reasonable probability. The algorithm gains information about SS through oracle calls (statistical queries), where the algorithm submits a query function g(cdot)g(cdot) and receives an approximation to PrxinS[g(x)=1]Pr_{x in S}[g(x)=1]. We show how this model is related to NMR quantum computing, in which only statistical properties of an ensemble of quantum systems can be measured, and in particular to the question of whether one can translate standard quantum algorithms to the NMR setting without putting all of their classical post-processing into the quantum system. Using Fourier analysis techniques developed in the related context of {em statistical query learning}, we prove a number of lower bounds (both information-theoretic and cryptographic) on the ability of algorithms to produces an xinSxin S, even when the set SS is fairly simple. These lower bounds point out a difficulty in efficiently applying NMR quantum computing to algorithms such as Shor's and Simon's algorithm that involve significant classical post-processing. We also explicitly relate the notion of statistical query sampling to that of statistical query learning. An extended abstract appeared in the 18th Aunnual IEEE Conference of Computational Complexity (CCC 2003), 2003. Keywords: statistical query, NMR quantum computing, lower boundComment: 17 pages, no figures. Appeared in 18th Aunnual IEEE Conference of Computational Complexity (CCC 2003

    NP-hardness of circuit minimization for multi-output functions

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    Can we design efficient algorithms for finding fast algorithms? This question is captured by various circuit minimization problems, and algorithms for the corresponding tasks have significant practical applications. Following the work of Cook and Levin in the early 1970s, a central question is whether minimizing the circuit size of an explicitly given function is NP-complete. While this is known to hold in restricted models such as DNFs, making progress with respect to more expressive classes of circuits has been elusive. In this work, we establish the first NP-hardness result for circuit minimization of total functions in the setting of general (unrestricted) Boolean circuits. More precisely, we show that computing the minimum circuit size of a given multi-output Boolean function f : {0,1}^n ? {0,1}^m is NP-hard under many-one polynomial-time randomized reductions. Our argument builds on a simpler NP-hardness proof for the circuit minimization problem for (single-output) Boolean functions under an extended set of generators. Complementing these results, we investigate the computational hardness of minimizing communication. We establish that several variants of this problem are NP-hard under deterministic reductions. In particular, unless ? = ??, no polynomial-time computable function can approximate the deterministic two-party communication complexity of a partial Boolean function up to a polynomial. This has consequences for the class of structural results that one might hope to show about the communication complexity of partial functions