134 research outputs found

    Efficient Gated Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-Time Speech Enhancement

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    Deep learning (DL) networks have grown into powerful alternatives for speech enhancement and have achieved excellent results by improving speech quality, intelligibility, and background noise suppression. Due to high computational load, most of the DL models for speech enhancement are difficult to implement for realtime processing. It is challenging to formulate resource efficient and compact networks. In order to address this problem, we propose a resource efficient convolutional recurrent network to learn the complex ratio mask for real-time speech enhancement. Convolutional encoder-decoder and gated recurrent units (GRUs) are integrated into the Convolutional recurrent network architecture, thereby formulating a causal system appropriate for real-time speech processing. Parallel GRU grouping and efficient skipped connection techniques are engaged to achieve a compact network. In the proposed network, the causal encoder-decoder is composed of five convolutional (Conv2D) and deconvolutional (Deconv2D) layers. Leaky linear rectified unit (ReLU) is applied to all layers apart from the output layer where softplus activation to confine the network output to positive is utilized. Furthermore, batch normalization is adopted after every convolution (or deconvolution) and prior to activation. In the proposed network, different noise types and speakers can be used in training and testing. With the LibriSpeech dataset, the experiments show that the proposed real-time approach leads to improved objective perceptual quality and intelligibility with much fewer trainable parameters than existing LSTM and GRU models. The proposed model obtained an average of 83.53% STOI scores and 2.52 PESQ scores, respectively. The quality and intelligibility are improved by 31.61% and 17.18% respectively over noisy speech

    Parallel Gated Neural Network With Attention Mechanism For Speech Enhancement

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    Deep learning algorithm are increasingly used for speech enhancement (SE). In supervised methods, global and local information is required for accurate spectral mapping. A key restriction is often poor capture of key contextual information. To leverage long-term for target speakers and compensate distortions of cleaned speech, this paper adopts a sequence-to-sequence (S2S) mapping structure and proposes a novel monaural speech enhancement system, consisting of a Feature Extraction Block (FEB), a Compensation Enhancement Block (ComEB) and a Mask Block (MB). In the FEB a U-net block is used to extract abstract features using complex-valued spectra with one path to suppress the background noise in the magnitude domain using masking methods and the MB takes magnitude features from the FEBand compensates the lost complex-domain features produced from ComEB to restore the final cleaned speech. Experiments are conducted on the Librispeech dataset and results show that the proposed model obtains better performance than recent models in terms of ESTOI and PESQ scores.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, references adde
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