10 research outputs found

    Learning Character-level Compositionality with Visual Features

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    Previous work has modeled the compositionality of words by creating character-level models of meaning, reducing problems of sparsity for rare words. However, in many writing systems compositionality has an effect even on the character-level: the meaning of a character is derived by the sum of its parts. In this paper, we model this effect by creating embeddings for characters based on their visual characteristics, creating an image for the character and running it through a convolutional neural network to produce a visual character embedding. Experiments on a text classification task demonstrate that such model allows for better processing of instances with rare characters in languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Additionally, qualitative analyses demonstrate that our proposed model learns to focus on the parts of characters that carry semantic content, resulting in embeddings that are coherent in visual space.Comment: Accepted to ACL 201

    AraDIC : Arabic Document Classification using Image-Based Character Embeddings and Class-Balanced Loss

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    Classical and some deep learning techniques for Arabic text classification often depend on complex morphological analysis, word segmentation, and handcrafted feature engineering. These could be eliminated by using character-level features. We propose a novel end-to-end Arabic document classification framework, Arabic document image-based classifier (AraDIC), inspired by the work on image-based character embeddings. AraDIC consists of an image-based character encoder and a classifier. They are trained in an end-to-end fashion using the class balanced loss to deal with the long-tailed data distribution problem. To evaluate the effectiveness of AraDIC, we created and published two datasets, the Arabic Wikipedia title (AWT) dataset and the Arabic poetry (AraP) dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first image-based character embedding framework addressing the problem of Arabic text classification. We also present the first deep learning-based text classifier widely evaluated on modern standard Arabic, colloquial Arabic and classical Arabic. AraDIC shows performance improvement over classical and deep learning baselines by 12.29% and 23.05% for the micro and macro F-score, respectively

    Incorporating Chinese radicals into neural machine translation: deeper than character level

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    In neural machine translation (NMT), researchers face the challenge of un-seen (or out-of-vocabulary OOV) words translation. To solve this, some researchers propose the splitting of western languages such as English and German into sub-words or compounds. In this paper, we try to address this OOV issue and improve the NMT adequacy with a harder language Chinese whose characters are even more sophisticated in composition. We integrate the Chinese radicals into the NMT model with different settings to address the unseen words challenge in Chinese to English translation. On the other hand, this also can be considered as semantic part of the MT system since the Chinese radicals usually carry the essential meaning of the words they are constructed in. Meaningful radicals and new characters can be integrated into the NMT systems with our models. We use an attention-based NMT system as a strong baseline system. The experiments on standard Chinese-to-English NIST translation shared task data 2006 and 2008 show that our designed models outperform the baseline model in a wide range of state-of-the-art evaluation metrics including LEPOR, BEER, and CharacTER, in addition to the traditional BLEU and NIST scores, especially on the adequacy-level translation. We also have some interesting findings from the results of our various experiment settings about the performance of words and characters in Chinese NMT, which is different with other languages. For instance, the fully character level NMT may perform very well or the state of the art in some other languages as researchers demonstrated recently, however, in the Chinese NMT model, word boundary knowledge is important for the model learning

    Metafictional anaphora:A comparison of different accounts

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    Metafictional anaphora:A comparison of different accounts

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    I argue that pronominal anaphora across mixed parafictional/ metafictional discourse (e.g. In The Lord of the Rings, Frodoi goes through an immense mental struggle. Hei is an intriguing fictional character! ) poses a problem for a workspace account. I evaluate different possible solutions based on a descriptivist approach, Zalta's logic of abstract objects and Recanati's dot-object theory