400 research outputs found

    Learning Bijective Feature Maps for Linear ICA

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    Separating high-dimensional data like images into independent latent factors, i.e independent component analysis (ICA), remains an open research problem. As we show, existing probabilistic deep generative models (DGMs), which are tailor-made for image data, underperform on non-linear ICA tasks. To address this, we propose a DGM which combines bijective feature maps with a linear ICA model to learn interpretable latent structures for high-dimensional data. Given the complexities of jointly training such a hybrid model, we introduce novel theory that constrains linear ICA to lie close to the manifold of orthogonal rectangular matrices, the Stiefel manifold. By doing so we create models that converge quickly, are easy to train, and achieve better unsupervised latent factor discovery than flow-based models, linear ICA, and Variational Autoencoders on images.Comment: 8 page

    Indeterminacy and Strong Identifiability in Generative Models

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    Most modern probabilistic generative models, such as the variational autoencoder (VAE), have certain indeterminacies that are unresolvable even with an infinite amount of data. Different tasks tolerate different indeterminacies, however recent applications have indicated the need for strongly identifiable models, in which an observation corresponds to a unique latent code. Progress has been made towards reducing model indeterminacies while maintaining flexibility, and recent work excludes many--but not all--indeterminacies. In this work, we motivate model-identifiability in terms of task-identifiability, then construct a theoretical framework for analyzing the indeterminacies of latent variable models, which enables their precise characterization in terms of the generator function and prior distribution spaces. We reveal that strong identifiability is possible even with highly flexible nonlinear generators, and give two such examples. One is a straightforward modification of iVAE (arXiv:1907.04809 [stat.ML]); the other uses triangular monotonic maps, leading to novel connections between optimal transport and identifiability
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