3 research outputs found

    Liderazgo transformacional y gesti贸n p煤blica en la Municipalidad de Mochumi, Lambayeque

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    Esta investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relaci贸n entre liderazgo transformacional y gesti贸n p煤blica en la Municipalidad de Mochum铆, Lambayeque. El tipo de investigaci贸n fue b谩sica, con un dise帽o no experimental, transversal, descriptivo correlacional. Con una poblaci贸n de 40 trabajadores administrativos de la Municipalidad de Mochum铆; el instrumento que se eligi贸 fue el cuestionario y como t茅cnica la encuesta, donde se obtuvo informaci贸n de las variables en sus diferentes dimensiones, el resultado principal que se obtuvo fue que existe una correlaci贸n baja o d茅bil entre ambas variables con 0.268 y no existe diferencia significativa entre el liderazgo transformacional y la gesti贸n p煤blica. Se concluy贸 que no existe una relaci贸n positiva entre las variables liderazgo transformacional y gesti贸n p煤blica, por lo cual se evidencia una regular planificaci贸n, organizaci贸n, direcci贸n y control en la gesti贸n del actual alcalde de la municipalidad en estudio

    Leadership in public sector business process management initiatives: A developing country perspective

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    This research is an exploratory study of leadership in business process management. It examines the notion of effective leadership and its complexity dynamics in the socio-technological context of public sector business process improvement initiatives. The study explains how the nature of leadership is shaped by multi-actor interactions and shifts from formal positions of authority to self-organising units. The study theorises two interchangeable roles of Visible-Catalyst and Invisible-Enabler to balance the leadership interventions with complexity dynamics. The combination of the two roles result in effective development and adoption of process-centric thinking in organisations leading to sustainable management of business process transformations

    Leadership in public sector business process management initiatives - a developing country perspective

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    Developing countries have shown a keen interest in process improvement reforms since the 1980s to redefine organisational structures, and to reduce the cost of operations. Governments in the developing world utilise Business Process Management (BPM) and its variants (i.e. Government Process Reengineering) to address the ever-growing public demand for efficient processes and service delivery. However, the successful implementation of BPM initiatives has been a continuing challenge within the public sector of developing countries, with an approximate failure rate of 85%. Still, governments and donor agencies invest billions of dollars to support these transformation initiatives..