61 research outputs found

    Stochastic Analysis of a Churn-Tolerant Structured Peer-to-Peer Scheme

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    We present and analyze a simple and general scheme to build a churn (fault)-tolerant structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. Our scheme shows how to "convert" a static network into a dynamic distributed hash table(DHT)-based P2P network such that all the good properties of the static network are guaranteed with high probability (w.h.p). Applying our scheme to a cube-connected cycles network, for example, yields a O(logN)O(\log N) degree connected network, in which every search succeeds in O(logN)O(\log N) hops w.h.p., using O(logN)O(\log N) messages, where NN is the expected stable network size. Our scheme has an constant storage overhead (the number of nodes responsible for servicing a data item) and an O(logN)O(\log N) overhead (messages and time) per insertion and essentially no overhead for deletions. All these bounds are essentially optimal. While DHT schemes with similar guarantees are already known in the literature, this work is new in the following aspects: (1) It presents a rigorous mathematical analysis of the scheme under a general stochastic model of churn and shows the above guarantees; (2) The theoretical analysis is complemented by a simulation-based analysis that validates the asymptotic bounds even in moderately sized networks and also studies performance under changing stable network size; (3) The presented scheme seems especially suitable for maintaining dynamic structures under churn efficiently. In particular, we show that a spanning tree of low diameter can be efficiently maintained in constant time and logarithmic number of messages per insertion or deletion w.h.p. Keywords: P2P Network, DHT Scheme, Churn, Dynamic Spanning Tree, Stochastic Analysis

    Leader election in synchronous networks

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    Worst, best and average number of messages and running time of leader election algorithms of different distributed systems are analyzed. Among others the known characterizations of the expected number of messages for LCR algorithm and of the worst number of messages of Hirschberg-Sinclair algorithm are improve

    Compact routing in fault-tolerant distributed systems

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    A compact routing algorithm is a routing algorithm which reduces the space complexity of all-pairs shortest path routing. Compact routing protocols in distributed systems have been studied extensively as an attractive alternative to the traditional method of all-pairs shortest path routing. The use of compact routing protocols have several advantages. Compact routing schemes are not only more memory-efficient, but provide faster routing table lookup, more efficient broadcast scheme, and allow for a more scalable network. These routing schemes still maintain optimal or near-optimal routing paths. However, most of the compact routing protocols are not fault-tolerant. This thesis will first report the recent developments in the compact routing research. Several new methods for compact routing in fault-tolerant distributed systems will be presented and analyzed. The most important feature of the algorithms presented in this thesis is that they are self-stabilizing. The self-stabilization paradigm has been shown to be the most unified and all-inclusive approach to the design of fault-tolerant system. Additionally, these algorithms will address and solve several problems left unsolved by previous works. Relabelable and non-relabelable networks will be considered for both specific and arbitrary topologies

    Self-stabilizing network orientation algorithms in arbitrary rooted networks

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    Network orientation is the problem of assigning different labels to the edges at each processor, in a globally consistent manner. A self-stabilizing protocol guarantees that the system will arrive at a legitimate state in finite time, irrespective of the initial state of the system. Two deterministic distributed network orientation protocols on arbitrary rooted, asynchronous networks are proposed in this work. Both protocols set up a chordal sense of direction in the network. The protocols are self-stabilizing, meaning that starting from an arbitrary state, the protocols are guaranteed to reach a state in which every processor has a valid node label and every link has a valid edge label. The first protocol assumes an underlying depth-first token circulation protocol; it orients the network as the token is passed among the nodes and stabilizes in O(n) steps after the token circulation stabilizes, where n is the number of processors in the network. The second protocol is designed on an underlying spanning tree protocol and stabilizes in O(h) time, after the spanning tree is constructed, where h is the height of the spanning tree. Although the second protocol assumes the existence of a spanning tree of the rooted network, it orients all edges--both tree and non-tree edges--of the network

    Communication Algorithms with Advice

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    We study the amount of knowledge about a communication network that must be given to its nodes in order to efficiently disseminate information. Our approach is quantitative: we investigate the minimum total number of bits of information (minimum size of advice) that has to be available to nodes, regardless of the type of information provided. We compare the size of advice needed to perform broadcast and wakeup (the latter is a broadcast in which nodes can transmit only after getting the source information), both using a linear number of messages (which is optimal). We show that the minimum size of advice permitting the wakeup with a linear number of messages in a n-node network, is Θ(nlog n), while the broadcast with a linear number of messages can be achieved with advice of size O(n). We also show that the latter size of advice is almost optimal: no advice of size o(n) can permit to broadcast with a linear number of messages. Thus a