81,108 research outputs found

    Classical Supersymmetric Mechanics

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    We analyse a supersymmetric mechanical model derived from (1+1)-dimensional field theory with Yukawa interaction, assuming that all physical variables take their values in a Grassmann algebra B. Utilizing the symmetries of the model we demonstrate how for a certain class of potentials the equations of motion can be solved completely for any B. In a second approach we suppose that the Grassmann algebra is finitely generated, decompose the dynamical variables into real components and devise a layer-by-layer strategy to solve the equations of motion for arbitrary potential. We examine the possible types of motion for both bosonic and fermionic quantities and show how symmetries relate the former to the latter in a geometrical way. In particular, we investigate oscillatory motion, applying results of Floquet theory, in order to elucidate the role that energy variations of the lower order quantities play in determining the quantities of higher order in B.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Annals of Physic

    Lie symmetry analysis and exact solutions of the quasi-geostrophic two-layer problem

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    The quasi-geostrophic two-layer model is of superior interest in dynamic meteorology since it is one of the easiest ways to study baroclinic processes in geophysical fluid dynamics. The complete set of point symmetries of the two-layer equations is determined. An optimal set of one- and two-dimensional inequivalent subalgebras of the maximal Lie invariance algebra is constructed. On the basis of these subalgebras we exhaustively carry out group-invariant reduction and compute various classes of exact solutions. Where possible, reference to the physical meaning of the exact solutions is given. In particular, the well-known baroclinic Rossby wave solutions in the two-layer model are rediscovered.Comment: Extended version, 24 pages, 1 figur

    Top-stable degenerations of finite dimensional representations I

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    Given a finite dimensional representation MM of a finite dimensional algebra, two hierarchies of degenerations of MM are analyzed in the context of their natural orders: the poset of those degenerations of MM which share the top M/JMM/JM with MM - here JJ denotes the radical of the algebra - and the sub-poset of those which share the full radical layering (JlM/Jl+1M)l0\bigl(J^lM/J^{l+1}M\bigr)_{l \ge 0} with MM. In particular, the article addresses existence of proper top-stable or layer-stable degenerations - more generally, it addresses the sizes of the corresponding posets including bounds on the lengths of saturated chains - as well as structure and classification

    Quadratic Algebra Approach to an Exactly Solvable Position-Dependent Mass Schr\"odinger Equation in Two Dimensions

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    An exactly solvable position-dependent mass Schr\"odinger equation in two dimensions, depicting a particle moving in a semi-infinite layer, is re-examined in the light of recent theories describing superintegrable two-dimensional systems with integrals of motion that are quadratic functions of the momenta. To get the energy spectrum a quadratic algebra approach is used together with a realization in terms of deformed parafermionic oscillator operators. In this process, the importance of supplementing algebraic considerations with a proper treatment of boundary conditions for selecting physical wavefunctions is stressed. Some new results for matrix elements are derived. This example emphasizes the interest of a quadratic algebra approach to position-dependent mass Schr\"odinger equations.Comment: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA