430 research outputs found

    Local Covering Optimality of Lattices: Leech Lattice versus Root Lattice E8

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    We show that the Leech lattice gives a sphere covering which is locally least dense among lattice coverings. We show that a similar result is false for the root lattice E8. For this we construct a less dense covering lattice whose Delone subdivision has a common refinement with the Delone subdivision of E8. The new lattice yields a sphere covering which is more than 12% less dense than the formerly best known given by the lattice A8*. Currently, the Leech lattice is the first and only known example of a locally optimal lattice covering having a non-simplicial Delone subdivision. We hereby in particular answer a question of Dickson posed in 1968. By showing that the Leech lattice is rigid our answer is even strongest possible in a sense.Comment: 13 pages; (v2) major revision: proof of rigidity corrected, full discussion of E8-case included, src of (v3) contains MAGMA program, (v4) some correction

    Semiclassical degeneracies and ordering for highly frustrated magnets in a field

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    We discuss ground state selection by quantum fluctuations in frustrated magnets in a strong magnetic field. We show that there exist dynamical symmetries -- one a generalisation of Henley's gauge-like symmetry for collinear spins, the other the quantum relict of non-collinear weathervane modes -- which ensure a partial survival of the classical degeneracies. We illustrate these for the case of the kagome magnet, where we find zero-point energy differences to be rather small everywhere except near the collinear `up-up-down` configurations, where there is rotational but not translational symmetry breaking. In the effective Hamiltonian, we demonstrate the presence of a term sensitive to a topological `flux'. We discuss the connection of such problems to gauge theories by casting the frustrated lattices as medial lattices of appropriately chosen simplex lattices, and in particular we show how the magnetic field can be used to tune the physical sector of the resulting gauge theories.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    On subdivision of semisimplicial sets

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