48,941 research outputs found

    Instrumental Variable Estimation for Causal Inference in Longitudinal Data with Time-Dependent Latent Confounders

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    Causal inference from longitudinal observational data is a challenging problem due to the difficulty in correctly identifying the time-dependent confounders, especially in the presence of latent time-dependent confounders. Instrumental variable (IV) is a powerful tool for addressing the latent confounders issue, but the traditional IV technique cannot deal with latent time-dependent confounders in longitudinal studies. In this work, we propose a novel Time-dependent Instrumental Factor Model (TIFM) for time-varying causal effect estimation from data with latent time-dependent confounders. At each time-step, the proposed TIFM method employs the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture to infer latent IV, and then uses the inferred latent IV factor for addressing the confounding bias caused by the latent time-dependent confounders. We provide a theoretical analysis for the proposed TIFM method regarding causal effect estimation in longitudinal data. Extensive evaluation with synthetic datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of TIFM in addressing causal effect estimation over time. We further apply TIFM to a climate dataset to showcase the potential of the proposed method in tackling real-world problems.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures and 3 table

    A dynamic network model with persistent links and node-specific latent variables, with an application to the interbank market

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    We propose a dynamic network model where two mechanisms control the probability of a link between two nodes: (i) the existence or absence of this link in the past, and (ii) node-specific latent variables (dynamic fitnesses) describing the propensity of each node to create links. Assuming a Markov dynamics for both mechanisms, we propose an Expectation-Maximization algorithm for model estimation and inference of the latent variables. The estimated parameters and fitnesses can be used to forecast the presence of a link in the future. We apply our methodology to the e-MID interbank network for which the two linkage mechanisms are associated with two different trading behaviors in the process of network formation, namely preferential trading and trading driven by node-specific characteristics. The empirical results allow to recognise preferential lending in the interbank market and indicate how a method that does not account for time-varying network topologies tends to overestimate preferential linkage.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Joint Structure Learning of Multiple Non-Exchangeable Networks

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    Several methods have recently been developed for joint structure learning of multiple (related) graphical models or networks. These methods treat individual networks as exchangeable, such that each pair of networks are equally encouraged to have similar structures. However, in many practical applications, exchangeability in this sense may not hold, as some pairs of networks may be more closely related than others, for example due to group and sub-group structure in the data. Here we present a novel Bayesian formulation that generalises joint structure learning beyond the exchangeable case. In addition to a general framework for joint learning, we (i) provide a novel default prior over the joint structure space that requires no user input; (ii) allow for latent networks; (iii) give an efficient, exact algorithm for the case of time series data and dynamic Bayesian networks. We present empirical results on non-exchangeable populations, including a real data example from biology, where cell-line-specific networks are related according to genomic features.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS

    Locally Adaptive Dynamic Networks

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    Our focus is on realistically modeling and forecasting dynamic networks of face-to-face contacts among individuals. Important aspects of such data that lead to problems with current methods include the tendency of the contacts to move between periods of slow and rapid changes, and the dynamic heterogeneity in the actors' connectivity behaviors. Motivated by this application, we develop a novel method for Locally Adaptive DYnamic (LADY) network inference. The proposed model relies on a dynamic latent space representation in which each actor's position evolves in time via stochastic differential equations. Using a state space representation for these stochastic processes and P\'olya-gamma data augmentation, we develop an efficient MCMC algorithm for posterior inference along with tractable procedures for online updating and forecasting of future networks. We evaluate performance in simulation studies, and consider an application to face-to-face contacts among individuals in a primary school
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