25 research outputs found

    End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution

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    We introduce the first end-to-end coreference resolution model and show that it significantly outperforms all previous work without using a syntactic parser or hand-engineered mention detector. The key idea is to directly consider all spans in a document as potential mentions and learn distributions over possible antecedents for each. The model computes span embeddings that combine context-dependent boundary representations with a head-finding attention mechanism. It is trained to maximize the marginal likelihood of gold antecedent spans from coreference clusters and is factored to enable aggressive pruning of potential mentions. Experiments demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, with a gain of 1.5 F1 on the OntoNotes benchmark and by 3.1 F1 using a 5-model ensemble, despite the fact that this is the first approach to be successfully trained with no external resources.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 201

    Joint Anaphoricity Detection and Coreference Resolution with Constrained Latent Structures

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a new structured model for learninganaphoricity detection and coreference resolution in a jointfashion. Specifically, we use a latent tree to represent the fullcoreference and anaphoric structure of a document at a globallevel, and we jointly learn the parameters of the two modelsusing a version of the structured perceptron algorithm.Our joint structured model is further refined by the use ofpairwise constraints which help the model to capture accuratelycertain patterns of coreference. Our experiments on theCoNLL-2012 English datasets show large improvements inboth coreference resolution and anaphoricity detection, comparedto various competing architectures. Our best coreferencesystem obtains a CoNLL score of 81:97 on gold mentions,which is to date the best score reported on this setting

    A Benchmark of Rule-Based and Neural Coreference Resolution in Dutch Novels and News

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    We evaluate a rule-based (Lee et al., 2013) and neural (Lee et al., 2018) coreference system on Dutch datasets of two domains: literary novels and news/Wikipedia text. The results provide insight into the relative strengths of data-driven and knowledge-driven systems, as well as the influence of domain, document length, and annotation schemes. The neural system performs best on news/Wikipedia text, while the rule-based system performs best on literature. The neural system shows weaknesses with limited training data and long documents, while the rule-based system is affected by annotation differences. The code and models used in this paper are available at https://github.com/andreasvc/crac2020Comment: Accepted for CRAC 2020 @ COLIN

    Improving Coreference Resolution by Leveraging Entity-Centric Features with Graph Neural Networks and Second-order Inference

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    One of the major challenges in coreference resolution is how to make use of entity-level features defined over clusters of mentions rather than mention pairs. However, coreferent mentions usually spread far apart in an entire text, which makes it extremely difficult to incorporate entity-level features. We propose a graph neural network-based coreference resolution method that can capture the entity-centric information by encouraging the sharing of features across all mentions that probably refer to the same real-world entity. Mentions are linked to each other via the edges modeling how likely two linked mentions point to the same entity. Modeling by such graphs, the features between mentions can be shared by message passing operations in an entity-centric manner. A global inference algorithm up to second-order features is also presented to optimally cluster mentions into consistent groups. Experimental results show our graph neural network-based method combing with the second-order decoding algorithm (named GNNCR) achieved close to state-of-the-art performance on the English CoNLL-2012 Shared Task dataset

    Joint Anaphoricity Detection and Coreference Resolution with Constrained Latent Structures

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a new structured model for learninganaphoricity detection and coreference resolution in a jointfashion. Specifically, we use a latent tree to represent the fullcoreference and anaphoric structure of a document at a globallevel, and we jointly learn the parameters of the two modelsusing a version of the structured perceptron algorithm.Our joint structured model is further refined by the use ofpairwise constraints which help the model to capture accuratelycertain patterns of coreference. Our experiments on theCoNLL-2012 English datasets show large improvements inboth coreference resolution and anaphoricity detection, comparedto various competing architectures. Our best coreferencesystem obtains a CoNLL score of 81:97 on gold mentions,which is to date the best score reported on this setting

    COMPETENCIAS TRANSVERSALES EN INGENIERÍAS: Una aproximación desde los principios de gamificación

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    La investigación sobre gamificación reviste una tendencia creciente en la última década, con aplicaciones de principios y elementos propios del juego en ambientes no lúdicos para motivar el aprendizaje a diferentes niveles educativos, desde básica primaria, hasta entornos empresariales. Dado el potencial de estas estrategias para realizar cambios estructurales dentro y fuera del aula, esta investigación aplica los principios de gamificación propuestos por Noran (2016), para el diseño y prototipado de una herramienta gamificada, que apoye transversalmente los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en una facultad de ingeniería.  Para ello se trabajó con 121 estudiantes y 166 egresados que participaron en la priorizaron de competencias relevantes para ingenieros. Los resultados señalan tres capacidades prioritarias para este ejercicio: 1) adquirir nuevo conocimiento y usarlo eficazmente, 2) identificar y resolver problemas de ingeniería, y 3) trabajar en equipo. Además, se diseñó la herramienta con tres lúdicas gamificadas que buscan reforzar las competencias transversales priorizadas