14 research outputs found

    Maximal induced paths and minimal percolating sets in hypercubes

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    For a graph GG, the \emph{rr-bootstrap percolation} process can be described as follows: Start with an initial set AA of "infected'' vertices. Infect any vertex with at least rr infected neighbours, and continue this process until no new vertices can be infected. AA is said to \emph{percolate in GG} if eventually all the vertices of GG are infected. AA is a \emph{minimal percolating set} in GG if AA percolates in GG and no proper subset of AA percolates in GG. An induced path, PP, in a hypercube QnQ_n is maximal if no induced path in QnQ_n properly contains PP. Induced paths in hypercubes are also called snakes. We study the relationship between maximal snakes and minimal percolating sets (under 2-bootstrap percolation) in hypercubes. In particular, we show that every maximal snake contains a minimal percolating set, and that every minimal percolating set is contained in a maximal snake

    Local Treewidth of Random and Noisy Graphs with Applications to Stopping Contagion in Networks

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    We study the notion of local treewidth in sparse random graphs: the maximum treewidth over all k-vertex subgraphs of an n-vertex graph. When k is not too large, we give nearly tight bounds for this local treewidth parameter; we also derive nearly tight bounds for the local treewidth of noisy trees, trees where every non-edge is added independently with small probability. We apply our upper bounds on the local treewidth to obtain fixed parameter tractable algorithms (on random graphs and noisy trees) for edge-removal problems centered around containing a contagious process evolving over a network. In these problems, our main parameter of study is k, the number of initially "infected" vertices in the network. For the random graph models we consider and a certain range of parameters the running time of our algorithms on n-vertex graphs is 2^o(k) poly(n), improving upon the 2^?(k) poly(n) performance of the best-known algorithms designed for worst-case instances of these edge deletion problems

    Minimum lethal sets in grids and tori under 3-neighbour bootstrap percolation

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    Let r≥1\mathcal{r} ≥ 1 be any non negative integer and let G=(V,E)G = (V, E) be any undirected graph in which a subset D⊆VD ⊆ V of vertices are initially infected. We consider the following process in which, at every step, each non-infected vertex with at least r\mathcal{r} infected neighbours becomes and an infected vertex never becomes non-infected. The problem consists in determining the minimum size sr(G)s_r (G) of an initially infected vertices set DD that eventually infects the whole graph GG. Note that s1(G)s_1 (G) = 1 for any connected graph GG. This problem is closely related to cellular automata, to percolation problems and to the Game of Life studied by John Conway. Note that s1(G)=1s_1(G) = 1 for any connected graph GG. The case when GG is the n×nn × n grid Gn×nG_{n×n} and r=2\mathcal{r} = 2 is well known and appears in many puzzles books, in particular due to the elegant proof that shows that s2(Gn×n)s_2(G_{n×n}) = nn for all nn ∈ N\mathbb{N}. We study the cases of square grids Gn×nG_{n×n} and tori Tn×nT_{n×n} when r\mathcal{r} ∈ {3, 4}. We show that s3(Gn×n)s_3(G_{n×n}) = ⌈n2+2n+43⌉\lceil\frac{n^2+2n+4}{3}\rceil for every nn even and that ⌈n2+2n3⌉\lceil\frac{n^2 +2n}{3}\rceil ≤ s3(Gn×n)s_3(G_ {n×n}) ≤ ⌈n2+2n3⌉\lceil\frac{n^2 +2n}{3}\rceil + 1 for any nn odd. When nn is odd, we show that both bounds are reached, namely s3(Gn×n)s_3(G_{n×n}) = ⌈n2+2n3⌉\lceil\frac{n^2 +2n}{3}\rceil if nn ≡ 5 (mod 6) or nn = 2p^p − 1 for any pp ∈ N∗\mathbb{N}^*, and s3(Gn×n)s_3(G_{n×n}) = ⌈n2+2n3⌉\lceil\frac{n^2 +2n}{3}\rceil + 1 if nn ∈ {9, 13}. Finally, for all nn ∈ N\mathbb{N}, we give the exact expression of s4(Gn×n)s_4(G_{n×n}) and of sr(Tn×n)s_r(T_{n×n}) when r\mathcal{r} ∈ {3, 4}

    Oblivious tight compaction in O(n) time with smaller constant

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    Oblivious compaction is a crucial building block for hash-based oblivious RAM. Asharov et al. recently gave a O(n) algorithm for oblivious tight compaction. Their algorithm is deterministic and asymptotically optimal, but it is not practical to implement because the implied constant is ≫238\gg 2^{38}. We give a new algorithm for oblivious tight compaction that runs in time <16014.54n< 16014.54n. As part of our construction, we give a new result in the bootstrap percolation of random regular graphs