17 research outputs found

    Rift: a high-performance consensus algorithm for Consortium Blockchain

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    The emergence of Blockchain have revolutionize the decentralization in distributed architecture. The advances in the consensus mechanism techniques and the development of different variants of consensus algorithms gives a huge impact on its progress. These technologies allow to have a distributed peer-to-peer network in which each external entity can be able to interact with other entities without any trusted intermediary in a verifiable manner. The existing consensus algorithms are mostly concerned with public blockchain having focused on public ledgers in general. The consortium blockchain is least focused as compared with other variants of blockchain (public and private) showing the need to address this vacuum. In this paper, we proposed a consensus algorithm named Rift for consortium blockchain which works on the principle of trust mechanism for achieving consensus in a blockchain. The consensus is achieved by distributed nodes in a consortium blockchain which were controlled by consortium members to decentralize the arbitration by voting and trust metrics. In this paper, we elaborate the comprehensive idea of Rift and discuss the working model for this algorithm. We also perform simulation on the proposed algorithm and determine the performance variables to evaluate the effectiveness of Rift. The evaluated results show the improvement in the performance which is the objective requirement for the evaluation

    Blockchain-Based Electronic Voting System for Elections in Turkey

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    Traditional elections satisfy neither citizens nor political authorities in recent years. They are not fully secure since it is easy to attack votes. It threatens also privacy and transparency of voters. Additionally, it takes too much time to count the votes. This paper proposes a solution using Blockchain to eliminate all the disadvantages of conventional elections. Security and data integrity of votes are absolutely provided theoretically. Voter privacy is another requirement that is ensured in the system. Lastly, the waiting time for results decreased significantly in the proposed Blockchain voting system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, IEEE styl

    Blockchain based voting system for Jordan parliament elections

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    Covid-19 pandemic has stressed more than any-time before the necessity for conducting election processes in an electronic manner, where voters can cast their votes remotely with complete security, privacy, and trust. The different voting schema in different countries makes it very difficult to utilize a one fits all system. This paper presents a blockchain based voting system (BBVS) applied to the Parliamentary elections system in the country of Jordan. The proposed system is a private and centralized blockchain implemented in a simulated environment. The proposed BBVS system implements a hierarchical voting process, where a voter casts votes at two levels, one for a group, and the second for distinct members within the group. This paper provides a novel blockchain based e-Voting system, which proves to be transparent and yet secure. This paper utilizes synthetic voter benchmarks to measure the performance, accuracy and integrity of the election process. This research introduced and implemented new algorithms and methods to maintain acceptable performance both at the time of creating the blockchain(s) for voters and candidates as well as at the time of casting votes by voters

    Safeguarding the Unseen: a Study on Data Privacy in DeFi Protocols

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    The financial sector's adoption of technology-driven data analysis has enhanced operational efficiency and revenue generation by leveraging personal sensitive data. However, the inherent characteristics of blockchain hinder decentralized finance (DeFi) from accessing necessary sensitive user data. To address this challenge, we introduce a protocol that both safeguards user privacy and ensures data availability through the incorporation of homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge-proof techniques in blockchain technology. This novel protocol helps mitigate privacy risks caused by sensitive data leaks while improving the capital efficiency of the DeFi market. Furthermore, we explore the applicability of these privacy-preserving methods in on-chain ecosystems and cross-border financial applications. Our solution contributes to secure, user-centric solutions for DeFi while upholding principles of decentralization and privacy protection

    Blockchain from the Perspective of Privacy and Anonymisation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The research presented aims to investigate the relationship between privacy and anonymisation in blockchain technologies on different fields of application. The study is carried out through a systematic literature review in different databases, obtaining in a first phase of selection 199 publications, of which 28 were selected for data extraction. The results obtained provide a strong relationship between privacy and anonymisation in most of the fields of application of blockchain, as well as a description of the techniques used for this purpose, such as Ring Signature, homomorphic encryption, k-anonymity or data obfuscation. Among the literature researched, some limitations and future lines of research on issues close to blockchain technology in the different fields of application can be detected. As conclusion, we extract the different degrees of application of privacy according to the mechanisms used and different techniques for the implementation of anonymisation, being one of the risks for privacy the traceability of the operations

    A Review of Blockchain-Based Systems in Transportation

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    This paper presents a literature review about the application of blockchain-based systems in transportation. The main aim was to identify, through the implementation of a multi-step methodology: current research-trends, main gaps in the literature, and possible future challenges. First, a bibliometric analysis was carried out to obtain a broad overview of the topic of interest. Subsequently, the most influential contributions were analysed in depth, with reference to the following two areas: supply chain and logistics; road traffic management and smart cities. The most important result is that the blockchain technology is still in an early stage, but appears extremely promising, given its possible applications within multiple fields, such as food track and trace, regulatory compliance, smart vehicles' security, and supply-demand matching. Much effort is still necessary for reaching the maturation stage because several models have been theorized in recent years, but very few have been implemented within real contexts. Moreover, the link blockchain-sustainability was explored, showing that this technology could be the trigger for limiting food waste, reducing exhaust gas emissions, favouring correct urban development, and, in general, improving quality of life

    From Blockchain to Internet-based Voting

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    Blockchain has been one of the hottest topics among the state-of-the-art technologies. As the enabling technology for Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, blockchain is an append-only distributed ledger that is virtually impossible to attack. Hence, blockchain holds great promises as the fundamental technology to enable Internet-based electronic voting. However, Internet-based voting has additional requirements than what monetary transactions such as Bitcoin have to offer. In this thesis, we discuss the key differences of a blockchain-based voting system with digital currencies. In this context we also highlight the requirements, review existing proposed solutions, and outline possible improvements. Specifically, we propose several schemes on how to tackle various issues such as authentication, privacy, transparency, scalability, safety, as well as several other practical aspects of the platform. Most importantly, a blockchain-based voting system needs to ensure that the prospect of tampering with the election result is to a large extent eliminated. At the same time, the voting platform should have proper performance characteristics, i.e. sufficient throughput, for a voting of large magnitude such as a presidential election. Being heavily linked together, security and performance should be investigated in a unified framework to capture the interaction effects between the two. To address this concern, for the first time, we will study the performance and security implications of the blockchain voting system in a quantitative manner, using a blockchain simulator developed by researchers at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. In our analysis, we will specifically investigate the stale block rate and relative mining share of the dishonest network, as the central security measures, as a function of important network parameters that determine the throughput of the network, i.e. block size and block interval. Ultimately, we focus on selfish mining and eclipse attacks as the most critical threats to the integrity of the blockchain voting in order to find the optimal network parameters

    From Blockchain to Internet-based Voting

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    Blockchain has been one of the hottest topics among the state-of-the-art technologies. As the enabling technology for Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, blockchain is an append-only distributed ledger that is virtually impossible to attack. Hence, blockchain holds great promises as the fundamental technology to enable Internet-based electronic voting. However, Internet-based voting has additional requirements than what monetary transactions such as Bitcoin have to offer. In this thesis, we discuss the key differences of a blockchain-based voting system with digital currencies. In this context we also highlight the requirements, review existing proposed solutions, and outline possible improvements. Specifically, we propose several schemes on how to tackle various issues such as authentication, privacy, transparency, scalability, safety, as well as several other practical aspects of the platform. Most importantly, a blockchain-based voting system needs to ensure that the prospect of tampering with the election result is to a large extent eliminated. At the same time, the voting platform should have proper performance characteristics, i.e. sufficient throughput, for a voting of large magnitude such as a presidential election. Being heavily linked together, security and performance should be investigated in a unified framework to capture the interaction effects between the two. To address this concern, for the first time, we will study the performance and security implications of the blockchain voting system in a quantitative manner, using a blockchain simulator developed by researchers at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. In our analysis, we will specifically investigate the stale block rate and relative mining share of the dishonest network, as the central security measures, as a function of important network parameters that determine the throughput of the network, i.e. block size and block interval. Ultimately, we focus on selfish mining and eclipse attacks as the most critical threats to the integrity of the blockchain voting in order to find the optimal network parameters

    Big-Crypto: Big Data, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

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    open access articleCryptocurrency has been a trending topic over the past decade, pooling tremendous technological power and attracting investments valued over trillions of dollars on a global scale. The cryptocurrency technology and its network have been endowed with many superior features due to its unique architecture, which also determined its worldwide efficiency, applicability and data-intensive characteristics. This paper introduces and summarises the interactions between two significantconceptsinthedigitalizedworld,i.e.,cryptocurrencyandBigData. Bothsubjectsareatthe forefront of technological research, and this paper focuses on their convergence and comprehensively reviews the very recent applications and developments after 2016. Accordingly, we aim to present a systematic review of the interactions between Big Data and cryptocurrency and serve as the one-stop reference directory for researchers with regard to identifying research gaps and directing future explorations