13 research outputs found

    A Trace-restricted Kronecker-Factored Approximation to Natural Gradient

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    Second-order optimization methods have the ability to accelerate convergence by modifying the gradient through the curvature matrix. There have been many attempts to use second-order optimization methods for training deep neural networks. Inspired by diagonal approximations and factored approximations such as Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (KFAC), we propose a new approximation to the Fisher information matrix (FIM) called Trace-restricted Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (TKFAC) in this work, which can hold the certain trace relationship between the exact and the approximate FIM. In TKFAC, we decompose each block of the approximate FIM as a Kronecker product of two smaller matrices and scaled by a coefficient related to trace. We theoretically analyze TKFAC's approximation error and give an upper bound of it. We also propose a new damping technique for TKFAC on convolutional neural networks to maintain the superiority of second-order optimization methods during training. Experiments show that our method has better performance compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms on some deep network architectures

    Automatic Differentiable Monte Carlo: Theory and Application

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    Differentiable programming has emerged as a key programming paradigm empowering rapid developments of deep learning while its applications to important computational methods such as Monte Carlo remain largely unexplored. Here we present the general theory enabling infinite-order automatic differentiation on expectations computed by Monte Carlo with unnormalized probability distributions, which we call "automatic differentiable Monte Carlo" (ADMC). By implementing ADMC algorithms on computational graphs, one can also leverage state-of-the-art machine learning frameworks and techniques to traditional Monte Carlo applications in statistics and physics. We illustrate the versatility of ADMC by showing some applications: fast search of phase transitions and accurately finding ground states of interacting many-body models in two dimensions. ADMC paves a promising way to innovate Monte Carlo in various aspects to achieve higher accuracy and efficiency, e.g. easing or solving the sign problem of quantum many-body models through ADMC.Comment: 11.5 pages + supplemental materials, 4 figure

    WoodFisher: Efficient Second-Order Approximation for Neural Network Compression

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    Second-order information, in the form of Hessian- or Inverse-Hessian-vector products, is a fundamental tool for solving optimization problems. Recently, there has been significant interest in utilizing this information in the context of deep neural networks; however, relatively little is known about the quality of existing approximations in this context. Our work examines this question, identifies issues with existing approaches, and proposes a method called WoodFisher to compute a faithful and efficient estimate of the inverse Hessian. Our main application is to neural network compression, where we build on the classic Optimal Brain Damage/Surgeon framework. We demonstrate that WoodFisher significantly outperforms popular state-of-the-art methods for one-shot pruning. Further, even when iterative, gradual pruning is considered, our method results in a gain in test accuracy over the state-of-the-art approaches, for pruning popular neural networks (like ResNet-50, MobileNetV1) trained on standard image classification datasets such as ImageNet ILSVRC. We examine how our method can be extended to take into account first-order information, as well as illustrate its ability to automatically set layer-wise pruning thresholds and perform compression in the limited-data regime. The code is available at the following link, https://github.com/IST-DASLab/WoodFisher.Comment: NeurIPS 202