5 research outputs found

    Spatial Analysis Made Easy with Linear Regression and Kernels

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    Kernel methods are a popular technique for extending linear models to handle non-linear spatial problems via a mapping to an implicit, high-dimensional feature space. While kernel methods are computationally cheaper than an explicit feature mapping, they are still subject to cubic cost on the number of points. Given only a few thousand locations, this computational cost rapidly outstrips the currently available computational power. This paper aims to provide an overview of kernel methods from first-principals (with a focus on ridge regression) and progress to a review of random Fourier features (RFF), a method that enables the scaling of kernel methods to big datasets. We show how the RFF method is capable of approximating the full kernel matrix, providing a significant computational speed-up for a negligible cost to accuracy and can be incorporated into many existing spatial methods using only a few lines of code. We give an example of the implementation of RFFs on a simulated spatial data set to illustrate these properties. Lastly, we summarise the main issues with RFFs and highlight some of the advanced techniques aimed at alleviating them. At each stage, the associated R code is provided

    Large-scale data-dependent kernel approximation

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    Learning a computationally efficient kernel from data is an important machine learning problem. The majority of kernels in the literature do not leverage the geometry of the data, and those that do are computationally infeasible for contemporary datasets. Recent advances in approximation techniques have expanded the applicability of the kernel methodology to scale linearly with the data size. Data-dependent kernels, which could leverage this computational advantage, have however not yet seen the benefit. Here we derive an approximate large-scale learning procedure for data-dependent kernels that is efficient and performs well in practice. We provide a Lemma that can be used to derive the asymptotic convergence of the approximation in the limit of infinite random features, and, under certain conditions, an estimate of the convergence speed. We empirically prove that our construction represents a valid, yet efficient approximation of the data-dependent kernel. For large-scale datasets of millions of datapoints, where the proposed method is now applicable for the first time, we notice a significant performance boost over both baselines consisting of data independent kernels and of kernel approximations, at comparable computational cost