6 research outputs found

    Integrating Document Clustering and Topic Modeling

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    Document clustering and topic modeling are two closely related tasks which can mutually benefit each other. Topic modeling can project documents into a topic space which facilitates effective document clustering. Cluster labels discovered by document clustering can be incorporated into topic models to extract local topics specific to each cluster and global topics shared by all clusters. In this paper, we propose a multi-grain clustering topic model (MGCTM) which integrates document clustering and topic modeling into a unified framework and jointly performs the two tasks to achieve the overall best performance. Our model tightly couples two components: a mixture component used for discovering latent groups in document collection and a topic model component used for mining multi-grain topics including local topics specific to each cluster and global topics shared across clusters.We employ variational inference to approximate the posterior of hidden variables and learn model parameters. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2013

    A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition

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    Indoor scene recognition is a multi-faceted and challenging problem due to the diverse intra-class variations and the confusing inter-class similarities. This paper presents a novel approach which exploits rich mid-level convolutional features to categorize indoor scenes. Traditionally used convolutional features preserve the global spatial structure, which is a desirable property for general object recognition. However, we argue that this structuredness is not much helpful when we have large variations in scene layouts, e.g., in indoor scenes. We propose to transform the structured convolutional activations to another highly discriminative feature space. The representation in the transformed space not only incorporates the discriminative aspects of the target dataset, but it also encodes the features in terms of the general object categories that are present in indoor scenes. To this end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset of 1300 object categories which are commonly present in indoor scenes. Our proposed approach achieves a significant performance boost over previous state of the art approaches on five major scene classification datasets

    Large Margin Learning of Upstream Scene Understanding Models

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    Upstream supervised topic models have been widely used for complicated scene understanding. However, existing maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) schemes can make the prediction model learning independent of latent topic discovery and result in an imbalanced prediction rule for scene classification. This paper presents a joint max-margin and max-likelihood learning method for upstream scene understanding models, in which latent topic discovery and prediction model estimation are closely coupled and well-balanced. The optimization problem is efficiently solved with a variational EM procedure, which iteratively solves an online loss-augmented SVM. We demonstrate the advantages of the large-margin approach on both an 8-category sports dataset and the 67-class MIT indoor scene dataset for scene categorization.</p

    Large Margin Learning of Upstream Scene Understanding Models

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    Upstream supervised topic models have been widely used for complicated scene understanding. However, existing maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) schemes can make the prediction model learning independent of latent topic discovery and result in an imbalanced prediction rule for scene classification. This paper presents a joint max-margin and max-likelihood learning method for upstream scene understanding models, in which latent topic discovery and prediction model estimation are closely coupled and well-balanced. The optimization problem is efficiently solved with a variational EM procedure, which iteratively solves an online loss-augmented SVM. We demonstrate the advantages of the large-margin approach on both an 8-category sports dataset and the 67-class MIT indoor scene dataset for scene categorization.