1,127 research outputs found

    Large Low-Diameter Graphs are Good Expanders

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    We revisit the classical question of the relationship between the diameter of a graph and its expansion properties. One direction is well understood: expander graphs exhibit essentially the lowest possible diameter. We focus on the reverse direction, showing that "sufficiently large" graphs of fixed diameter and degree must be "good" expanders. We prove this statement for various definitions of "sufficiently large" (multiplicative/additive factor from the largest possible size), for different forms of expansion (edge, vertex, and spectral expansion), and for both directed and undirected graphs. A recurring theme is that the lower the diameter of the graph and (more importantly) the larger its size, the better the expansion guarantees. Aside from inherent theoretical interest, our motivation stems from the domain of network design. Both low-diameter networks and expanders are prominent approaches to designing high-performance networks in parallel computing, HPC, datacenter networking, and beyond. Our results establish that these two approaches are, in fact, inextricably intertwined. We leave the reader with many intriguing questions for future research

    Construction of asymptotically good low-rate error-correcting codes through pseudo-random graphs

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    A novel technique, based on the pseudo-random properties of certain graphs known as expanders, is used to obtain novel simple explicit constructions of asymptotically good codes. In one of the constructions, the expanders are used to enhance Justesen codes by replicating, shuffling, and then regrouping the code coordinates. For any fixed (small) rate, and for a sufficiently large alphabet, the codes thus obtained lie above the Zyablov bound. Using these codes as outer codes in a concatenated scheme, a second asymptotic good construction is obtained which applies to small alphabets (say, GF(2)) as well. Although these concatenated codes lie below the Zyablov bound, they are still superior to previously known explicit constructions in the zero-rate neighborhood

    Deep Expander Networks: Efficient Deep Networks from Graph Theory

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    Efficient CNN designs like ResNets and DenseNet were proposed to improve accuracy vs efficiency trade-offs. They essentially increased the connectivity, allowing efficient information flow across layers. Inspired by these techniques, we propose to model connections between filters of a CNN using graphs which are simultaneously sparse and well connected. Sparsity results in efficiency while well connectedness can preserve the expressive power of the CNNs. We use a well-studied class of graphs from theoretical computer science that satisfies these properties known as Expander graphs. Expander graphs are used to model connections between filters in CNNs to design networks called X-Nets. We present two guarantees on the connectivity of X-Nets: Each node influences every node in a layer in logarithmic steps, and the number of paths between two sets of nodes is proportional to the product of their sizes. We also propose efficient training and inference algorithms, making it possible to train deeper and wider X-Nets effectively. Expander based models give a 4% improvement in accuracy on MobileNet over grouped convolutions, a popular technique, which has the same sparsity but worse connectivity. X-Nets give better performance trade-offs than the original ResNet and DenseNet-BC architectures. We achieve model sizes comparable to state-of-the-art pruning techniques using our simple architecture design, without any pruning. We hope that this work motivates other approaches to utilize results from graph theory to develop efficient network architectures.Comment: ECCV'1

    Unconstraining Graph-Constrained Group Testing

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    In network tomography, one goal is to identify a small set of failed links in a network using as little information as possible. One way of setting up this problem is called graph-constrained group testing. Graph-constrained group testing is a variant of the classical combinatorial group testing problem, where the tests that one is allowed are additionally constrained by a graph. In this case, the graph is given by the underlying network topology. The main contribution of this work is to show that for most graphs, the constraints imposed by the graph are no constraint at all. That is, the number of tests required to identify the failed links in graph-constrained group testing is near-optimal even for the corresponding group testing problem with no graph constraints. Our approach is based on a simple randomized construction of tests. To analyze our construction, we prove new results about the size of giant components in randomly sparsified graphs. Finally, we provide empirical results which suggest that our connected-subgraph tests perform better not just in theory but also in practice, and in particular perform better on a real-world network topology

    The Power of Two Choices in Distributed Voting

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    Distributed voting is a fundamental topic in distributed computing. In pull voting, in each step every vertex chooses a neighbour uniformly at random, and adopts its opinion. The voting is completed when all vertices hold the same opinion. On many graph classes including regular graphs, pull voting requires Θ(n)\Theta(n) expected steps to complete, even if initially there are only two distinct opinions. In this paper we consider a related process which we call two-sample voting: every vertex chooses two random neighbours in each step. If the opinions of these neighbours coincide, then the vertex revises its opinion according to the chosen sample. Otherwise, it keeps its own opinion. We consider the performance of this process in the case where two different opinions reside on vertices of some (arbitrary) sets AA and BB, respectively. Here, A+B=n|A| + |B| = n is the number of vertices of the graph. We show that there is a constant KK such that if the initial imbalance between the two opinions is ?ν0=(AB)/nK(1/d)+(d/n)\nu_0 = (|A| - |B|)/n \geq K \sqrt{(1/d) + (d/n)}, then with high probability two sample voting completes in a random dd regular graph in O(logn)O(\log n) steps and the initial majority opinion wins. We also show the same performance for any regular graph, if ν0Kλ2\nu_0 \geq K \lambda_2 where λ2\lambda_2 is the second largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix. In the graphs we consider, standard pull voting requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) steps, and the minority can still win with probability B/n|B|/n.Comment: 22 page