2 research outputs found

    Bounds of characteristic polynomials of regular matroids

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    A regular chain group NN is the set of integral vectors orthogonal to rows of a matrix representing a regular matroid, i.e., a totally unimodular matrix. Introducing canonical forms of an equivalence relation generated by NN and a special basis of NN, we improve several results about polynomials counting elements of NN and find new bounds and formulas for these polynomials

    Large Circuits in Binary Matroids of Large Cogirth: I

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    Let F 7 denote the Fano matroid and e be a fixed element of F 7 . Let P (F 7 ; e) be the family of matroids obtained by taking the parallel connection of one or more copies of F 7 about e. Let M be a simple binary matroid such that every cocircuit of M has size at least d 3. We show that if M does not have an F 7 -minor, M 6= F 7 and d (r(M) + 1)=2 then M has a circuit of size r(M) + 1. We also show that if M is connected, e 2 E(M ), M does not have both an F 7 -minor and an F 7 -minor, and M = 2 P (F 7 ; e), then M has a circuit that contains e and has size at least d + 1