28 research outputs found

    VTKG: A Vision Transformer Model with Integration of Knowledge Graph for Enhanced Image Captioning

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    The Transformer model has exhibited impressive results in machine translation tasks. In this research, we utilize the Transformer model to improve the performance of image captioning. In this paper, we tackle the image captioning task from a novel sequence-to-sequence perspective and present VTKG, a VisionTransformer model with integrated Knowledge Graph, a comprehensive Transformer network that substitutes the CNN in the encoder section with a convolution-free Transformer encoder. Subsequently, to enhance the generation of meaningful captions and address the issue of mispredictions, we introduce a novel approach to integrate common-sense knowledge extracted from a knowledge graph. This has significantly improved the overall adaptability of our captioning model. Through the amalgamation of the previously mentioned strategies, we attain exceptional performance on multiple established evaluation metrics, outperforming existing benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate a 1.32%, 1.7%, 1.25%, 1.14%, 2.8% and 2.5% improvement in Blue-1, Bluu-2, Blue-4, Metor, Rough-L and CIDEr score respectively when compared to state-of-the-art methods

    Extracting Multiple-Relations in One-Pass with Pre-Trained Transformers

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    Most approaches to extraction multiple relations from a paragraph require multiple passes over the paragraph. In practice, multiple passes are computationally expensive and this makes difficult to scale to longer paragraphs and larger text corpora. In this work, we focus on the task of multiple relation extraction by encoding the paragraph only once (one-pass). We build our solution on the pre-trained self-attentive (Transformer) models, where we first add a structured prediction layer to handle extraction between multiple entity pairs, then enhance the paragraph embedding to capture multiple relational information associated with each entity with an entity-aware attention technique. We show that our approach is not only scalable but can also perform state-of-the-art on the standard benchmark ACE 2005.Comment: 7 page

    Weak Supervision helps Emergence of Word-Object Alignment and improves Vision-Language Tasks

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    The large adoption of the self-attention (i.e. transformer model) and BERT-like training principles has recently resulted in a number of high performing models on a large panoply of vision-and-language problems (such as Visual Question Answering (VQA), image retrieval, etc.). In this paper we claim that these State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) approaches perform reasonably well in structuring information inside a single modality but, despite their impressive performances , they tend to struggle to identify fine-grained inter-modality relationships. Indeed, such relations are frequently assumed to be implicitly learned during training from application-specific losses, mostly cross-entropy for classification. While most recent works provide inductive bias for inter-modality relationships via cross attention modules, in this work, we demonstrate (1) that the latter assumption does not hold, i.e. modality alignment does not necessarily emerge automatically, and (2) that adding weak supervision for alignment between visual objects and words improves the quality of the learned models on tasks requiring reasoning. In particular , we integrate an object-word alignment loss into SOTA vision-language reasoning models and evaluate it on two tasks VQA and Language-driven Comparison of Images. We show that the proposed fine-grained inter-modality supervision significantly improves performance on both tasks. In particular, this new learning signal allows obtaining SOTA-level performances on GQA dataset (VQA task) with pre-trained models without finetuning on the task, and a new SOTA on NLVR2 dataset (Language-driven Comparison of Images). Finally, we also illustrate the impact of the contribution on the models reasoning by visualizing attention distributions