5 research outputs found

    Die Zahl π – Mittelalter, Neuzeit, Moderne

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    Die Zahl π – Mittelalter, Neuzeit, Moderne, 44 p. - E88 - Neuss 2022 - encyclopedical survey, lots of researchers are listed including Lindemann, Hilbert, Ramanujan - important findings of in old history unknown properties are mentioned a) irationality of pi b) transcendence of pi - outlook on computers and p

    Lambert’s proof of the irrationality of Pi: Context and translation

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    This document gives the first complete English translation of Johann Heinrich Lambert’s memoir on the irrationality of Pi published in 1768, as well as some contextual elements, such as Legendre’s proof and more recent proofs such as Niven’s

    Die Zahl π – Altertum – Mittelalter – Neuzeit – Moderne -- Studien-Edition in einem Band

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    Die Zahl π – Altertum – Mittelalter – Neuzeit – Moderne -- Studien-Edition in einem Band, 186 p. - E89 - Neuss 2022 - starting with Papyrus Rhind to proofs for irrationality and transcendency of Pi - with lots of constructions and disrete approximations, including outlook on computers and Pi - We may guess: this type of near to encyclopedical survey is RARE - and was in NEED to see the public light, because it really can advance studies

    Mathematik in der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften

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    LaTeX-Dokumentation der Web-Seite http://ub-fachinfo.uni-hd.de/math/akademie/Welcome.html und ihrer HTML-Unterseiten. - Ein Projekt der Fachinformation Mathematik der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

    Lamberts Kettenbruch

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