5 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sub Unit Kompetensi Merencanakan, Mempersiapkan Pekerjaan Dan Membongkar Motor Induksi Pada Mata Kuliah Praktikum Pemeliharaan Mesin Listrik

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    Induction Motor Electric Motor is the type most widely used in the industries both large, medium and small scale industries. For prime movers, for the operation of Induction Motors often serve varying load, so that frequent Induction Motor disorder/damage caused by the instability of the load, the current and voltage. Construction Asynchronous Motor consists of two main parts, no moving parts (stator and a moving part/rotating rotor) that they form a cylindrical magnetic circuit symmetrical and between Rotor and Stator air gap there. Disassemble and re- rolling activities Induction Motor Stator is made ​​only to the extent sub-unit plan and prepare for work and sub ​​units unload coils of electrical equipment. The dimensions of the wire conductor to be used as a planned winding Induction Motor based on Power Output and Round Induction Motor desire. This activity uses an Induction Motor Three Phasa are designed to operate at a working voltage of 380/220 Volt, 1 HP with Power mechanical rotation of 1400 rpm. Through the method of observation, experiment and analysis and having regard to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and the Occupational Safety and Health System obtained the results: 71% of students gained Average Value: 70 < NRT < 81 and 29 % average gain value: 81 of some 31 students , which means they have been carrying out activities in the sub-unit practicum plan and prepare for work and  sub units unload coil electrical equipment properly

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengendali Dan Monitoring Baterai Dengan Algoritma Numerik Untuk Sumber Energi Listrik Terbarukan

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    Renewable energy sources are highly promising solar cell and wind turbine due to its portability, high flexibility and relatively low value of the investment. So far solar cell technology has the advantage because it requires minimal maintenance and has a lifespan of about 20 years. Efficiency realized by the ability of a solar cell converts solar energy into electrical energy. At this time the solar cell is easy to come by with a price range U.S. $ 3/Watt per unit area. At the windmill mechanical energy of rotation of the blade will be converted into electrical energy source. Although simple in concept, but the design of the turbine blade is very complex calculations to produce optimal energy. But the weakness of both the renewable energy sources is uncertain availability, while consumers need stable supply of energy with 100 % sustainability. For that to renewable energy systems more USAble, the system must be equipped with a control and management of electrical energy that will stabilize the output of electrical energy produced. Required a battery bank in the continuity of energy supply sustainable electricity generated. In this research, has been designing up an energy control system to integrate mathematical modeling of the battery. Control system is powered by a battery bank, microcontroller and electronic circuits. Further system performance can be improved by performing the characteristic energy stored in the battery, so the battery energy can always be monitored. This allows the system to control the electrical energy is always available in the system

    Evolution-Operator-Based Single-Step Method for Image Processing

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    This work proposes an evolution-operator-based single-time-step method for image and signal processing. The key component of the proposed method is a local spectral evolution kernel (LSEK) that analytically integrates a class of evolution partial differential equations (PDEs). From the point of view PDEs, the LSEK provides the analytical solution in a single time step, and is of spectral accuracy, free of instability constraint. From the point of image/signal processing, the LSEK gives rise to a family of lowpass filters. These filters contain controllable time delay and amplitude scaling. The new evolution operator-based method is constructed by pointwise adaptation of anisotropy to the coefficients of the LSEK. The Perona-Malik-type of anisotropic diffusion schemes is incorporated in the LSEK for image denoising. A forward-backward diffusion process is adopted to the LSEK for image deblurring or sharpening. A coupled PDE system is modified for image edge detection. The resulting image edge is utilized for image enhancement. Extensive computer experiments are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. The major advantages of the proposed method are its single-step solution and readiness for multidimensional data analysis

    Lagrange wavelets for signal processing

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    10.1109/83.951535IEEE Transactions on Image Processing10101488-1508IIPR

    Lagrange Wavelets for Signal Processing

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    This paper deals with the design of interpolating wavelets based on a variety of Lagrange functions, combined with novel signal processing techniques for digital imaging. Halfband Lagrange wavelets, Bspline Lagrange wavelets and Gaussian-Lagrange distributed approximating functional (DAF) wavelets are presented as specific examples of the generalized Lagrange wavelets. Our approach combines the perceptually dependent visual group normalization (VGN) technique and a softer logic masking (SLM) method. These are formulated to re-scale the wavelet coefficients, remove perceptual redundancy and obtain optimal visual performance for digital image processing. Index Terms---Generalized Lagrange wavelets, distributed approximating functionals, visual group normalization, softer logic masking. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant CHE-9700297, the R.A. Welch Foundation under Grant E-0608, Department of Energy under Contract 2-7405-ENG82, the NSERC of Canada and ..