8 research outputs found

    Optimizing eHealth tools for older patients: Collaborative redesign of a hospital website

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    Most hospital websites have not been developed in collaboration with patients and, therefore, rarely take into account the preferences and abilities of older patients. This study describes the systematic redesign of an existing hospital website in a co‐design process with patients and professional stakeholders (e.g. researchers, physicians, nurses, department heads, policymakers, website designers), with the aim to make it more user‐friendly for older patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). The redesign process consisted of three phases, where (I) both existing content and design were evaluated among CRC patients; (II) a prototype website was developed based on these insights; which (III) was evaluated again before making final adjustments. Mixed research methods were used for the redesign process. Specifically, insights from existing literature, outcomes from qualitative and quantitative empirical studies conducted by our team, and expert knowledge from relevant stakeholders, were collected and discussed in multidisciplinary consensus meetings, and served as input for the redesigned website. While the existing website was evaluated poorly, the qualitative evaluation of the prototype website in phase 3 showed that the newly redesigned website was usable for older CRC patients. A practical roadmap on how to collaboratively redesign and optimise existing eHealth tools to make them suitable for and operational in clinical settings is provided

    Lack of Development and Usability Descriptions in Evaluation Reports on Online Health Information Tools for Older Patients

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    New media play an increasing role in the everyday life of older individuals. They extensively use the Internet to search for health-related information. In our systematic review we found that online health information tools have been proven to be effective in improving self-efficacy and several clinical outcomes in older (≥ 65 years) patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development and usability of the effective online health information tools. The reporting of the development of the online health information tools turned out to be too succinct. Moreover, we were unable to evaluate the usability of online health information tools as none of them were publicly available. We argue the need to report more detailed information about the development and usability of online health information tools in evaluation studies in order to replicate findings and to develop new evidence-based online health information tools for older patient

    Identificación de herramientas de tic para apoyar la inclusión de personas mayores de edad

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    El propósito de este documento es presentar una síntesis de aquellas herramientas de TIC que han sido desarrolladas con el fin de apoyar la inclusión de las personas mayores, además que han sido publicadas en la literatura científica en el periodo 2005 -2015, se pretende identificar los tipos de tecnologías que se desarrollan para este grupo de personas, para luego así poder clasificar los resultados obtenidos a partir de la revisión de literatura científica realizada, su objetivo es construir un marco conceptual referente a los Adultos Mayores y las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, la cual se debe explicar la concepción y la clasificación de cada término, establecer una planificación como ayuda para la revisión sistemática de la literatura, la cual estuvo comprendida por preguntas de investigación y criterios que se consideraron para poder realizar la respectiva selección y clasificación de los documentos se partió de una ecuación de búsqueda realizada para depurar la información, se realizó la búsqueda de los documentos en la base de datos SCOPUS, se escogen los documentos que van a ser sometidos al análisis, esto mediante una evaluación de calidad de los mismos, se analizaron los documentos que han sido seleccionados y se presentó la síntesis de los resultados, por medio de la ejecución de los objetivos descritos anteriormente, se ha logrado identificar dos tipos de desarrollos, los pertenecientes al grupo de aplicaciones y al de electrónica; también, se encontró desarrollos en los que se relacionaban estos dos tipos, además cada uno presenta o tiene un propósito diferente, entre los cuales se han destacado nueve, de los cuales el monitoreo o control de las personas mayores ha sido el propósito o el fin al que más se ha trabajado, con 57 herramientas dirigidas a esta finalidad y que equivale a un 39,8601% de los documentos estudiados

    Lack of development and usability descriptions in evaluation reports on online health information tools for older patients

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    New media play an increasing role in the everyday life of older individuals. They extensively use the Internet to search for health-related information. In our systematic review we found that online health information tools have been proven to be effective in improving self-efficacy and several clinical outcomes in older (≥ 65 years) patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development and usability of the effective online health information tools. The reporting of the development of the online health information tools turned out to be too succinct. Moreover, we were unable to evaluate the usability of online health information tools as none of them were publicly available. We argue the need to report more detailed information about the development and usability of online health information tools in evaluation studies in order to replicate findings and to develop new evidence-based online health information tools for older patients

    Lack of Development and Usability Descriptions in Evaluation Reports on Online Health Information Tools for Older Patients

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    New media play an increasing role in the everyday life of older individuals. They extensively use the Internet to search for health-related information. In our systematic review we found that online health information tools have been proven to be effective in improving self-efficacy and several clinical outcomes in older (≥65 years) patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development and usability of the effective online health information tools. The reporting of the development of the online health information tools turned out to be too succinct. Moreover, we were unable to evaluate the usability of online health information tools as none of them were publicly available. We argue the need to report more detailed information about the development and usability of online health information tools in evaluation studies in order to replicate findings and to develop new evidence-based online health information tools for older patients