1,109,447 research outputs found

    Perturbative Dynamics of Fractional Strings on Multiply Wound D-strings

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    Fractional strings in the spectrum of states of open strings attached to a multiply wound D-brane is explained. We first describe the fractional string states in the low-energy effective theory where the topology of multiple winding is encoded in the gauge holonomy. The holonomy induces twisted boundary conditions responsible for the fractional moding of these states. We also describe fractional strings in world sheet formulation and compute simple scattering amplitudes for Hawking emission/absorption. Generalization to fractional DN-strings in a 1-brane 5-brane bound state is described. When a 1-brane and a 5-brane wraps Q1Q_1 and Q5Q_5 times respectively around a circle, the momentum of DN-strings is quantized in units of 2Ï€/LQ1Q52 \pi/L Q_1 Q_5. These fractional states appear naturally in the perturbative spectrum of the theory.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    Ward Identities in Two-Dimensional String Theory

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    I study the Ward identities of the w∞w_\infty symmetry of the two-dimensional string theory. It is found that, not just an isolated vertex operator, but also a number of vertex operators colliding at a point can produce local charge non-conservation. The structure of all such contact terms is determined. As an application, I calculate all the non-vanishing bulk tachyon amplitudes directly through the Ward identities for a Virasoro subalgebra of the w∞w_\infty.Comment: 12 page

    Unitarity Relations in c=1 Liouville Theory

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    We consider the S-matrix of c=1 Liouville theory with vanishing cosmological constant. We examine some of the constraints imposed by unitarity. These completely determine (N,2) amplitudes at tree level in terms of the (N,1) amplitudes when the plus tachyon momenta take generic values. A surprising feature of the matrix model results is the lack of particle creation branch cuts in the higher genus amplitudes. In fact, we show the naive field theory limit of Liouville theory would predict such branch cuts. However, unitarity in the full string theory ensures that such cuts do not appear in genus one (N,1) amplitudes. We conclude with some comments about the genus one (N,2) amplitudes.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures (not included), phyzz

    Novel multipurpose timer for laboratories

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    Multipurpose digital delay timer simultaneously controls both a buffer pump and a fraction-collector. Timing and control may be in 30-second increments for up to 15 hours. Use of glassware and scintillation vials make it economical
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