1,806 research outputs found

    A Multiscale Approach for Statistical Characterization of Functional Images

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    Increasingly, scientific studies yield functional image data, in which the observed data consist of sets of curves recorded on the pixels of the image. Examples include temporal brain response intensities measured by fMRI and NMR frequency spectra measured at each pixel. This article presents a new methodology for improving the characterization of pixels in functional imaging, formulated as a spatial curve clustering problem. Our method operates on curves as a unit. It is nonparametric and involves multiple stages: (i) wavelet thresholding, aggregation, and Neyman truncation to effectively reduce dimensionality; (ii) clustering based on an extended EM algorithm; and (iii) multiscale penalized dyadic partitioning to create a spatial segmentation. We motivate the different stages with theoretical considerations and arguments, and illustrate the overall procedure on simulated and real datasets. Our method appears to offer substantial improvements over monoscale pixel-wise methods. An Appendix which gives some theoretical justifications of the methodology, computer code, documentation and dataset are available in the online supplements

    Procedural Noise Adversarial Examples for Black-Box Attacks on Deep Convolutional Networks

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    Deep Convolutional Networks (DCNs) have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples---perturbed inputs specifically designed to produce intentional errors in the learning algorithms at test time. Existing input-agnostic adversarial perturbations exhibit interesting visual patterns that are currently unexplained. In this paper, we introduce a structured approach for generating Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) with procedural noise functions. Our approach unveils the systemic vulnerability of popular DCN models like Inception v3 and YOLO v3, with single noise patterns able to fool a model on up to 90% of the dataset. Procedural noise allows us to generate a distribution of UAPs with high universal evasion rates using only a few parameters. Additionally, we propose Bayesian optimization to efficiently learn procedural noise parameters to construct inexpensive untargeted black-box attacks. We demonstrate that it can achieve an average of less than 10 queries per successful attack, a 100-fold improvement on existing methods. We further motivate the use of input-agnostic defences to increase the stability of models to adversarial perturbations. The universality of our attacks suggests that DCN models may be sensitive to aggregations of low-level class-agnostic features. These findings give insight on the nature of some universal adversarial perturbations and how they could be generated in other applications.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '19

    Classification of user queries according to a hierarchical medical procedure encoding system using an ensemble classifier

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    The Swiss classification of surgical interventions (CHOP) has to be used in daily practice by physicians to classify clinical procedures. Its purpose is to encode the delivered healthcare services for the sake of quality assurance and billing. For encoding a procedure, a code of a maximal of 6-digits has to be selected from the classification system, which is currently realized by a rule-based system composed of encoding experts and a manual search in the CHOP catalog. In this paper, we will investigate the possibility of automatic CHOP code generation based on a short query to enable automatic support of manual classification. The wide and deep hierarchy of CHOP and the differences between text used in queries and catalog descriptions are two apparent obstacles for training and deploying a learning-based algorithm. Because of these challenges, there is a need for an appropriate classification approach. We evaluate different strategies (multi-class non-terminal and per-node classifications) with different configurations so that a flexible modular solution with high accuracy and efficiency can be provided. The results clearly show that the per-node binary classification outperforms the non-terminal multi-class classification with an F1-micro measure between 92.6 and 94%. The hierarchical prediction based on per-node binary classifiers achieved a high exact match by the single code assignment on the 5-fold cross-validation. In conclusion, the hierarchical context from the CHOP encoding can be employed by both classifier training and representation learning. The hierarchical features have all shown improvement in the classification performances under different configurations, respectively: the stacked autoencoder and training examples aggregation using true path rules as well as the unified vocabulary space have largely increased the utility of hierarchical features. Additionally, the threshold adaption through Bayesian aggregation has largely increased the vertical reachability of the per node classification. All the trainable nodes can be triggered after the threshold adaption, while the F1 measures at code levels 3–6 have been increased from 6 to 89% after the threshold adaption

    Robust Plackett–Luce model for k-ary crowdsourced preferences

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    © 2017, The Author(s). The aggregation of k-ary preferences is an emerging ranking problem, which plays an important role in several aspects of our daily life, such as ordinal peer grading and online product recommendation. At the same time, crowdsourcing has become a trendy way to provide a plethora of k-ary preferences for this ranking problem, due to convenient platforms and low costs. However, k-ary preferences from crowdsourced workers are often noisy, which inevitably degenerates the performance of traditional aggregation models. To address this challenge, in this paper, we present a RObust PlAckett–Luce (ROPAL) model. Specifically, to ensure the robustness, ROPAL integrates the Plackett–Luce model with a denoising vector. Based on the Kendall-tau distance, this vector corrects k-ary crowdsourced preferences with a certain probability. In addition, we propose an online Bayesian inference to make ROPAL scalable to large-scale preferences. We conduct comprehensive experiments on simulated and real-world datasets. Empirical results on “massive synthetic” and “real-world” datasets show that ROPAL with online Bayesian inference achieves substantial improvements in robustness and noisy worker detection over current approaches

    Enhanced CNN for image denoising

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    Owing to flexible architectures of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), CNNs are successfully used for image denoising. However, they suffer from the following drawbacks: (i) deep network architecture is very difficult to train. (ii) Deeper networks face the challenge of performance saturation. In this study, the authors propose a novel method called enhanced convolutional neural denoising network (ECNDNet). Specifically, they use residual learning and batch normalisation techniques to address the problem of training difficulties and accelerate the convergence of the network. In addition, dilated convolutions are used in the proposed network to enlarge the context information and reduce the computational cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the ECNDNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for image denoising.Comment: CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology[J], 201

    Adapting to Unknown Smoothness by Aggregation of Thresholded Wavelet Estimators

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    We study the performances of an adaptive procedure based on a convex combination, with data-driven weights, of term-by-term thresholded wavelet estimators. For the bounded regression model, with random uniform design, and the nonparametric density model, we show that the resulting estimator is optimal in the minimax sense over all Besov balls under the L2L^2 risk, without any logarithm factor
