100 research outputs found

    LTLf satisfiability checking

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    We consider here Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas interpreted over \emph{finite} traces. We denote this logic by LTLf. The existing approach for LTLf satisfiability checking is based on a reduction to standard LTL satisfiability checking. We describe here a novel direct approach to LTLf satisfiability checking, where we take advantage of the difference in the semantics between LTL and LTLf. While LTL satisfiability checking requires finding a \emph{fair cycle} in an appropriate transition system, here we need to search only for a finite trace. This enables us to introduce specialized heuristics, where we also exploit recent progress in Boolean SAT solving. We have implemented our approach in a prototype tool and experiments show that our approach outperforms existing approaches

    SAT-based Explicit LTLf Satisfiability Checking

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    We present here a SAT-based framework for LTLf (Linear Temporal Logic on Finite Traces) satisfiability checking. We use propositional SAT-solving techniques to construct a transition system for the input LTLf formula; satisfiability checking is then reduced to a path-search problem over this transition system. Furthermore, we introduce CDLSC (Conflict-Driven LTLf Satisfiability Checking), a novel algorithm that leverages information produced by propositional SAT solvers from both satisfiability and unsatisfiability results. Experimental evaluations show that CDLSC outperforms all other existing approaches for LTLf satisfiability checking, by demonstrating an approximate four-fold speedup compared to the second-best solver

    Satisfiability Checking for Mission-Time LTL

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    Mission-time LTL (MLTL) is a bounded variant of MTL over naturals designed to generically specify requirements for mission-based system operation common to aircraft, spacecraft, vehicles, and robots. Despite the utility of MLTL as a specification logic, major gaps remain in analyzing MLTL, e.g., for specification debugging or model checking, centering on the absence of any complete MLTL satisfiability checker. We prove that the MLTL satisfiability checking problem is NEXPTIME-complete and that satisfiability checking MLTL0 , the variant of MLTL where all intervals start at 0, is PSPACE-complete. We introduce translations for MLTL-to-LTL, MLTL-to-LTLf , MLTL-to-SMV, and MLTL-to-SMT, creating four options for MLTL satisfiability checking. Our extensive experimental evaluation shows that the MLTL-to-SMT transition with the Z3 SMT solver offers the most scalable performance

    LTLf and LDLf Monitoring: A Technical Report

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    Runtime monitoring is one of the central tasks to provide operational decision support to running business processes, and check on-the-fly whether they comply with constraints and rules. We study runtime monitoring of properties expressed in LTL on finite traces (LTLf) and in its extension LDLf. LDLf is a powerful logic that captures all monadic second order logic on finite traces, which is obtained by combining regular expressions and LTLf, adopting the syntax of propositional dynamic logic (PDL). Interestingly, in spite of its greater expressivity, LDLf has exactly the same computational complexity of LTLf. We show that LDLf is able to capture, in the logic itself, not only the constraints to be monitored, but also the de-facto standard RV-LTL monitors. This makes it possible to declaratively capture monitoring metaconstraints, and check them by relying on usual logical services instead of ad-hoc algorithms. This, in turn, enables to flexibly monitor constraints depending on the monitoring state of other constraints, e.g., "compensation" constraints that are only checked when others are detected to be violated. In addition, we devise a direct translation of LDLf formulas into nondeterministic automata, avoiding to detour to Buechi automata or alternating automata, and we use it to implement a monitoring plug-in for the PROM suite

    Decidable Fragments of LTLf Modulo Theories

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    We study Linear Temporal Logic Modulo Theories over Finite Traces (LTLMTf), a recently introduced extension of LTL over finite traces (LTLf) where propositions are replaced by first-order formulas and where first-order variables referring to different time points can be compared. In general, LTLMTf was shown to be semi-decidable for any decidable first-order theory (e.g., linear arithmetics), with a tableau-based semi-decision procedure. In this paper we present a sound and complete pruning rule for the LTLMTf tableau. We show that for any LTLMTf formula that satisfies an abstract, semantic condition, that we call finite memory, the tableau augmented with the new rule is also guaranteed to terminate. Last but not least, this technique allows us to establish novel decidability results for the satisfiability of several fragments of LTLMTf, as well as to give new decidability proofs for classes that are already known