4,899 research outputs found

    Procedure-modular specification and verification of temporal safety properties

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    This paper describes ProMoVer, a tool for fully automated procedure-modular verification of Java programs equipped with method-local and global assertions that specify safety properties of sequences of method invocations. Modularity at the procedure-level is a natural instantiation of the modular verification paradigm, where correctness of global properties is relativized on the local properties of the methods rather than on their implementations. Here, it is based on the construction of maximal models for a program model that abstracts away from program data. This approach allows global properties to be verified in the presence of code evolution, multiple method implementations (as arising from software product lines), or even unknown method implementations (as in mobile code for open platforms). ProMoVer automates a typical verification scenario for a previously developed tool set for compositional verification of control flow safety properties, and provides appropriate pre- and post-processing. Both linear-time temporal logic and finite automata are supported as formalisms for expressing local and global safety properties, allowing the user to choose a suitable format for the property at hand. Modularity is exploited by a mechanism for proof reuse that detects and minimizes the verification tasks resulting from changes in the code and the specifications. The verification task is relatively light-weight due to support for abstraction from private methods and automatic extraction of candidate specifications from method implementations. We evaluate the tool on a number of applications from the domains of Java Card and web-based application

    Refinement Calculus of Reactive Systems

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    Refinement calculus is a powerful and expressive tool for reasoning about sequential programs in a compositional manner. In this paper we present an extension of refinement calculus for reactive systems. Refinement calculus is based on monotonic predicate transformers, which transform sets of post-states into sets of pre-states. To model reactive systems, we introduce monotonic property transformers, which transform sets of output traces into sets of input traces. We show how to model in this semantics refinement, sequential composition, demonic choice, and other semantic operations on reactive systems. We use primarily higher order logic to express our results, but we also show how property transformers can be defined using other formalisms more amenable to automation, such as linear temporal logic (suitable for specifications) and symbolic transition systems (suitable for implementations). Finally, we show how this framework generalizes previous work on relational interfaces so as to be able to express systems with infinite behaviors and liveness properties

    A Temporal Logic for Hyperproperties

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    Hyperproperties, as introduced by Clarkson and Schneider, characterize the correctness of a computer program as a condition on its set of computation paths. Standard temporal logics can only refer to a single path at a time, and therefore cannot express many hyperproperties of interest, including noninterference and other important properties in security and coding theory. In this paper, we investigate an extension of temporal logic with explicit path variables. We show that the quantification over paths naturally subsumes other extensions of temporal logic with operators for information flow and knowledge. The model checking problem for temporal logic with path quantification is decidable. For alternation depth 1, the complexity is PSPACE in the length of the formula and NLOGSPACE in the size of the system, as for linear-time temporal logic

    Parameterized Synthesis

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    We study the synthesis problem for distributed architectures with a parametric number of finite-state components. Parameterized specifications arise naturally in a synthesis setting, but thus far it was unclear how to detect realizability and how to perform synthesis in a parameterized setting. Using a classical result from verification, we show that for a class of specifications in indexed LTL\X, parameterized synthesis in token ring networks is equivalent to distributed synthesis in a network consisting of a few copies of a single process. Adapting a well-known result from distributed synthesis, we show that the latter problem is undecidable. We describe a semi-decision procedure for the parameterized synthesis problem in token rings, based on bounded synthesis. We extend the approach to parameterized synthesis in token-passing networks with arbitrary topologies, and show applicability on a simple case study. Finally, we sketch a general framework for parameterized synthesis based on cutoffs and other parameterized verification techniques.Comment: Extended version of TACAS 2012 paper, 29 page

    Generalising feature interactions in email

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    We report on a property-based approach to feature interaction analysis for a client-server email system. The model is based upon Hall's email model presented at FIW'00, but the implementation is at a lower level of abstraction, employing non-determinism and asynchronous communication; it is a challenge to avoid deadlock and race conditions. The analysis is more extensive in two ways: interaction analysis is fully automated, based on model-checking the entire state-space, and results are scalable, that is they generalise to email systems consisting of any number of email clients. Abstraction techniques are used to prove general results. The key idea is to model-check a system consisting of a constant number (m) of client processes, in parallel with a mailer process and an ``abstract'' process which represents the product of any number of other (unfeatured, isomorphic) client processes. We give a lower bound for the value of m. All of the models -- for any specified set of client processes and selected features -- are generated automatically using Perl scripts
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