5 research outputs found

    Sum of squares lower bounds for refuting any CSP

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    Let P:{0,1}k{0,1}P:\{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\} be a nontrivial kk-ary predicate. Consider a random instance of the constraint satisfaction problem CSP(P)\mathrm{CSP}(P) on nn variables with Δn\Delta n constraints, each being PP applied to kk randomly chosen literals. Provided the constraint density satisfies Δ1\Delta \gg 1, such an instance is unsatisfiable with high probability. The \emph{refutation} problem is to efficiently find a proof of unsatisfiability. We show that whenever the predicate PP supports a tt-\emph{wise uniform} probability distribution on its satisfying assignments, the sum of squares (SOS) algorithm of degree d=Θ(nΔ2/(t1)logΔ)d = \Theta(\frac{n}{\Delta^{2/(t-1)} \log \Delta}) (which runs in time nO(d)n^{O(d)}) \emph{cannot} refute a random instance of CSP(P)\mathrm{CSP}(P). In particular, the polynomial-time SOS algorithm requires Ω~(n(t+1)/2)\widetilde{\Omega}(n^{(t+1)/2}) constraints to refute random instances of CSP(P)(P) when PP supports a tt-wise uniform distribution on its satisfying assignments. Together with recent work of Lee et al. [LRS15], our result also implies that \emph{any} polynomial-size semidefinite programming relaxation for refutation requires at least Ω~(n(t+1)/2)\widetilde{\Omega}(n^{(t+1)/2}) constraints. Our results (which also extend with no change to CSPs over larger alphabets) subsume all previously known lower bounds for semialgebraic refutation of random CSPs. For every constraint predicate~PP, they give a three-way hardness tradeoff between the density of constraints, the SOS degree (hence running time), and the strength of the refutation. By recent algorithmic results of Allen et al. [AOW15] and Raghavendra et al. [RRS16], this full three-way tradeoff is \emph{tight}, up to lower-order factors.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Lower Bounds for CSP Refutation by SDP Hierarchies

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    For a k-ary predicate P, a random instance of CSP(P) with n variables and m constraints is unsatisfiable with high probability when m >= O(n). The natural algorithmic task in this regime is refutation: finding a proof that a given random instance is unsatisfiable. Recent work of Allen et al. suggests that the difficulty of refuting CSP(P) using an SDP is determined by a parameter cmplx(P), the smallest t for which there does not exist a t-wise uniform distribution over satisfying assignments to P. In particular they show that random instances of CSP(P) with m >> n^{cmplx(P)/2} can be refuted efficiently using an SDP. In this work, we give evidence that n^{cmplx(P)/2} constraints are also necessary for refutation using SDPs. Specifically, we show that if P supports a (t-1)-wise uniform distribution over satisfying assignments, then the Sherali-Adams_+ and Lovasz-Schrijver_+ SDP hierarchies cannot refute a random instance of CSP(P) in polynomial time for any m <= n^{t/2-epsilon}

    Goldreich's PRG: Evidence for Near-Optimal Polynomial Stretch

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    The Cryptographic Hardness of Random Local Functions -- Survey

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    Constant parallel-time cryptography allows to perform complex cryptographic tasks at an ultimate level of parallelism, namely, by local functions that each of their output bits depend on a constant number of input bits. A natural way to obtain local cryptographic constructions is to use \emph{random local functions} in which each output bit is computed by applying some fixed dd-ary predicate PP to a randomly chosen dd-size subset of the input bits. In this work, we will study the cryptographic hardness of random local functions. In particular, we will survey known attacks and hardness results, discuss different flavors of hardness (one-wayness, pseudorandomness, collision resistance, public-key encryption), and mention applications to other problems in cryptography and computational complexity. We also present some open questions with the hope to develop a systematic study of the cryptographic hardness of local functions