56 research outputs found

    LIZARD – A Lightweight Stream Cipher for Power-constrained Devices

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    Time-memory-data (TMD) tradeoff attacks limit the security level of many classical stream ciphers (like E0, A5/1, Trivium, Grain) to 1/2n, where n denotes the inner state length of the underlying keystream generator. In this paper, we present Lizard, a lightweight stream cipher for power-constrained devices like passive RFID tags. Its hardware efficiency results from combining a Grain-like design with the FP(1)-mode, a recently suggested construction principle for the state initialization of stream ciphers, which offers provable 2/3n-security against TMD tradeoff attacks aiming at key recovery. Lizard uses 120-bit keys, 64-bit IVs and has an inner state length of 121 bit. It is supposed to provide 80-bit security against key recovery attacks. Lizard allows to generate up to 218 keystream bits per key/IV pair, which would be sufficient for many existing communication scenarios like Bluetooth, WLAN or HTTPS

    Lightweight cryptography on ultra-constrained RFID devices

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    Devices of extremely small computational power like RFID tags are used in practice to a rapidly growing extent, a trend commonly referred to as ubiquitous computing. Despite their severely constrained resources, the security burden which these devices have to carry is often enormous, as their fields of application range from everyday access control to human-implantable chips providing sensitive medical information about a person. Unfortunately, established cryptographic primitives such as AES are way to 'heavy' (e.g., in terms of circuit size or power consumption) to be used in corresponding RFID systems, calling for new solutions and thus initiating the research area of lightweight cryptography. In this thesis, we focus on the currently most restricted form of such devices and will refer to them as ultra-constrained RFIDs. To fill this notion with life and in order to create a profound basis for our subsequent cryptographic development, we start this work by providing a comprehensive summary of conditions that should be met by lightweight cryptographic schemes targeting ultra-constrained RFID devices. Building on these insights, we then turn towards the two main topics of this thesis: lightweight authentication and lightweight stream ciphers. To this end, we first provide a general introduction to the broad field of authentication and study existing (allegedly) lightweight approaches. Drawing on this, with the (n,k,L)^-protocol, we suggest our own lightweight authentication scheme and, on the basis of corresponding hardware implementations for FPGAs and ASICs, demonstrate its suitability for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Subsequently, we leave the path of searching for dedicated authentication protocols and turn towards stream cipher design, where we first revisit some prominent classical examples and, in particular, analyze their state initialization algorithms. Following this, we investigate the rather young area of small-state stream ciphers, which try to overcome the limit imposed by time-memory-data tradeoff (TMD-TO) attacks on the security of classical stream ciphers. Here, we present some new attacks, but also corresponding design ideas how to counter these. Paving the way for our own small-state stream cipher, we then propose and analyze the LIZARD-construction, which combines the explicit use of packet mode with a new type of state initialization algorithm. For corresponding keystream generator-based designs of inner state length n, we prove a tight (2n/3)-bound on the security against TMD-TO key recovery attacks. Building on these theoretical results, we finally present LIZARD, our new lightweight stream cipher for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Its hardware efficiency and security result from combining a Grain-like design with the LIZARD-construction. Most notably, besides lower area requirements, the estimated power consumption of LIZARD is also about 16 percent below that of Grain v1, making it particularly suitable for passive RFID tags, which obtain their energy exclusively through an electromagnetic field radiated by the reading device. The thesis is concluded by an extensive 'Future Research Directions' chapter, introducing various new ideas and thus showing that the search for lightweight cryptographic solutions is far from being completed

    Slid Pairs of the Fruit-80 Stream Cipher

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    Fruit is a small-state stream cipher designed for securing communications among resource-constrained devices. The design of Fruit was first known to the public in 2016. It was later improved as Fruit-80 in 2018 and becomes the latest and final version among all versions of the Fruit stream ciphers. In this paper, we analyze the Fruit-80 stream cipher. We found that Fruit-80 generates identical keystreams from certain two distinct pairs of key and IV. Such pair of key and IV pairs is known as a slid pair. Moreover, we discover that when two pairs of key and IV fulfill specific characteristics, they will generate identical keystreams. This shows that slid pairs do not always exist arbitrarily in Fruit-80. We define specific rules which are equivalent to the characteristics. Using the defined rules, we are able to automate the searching process using an MILP solver, which makes searching of the slid pairs trivial

    A new idea in response to fast correlation attacks on small-state stream ciphers

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    In the conference “Fast Software Encryption 2015”, a new line of research was proposed by introducing the first small-state stream cipher (SSC). The goal was to design lightweight stream ciphers for hardware application by going beyond the rule that the internal state size must be at least twice the intended security level. Time-memory-data trade-off (TMDTO) attacks and fast correlation attacks (FCA) were successfully applied to all proposed SSCs which can be implemented by less than 1000 gate equivalents in hardware. It is possible to increase the security of stream ciphers against FCA by exploiting more complicated functions for the nonlinear feedback shift register and the output function, but we use lightweight functions to design the lightest SSC in the world while providing more security against FCA. Our proposed cipher provides 80-bit security against TMDTO distinguishing attacks, while Lizard and Plantlet provide only 60-bit and 58-bit security against distinguishing attacks, respectively. Our main contribution is to propose a lightweight round key function with a very long period that increases the security of SSCs against FCA

    Towards low energy stream ciphers

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    Energy optimization is an important design aspect of lightweight cryptography. Since low energy ciphers drain less battery, they are invaluable components of devices that operate on a tight energy budget such as handheld devices or RFID tags. At Asiacrypt 2015, Banik et al. presented the block cipher family Midori which was designed to optimize the energy consumed per encryption and which reduces the energy consumption by more than 30% compared to previous block ciphers. However, if one has to encrypt/decrypt longer streams of data, i.e. for bulk data encryption/decryption, it is expected that a stream cipher should perform even better than block ciphers in terms of energy required to encrypt. In this paper, we address the question of designing low energy stream ciphers. To this end, we analyze for common stream cipher design components their impact on the energy consumption. Based on this, we give arguments why indeed stream ciphers allow for encrypting long data streams with less energy than block ciphers and validate our findings by implementations. Afterwards, we use the analysis results to identify energy minimizing design principles for stream ciphers

    Differential Fault Attack on Grain v1, ACORN v3 and Lizard

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    Differential Fault Attack (DFA) is presently a very well known technique to evaluate security of a stream cipher. This considers that the stream cipher can be weakened by injection of the fault. In this paper we study DFA on three ciphers, namely Grain v1, Lizard and ACORN v3. We show that Grain v1 (an eStream cipher) can be attacked with injection of only 5 faults instead of 10 that has been reported in 2012. For the first time, we have mounted the fault attack on Lizard, a very recent design and show that one requires only 5 faults to obtain the state. ACORN v3 is a third round candidate of CAESAR and there is only one hard fault attack on an earlier version of this cipher. However, the `hard fault\u27 model requires a lot more assumption than the generic DFA. In this paper, we mount a DFA on ACORN v3 that requires 9 faults to obtain the state. In case of Grain v1 and ACORN v3, we can obtain the secret key once the state is known. However, that is not immediate in case of Lizard. While we have used the basic framework of DFA that appears in literature quite frequently, specific tweaks have to be explored to mount the actual attacks that were not used earlier. To the best of our knowledge, these are the best known DFA on these three ciphers

    State of the Art in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography

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    Lightweight cryptography has been one of the ``hot topics'' in symmetric cryptography in the recent years. A huge number of lightweight algorithms have been published, standardized and/or used in commercial products. In this paper, we discuss the different implementation constraints that a ``lightweight'' algorithm is usually designed to satisfy. We also present an extensive survey of all lightweight symmetric primitives we are aware of. It covers designs from the academic community, from government agencies and proprietary algorithms which were reverse-engineered or leaked. Relevant national (\nist{}...) and international (\textsc{iso/iec}...) standards are listed. We then discuss some trends we identified in the design of lightweight algorithms, namely the designers' preference for \arx{}-based and bitsliced-S-Box-based designs and simple key schedules. Finally, we argue that lightweight cryptography is too large a field and that it should be split into two related but distinct areas: \emph{ultra-lightweight} and \emph{IoT} cryptography. The former deals only with the smallest of devices for which a lower security level may be justified by the very harsh design constraints. The latter corresponds to low-power embedded processors for which the \aes{} and modern hash function are costly but which have to provide a high level security due to their greater connectivity

    Some cryptanalytic results on Lizard

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    Lizard is a lightweight stream cipher proposed by Hamann, Krause and Meier in IACR ToSC 2017. It has a Grain-like structure with two state registers of size 90 and 31 bits. The cipher uses a 120 bit Secret Key and a 64 bit IV. The authors claim that Lizard provides 80 bit security against key recovery attacks and a 60-bit security against distinguishing attacks. In this paper, we present an assortment of results and observations on Lizard. First, we show that by doing 2582^{58} random trials it is possible to a set of 2642^{64} triplets (K,IV0,IV1)(K,IV_0,IV_1) such that the Key-IV pairs (K,IV0)(K,IV_0) and (K,IV1)(K,IV_1) produce identical keystream bits. Second, we show that by performing only around 2282^{28} random trials it is possible to obtain 2642^{64} Key-IV pairs (K0,IV0)(K_0,IV_0) and (K1,IV1)(K_1,IV_1) that produce identical keystream bits. Thereafter, we show that one can construct a distinguisher for Lizard based on IVs that produce shifted keystream sequences. The process takes around 251.52^{51.5} random IV encryptions and around 276.62^{76.6} bits of memory. Finally, we propose a key recovery attack on a version of Lizard with the number of initialization rounds reduced to 223 (out of 256) based on IV collisions

    Lightweight symmetric cryptography

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    The Internet of Things is one of the principal trends in information technology nowadays. The main idea behind this concept is that devices communicate autonomously with each other over the Internet. Some of these devices have extremely limited resources, such as power and energy, available time for computations, amount of silicon to produce the chip, computational power, etc. Classical cryptographic primitives are often infeasible for such constrained devices. The goal of lightweight cryptography is to introduce cryptographic solutions with reduced resource consumption, but with a sufficient security level. Although this research area was of great interest to academia during the last years and a large number of proposals for lightweight cryptographic primitives have been introduced, almost none of them are used in real-word. Probably one of the reasons is that, for academia, lightweight usually meant to design cryptographic primitives such that they require minimal resources among all existing solutions. This exciting research problem became an important driver which allowed the academic community to better understand many cryptographic design concepts and to develop new attacks. However, this criterion does not seem to be the most important one for industry, where lightweight may be considered as "rightweight". In other words, a given cryptographic solution just has to fit the constraints of the specific use cases rather than to be the smallest. Unfortunately, academic researchers tended to neglect vital properties of the particular types of devices, into which they intended to apply their primitives. That is, often solutions were proposed where the usage of some resources was reduced to a minimum. However, this was achieved by introducing new costs which were not appropriately taken into account or in such a way that the reduction of costs also led to a decrease in the security level. Hence, there is a clear gap between academia and industry in understanding what lightweight cryptography is. In this work, we are trying to fill some of these gaps. We carefully investigate a broad number of existing lightweight cryptographic primitives proposed by academia including authentication protocols, stream ciphers, and block ciphers and evaluate their applicability for real-world scenarios. We then look at how individual components of design of the primitives influence their cost and summarize the steps to be taken into account when designing primitives for concrete cost optimization, more precisely - for low energy consumption. Next, we propose new implementation techniques for existing designs making them more efficient or smaller in hardware without the necessity to pay any additional costs. After that, we introduce a new stream cipher design philosophy which enables secure stream ciphers with smaller area size than ever before and, at the same time, considerably higher throughput compared to any other encryption schemes of similar hardware cost. To demonstrate the feasibility of our findings we propose two ciphers with the smallest area size so far, namely Sprout and Plantlet, and the most energy efficient encryption scheme called Trivium-2. Finally, this thesis solves a concrete industrial problem. Based on standardized cryptographic solutions, we design an end-to-end data-protection scheme for low power networks. This scheme was deployed on the water distribution network in the City of Antibes, France

    Encryption AXI Transaction Core for Enhanced FPGA Security

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    The current hot topic in cyber-security is not constrained to software layers. As attacks on electronic circuits have become more usual and dangerous, hardening digital System-on-Chips has become crucial. This article presents a novel electronic core to encrypt and decrypt data between two digital modules through an Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) connection. The core is compatible with AXI and is based on a Trivium stream cipher. Its implementation has been tested on a Zynq platform. The core prevents unauthorized data extraction by encrypting data on the fly. In addition, it takes up a small area—242 LUTs—and, as the core’s AXI to AXI path is fully combinational, it does not interfere with the system’s overall performance, with a maximum AXI clock frequency of 175 MHz.This work has been supported within the fund for research groups of the Basque university system IT1440-22 by the Department of Education and within the PILAR ZE-2020/00022 and COMMUTE ZE-2021/00931 projects by the Hazitek program, both of the Basque Government, the latter also by the Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn of Spain through the Centro para el Desarrollo TecnolĂłgico Industrial (CDTI) within the project IDI-20201264 and IDI-20220543 and through the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 2014–2020 (FEDER funds)
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