261 research outputs found

    Exploring differential topic models for comparative summarization of scientific papers

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    This paper investigates differential topic models (dTM) for summarizing the differences among document groups. Starting from a simple probabilistic generative model, we propose dTM-SAGE that explicitly models the deviations on group-specific word distributions to indicate how words are used differentially across different document groups from a background word distribution. It is more effective to capture unique characteristics for comparing document groups. To generate dTM-based comparative summaries, we propose two sentence scoring methods for measuring the sentence discriminative capacity. Experimental results on scientific papers dataset show that our dTM-based comparative summarization methods significantly outperform the generic baselines and the state-of-the-art comparative summarization methods under ROUGE metrics

    HEGEL: Hypergraph Transformer for Long Document Summarization

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    Extractive summarization for long documents is challenging due to the extended structured input context. The long-distance sentence dependency hinders cross-sentence relations modeling, the critical step of extractive summarization. This paper proposes HEGEL, a hypergraph neural network for long document summarization by capturing high-order cross-sentence relations. HEGEL updates and learns effective sentence representations with hypergraph transformer layers and fuses different types of sentence dependencies, including latent topics, keywords coreference, and section structure. We validate HEGEL by conducting extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of HEGEL.Comment: EMNLP 202

    Complex question answering : minimizing the gaps and beyond

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    xi, 192 leaves : ill. ; 29 cmCurrent Question Answering (QA) systems have been significantly advanced in demonstrating finer abilities to answer simple factoid and list questions. Such questions are easier to process as they require small snippets of texts as the answers. However, there is a category of questions that represents a more complex information need, which cannot be satisfied easily by simply extracting a single entity or a single sentence. For example, the question: “How was Japan affected by the earthquake?” suggests that the inquirer is looking for information in the context of a wider perspective. We call these “complex questions” and focus on the task of answering them with the intention to minimize the existing gaps in the literature. The major limitation of the available search and QA systems is that they lack a way of measuring whether a user is satisfied with the information provided. This was our motivation to propose a reinforcement learning formulation to the complex question answering problem. Next, we presented an integer linear programming formulation where sentence compression models were applied for the query-focused multi-document summarization task in order to investigate if sentence compression improves the overall performance. Both compression and summarization were considered as global optimization problems. We also investigated the impact of syntactic and semantic information in a graph-based random walk method for answering complex questions. Decomposing a complex question into a series of simple questions and then reusing the techniques developed for answering simple questions is an effective means of answering complex questions. We proposed a supervised approach for automatically learning good decompositions of complex questions in this work. A complex question often asks about a topic of user’s interest. Therefore, the problem of complex question decomposition closely relates to the problem of topic to question generation. We addressed this challenge and proposed a topic to question generation approach to enhance the scope of our problem domain

    Arabic Text Summarization Challenges using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review

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    Text summarization is a challenging field in Natural Language Processing due to language modelisation and used techniques to give concise summaries.  Dealing with Arabic language does increase the challenge while taking into consideration the many features of the Arabic language, the lack of tools and resources for Arabic, and the Algorithms adaptation and modelisation. In this paper, we present several researches dealing with Arabic Text summarization applying different Algorithms on several Datasets. We then compare all these researches and we give a conclusion to guide researchers on their further work

    Self-Supervised and Controlled Multi-Document Opinion Summarization

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    We address the problem of unsupervised abstractive summarization of collections of user generated reviews with self-supervision and control. We propose a self-supervised setup that considers an individual document as a target summary for a set of similar documents. This setting makes training simpler than previous approaches by relying only on standard log-likelihood loss. We address the problem of hallucinations through the use of control codes, to steer the generation towards more coherent and relevant summaries.Finally, we extend the Transformer architecture to allow for multiple reviews as input. Our benchmarks on two datasets against graph-based and recent neural abstractive unsupervised models show that our proposed method generates summaries with a superior quality and relevance.This is confirmed in our human evaluation which focuses explicitly on the faithfulness of generated summaries We also provide an ablation study, which shows the importance of the control setup in controlling hallucinations and achieve high sentiment and topic alignment of the summaries with the input reviews.Comment: 18 pages including 5 pages appendi

    Multi-document summarization based on atomic semantic events and their temporal relationss

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    Automatic multi-document summarization (MDS) is the process of extracting the most important information such as events and entities from multiple natural language texts focused on the same topic. We extract all types of semantic atomic information and feed them to a topic model to experiment with their effects on a summary. We design a coherent summarization system by taking into account the sentence relative positions in the original text. Our generic MDS system has outperformed the best recent multi-document summarization system in DUC 2004 in terms of ROUGE-1 recall and f1f_1-measure. Our query-focused summarization system achieves a statistically similar result to the state-of-the-art unsupervised system for DUC 2007 query-focused MDS task in ROUGE-2 recall measure. Update Summarization is a new form of MDS where novel yet salience sentences are chosen as summary sentences based on the assumption that the user has already read a given set of documents. In this thesis, we present an event based update summarization where the novelty is detected based on the temporal ordering of events and the saliency is ensured by event and entity distribution. To our knowledge, no other study has deeply investigated the effects of the novelty information acquired from the temporal ordering of events (assuming that a sentence contains one or more events) in the domain of update MDS. Our update MDS system has outperformed the state-of-the-art update MDS system in terms of ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-SU4 recall measures. Our MDS systems also generate quality summaries which are manually evaluated based on popular evaluation criteria

    Explicit diversification of event aspects for temporal summarization

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    During major events, such as emergencies and disasters, a large volume of information is reported on newswire and social media platforms. Temporal summarization (TS) approaches are used to automatically produce concise overviews of such events by extracting text snippets from related articles over time. Current TS approaches rely on a combination of event relevance and textual novelty for snippet selection. However, for events that span multiple days, textual novelty is often a poor criterion for selecting snippets, since many snippets are textually unique but are semantically redundant or non-informative. In this article, we propose a framework for the diversification of snippets using explicit event aspects, building on recent works in search result diversification. In particular, we first propose two techniques to identify explicit aspects that a user might want to see covered in a summary for different types of event. We then extend a state-of-the-art explicit diversification framework to maximize the coverage of these aspects when selecting summary snippets for unseen events. Through experimentation over the TREC TS 2013, 2014, and 2015 datasets, we show that explicit diversification for temporal summarization significantly outperforms classical novelty-based diversification, as the use of explicit event aspects reduces the amount of redundant and off-topic snippets returned, while also increasing summary timeliness

    Text Summarization Across High and Low-Resource Settings

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    Natural language processing aims to build automated systems that can both understand and generate natural language textual data. As the amount of textual data available online has increased exponentially, so has the need for intelligence systems to comprehend and present it to the world. As a result, automatic text summarization, the process by which a text\u27s salient content is automatically distilled into a concise form, has become a necessary tool. Automatic text summarization approaches and applications vary based on the input summarized, which may constitute single or multiple documents of different genres. Furthermore, the desired output style may consist of a sentence or sub-sentential units chosen directly from the input in extractive summarization or a fusion and paraphrase of the input document in abstractive summarization. Despite differences in the above use-cases, specific themes, such as the role of large-scale data for training these models, the application of summarization models in real-world scenarios, and the need for adequately evaluating and comparing summaries, are common across these settings. This dissertation presents novel data and modeling techniques for deep neural network-based summarization models trained across high-resource (thousands of supervised training examples) and low-resource (zero to hundreds of supervised training examples) data settings and a comprehensive evaluation of the model and metric progress in the field. We examine both Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)-based and Transformer-based models to extract and generate summaries from the input. To facilitate the training of large-scale networks, we introduce datasets applicable for multi-document summarization (MDS) for pedagogical applications and for news summarization. While the high-resource settings allow models to advance state-of-the-art performance, the failure of such models to adapt to settings outside of that in which it was initially trained requires smarter use of labeled data and motivates work in low-resource summarization. To this end, we propose unsupervised learning techniques for both extractive summarization in question answering, abstractive summarization on distantly-supervised data for summarization of community question answering forums, and abstractive zero and few-shot summarization across several domains. To measure the progress made along these axes, we revisit the evaluation of current summarization models. In particular, this dissertation addresses the following research objectives: 1) High-resource Summarization. We introduce datasets for multi-document summarization, focusing on pedagogical applications for NLP, news summarization, and Wikipedia topic summarization. Large-scale datasets allow models to achieve state-of-the-art performance on these tasks compared to prior modeling techniques, and we introduce a novel model to reduce redundancy. However, we also examine how models trained on these large-scale datasets fare when applied to new settings, showing the need for more generalizable models. 2) Low-resource Summarization. While high-resource summarization improves model performance, for practical applications, data-efficient models are necessary. We propose a pipeline for creating synthetic training data for training extractive question-answering models, a form of query-based extractive summarization with short-phrase summaries. In other work, we propose an automatic pipeline for training a multi-document summarizer in answer summarization on community question-answering forums without labeled data. Finally, we push the boundaries of abstractive summarization model performance when little or no training data is available across several domains. 3) Automatic Summarization Evaluation. To understand the extent of progress made across recent modeling techniques and better understand the current evaluation protocols, we examine the current metrics used to compare summarization output quality across 12 metrics across 23 deep neural network models and propose better-motivated summarization evaluation guidelines as well as point to open problems in summarization evaluation
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