4 research outputs found

    L2 Orthogonal Space Time Code for Continuous Phase Modulation

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    To combine the high power efficiency of Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) with either high spectral efficiency or enhanced performance in low Signal to Noise conditions, some authors have proposed to introduce CPM in a MIMO frame, by using Space Time Codes (STC). In this paper, we address the code design problem of Space Time Block Codes combined with CPM and introduce a new design criterion based on L2 orthogonality. This L2 orthogonality condition, with the help of simplifying assumption, leads, in the 2x2 case, to a new family of codes. These codes generalize the Wang and Xia code, which was based on pointwise orthogonality. Simulations indicate that the new codes achieve full diversity and a slightly better coding gain. Moreover, one of the codes can be interpreted as two antennas fed by two conventional CPMs using the same data but with different alphabet sets. Inspection of these alphabet sets lead also to a simple explanation of the (small) spectrum broadening of Space Time Coded CPM

    Full Rate L2-Orthogonal Space-Time CPM for Three Antennas

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    To combine the power efficiency of Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) with enhanced performance in fading environments, some authors have suggested to use CPM in combination with Space-Time Codes (STC). Recently, we have proposed a CPM ST-coding scheme based on L2-orthogonality for two transmitting antennas. In this paper we extend this approach to the three antennas case. We analytically derive a family of coding schemes which we call Parallel Code (PC). This code family has full rate and we prove that the proposed coding scheme achieves full diversity as confirmed by accompanying simulations. We detail an example of the proposed ST codes that can be interpreted as a conventional CPM scheme with different alphabet sets for the different transmit antennas which results in a simplified implementation. Thanks to L2-orthogonality, the decoding complexity, usually exponentially proportional to the number of transmitting antennas, is reduced to linear complexity

    Separable Implementation of L2-Orthogonal STC CPM with Fast Decoding

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    In this paper we present an alternative separable implementation of L2-orthogonal space-time codes (STC) for continuous phase modulation (CPM). In this approach, we split the STC CPM transmitter into a single conventional CPM modulator and a correction filter bank. While the CPM modulator is common to all transmit antennas, the correction filter bank applies different correction units to each antenna. Thereby desirable code properties as orthogonality and full diversity are achievable with just a slightly larger bandwidth demand. This new representation has three main advantages. First, it allows to easily generalize the orthogonality condition to any arbitrary number of transmit antennas. Second, for a quite general set of correction functions that we detail, it can be proved that full diversity is achieved. Third, by separating the modulation and correction steps inside the receiver, a simpler receiver can be designed as a bank of data independent inverse correction filters followed by a single CPM demodulator. Therefore, in this implementation, only one correlation filter bank for the detection of all transmitted signals is necessary. The decoding effort grows only linearly with the number of transmit antennas

    L2 orthogonal space time code for Continuous Phase Modulation

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