43 research outputs found

    L1-rotation averaging using the Weiszfeld algorithm

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    We consider the problem of rotation averaging under the L1 norm. This problem is related to the classic Fermat-Weber problem for finding the geometric median of a set of points in IRn. We apply the classical Weiszfeld algorithm to this problem, adapting it iteratively in tangent spaces of SO(3) to obtain a provably convergent algorithm for finding the L1 mean. This results in an extremely simple and rapid averaging algorithm, without the need for line search. The choice of L1 mean (also called geometric median) is motivated by its greater robustness compared with rotation averaging under the L2 norm (the usual averaging process). We apply this problem to both single-rotation averaging (under which the algorithm provably finds the global L1 optimum) and multiple rotation averaging (for which no such proof exists). The algorithm is demonstrated to give markedly improved results, compared with L2 averaging. We achieve a median rotation error of 0.82 degrees on the 595 images of the Notre Dame image set

    Dilated FCN for Multi-Agent 2D/3D Medical Image Registration

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    2D/3D image registration to align a 3D volume and 2D X-ray images is a challenging problem due to its ill-posed nature and various artifacts presented in 2D X-ray images. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent system with an auto attention mechanism for robust and efficient 2D/3D image registration. Specifically, an individual agent is trained with dilated Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) to perform registration in a Markov Decision Process (MDP) by observing a local region, and the final action is then taken based on the proposals from multiple agents and weighted by their corresponding confidence levels. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we formulate 2D/3D registration as a MDP with observations, actions, and rewards properly defined with respect to X-ray imaging systems. Second, to handle various artifacts in 2D X-ray images, multiple local agents are employed efficiently via FCN-based structures, and an auto attention mechanism is proposed to favor the proposals from regions with more reliable visual cues. Third, a dilated FCN-based training mechanism is proposed to significantly reduce the Degree of Freedom in the simulation of registration environment, and drastically improve training efficiency by an order of magnitude compared to standard CNN-based training method. We demonstrate that the proposed method achieves high robustness on both spine cone beam Computed Tomography data with a low signal-to-noise ratio and data from minimally invasive spine surgery where severe image artifacts and occlusions are presented due to metal screws and guide wires, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods (single agent-based and optimization-based) by a large margin.Comment: AAAI 201

    Rotation Averaging and Strong Duality

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    In this paper we explore the role of duality principles within the problem of rotation averaging, a fundamental task in a wide range of computer vision applications. In its conventional form, rotation averaging is stated as a minimization over multiple rotation constraints. As these constraints are non-convex, this problem is generally considered challenging to solve globally. We show how to circumvent this difficulty through the use of Lagrangian duality. While such an approach is well-known it is normally not guaranteed to provide a tight relaxation. Based on spectral graph theory, we analytically prove that in many cases there is no duality gap unless the noise levels are severe. This allows us to obtain certifiably global solutions to a class of important non-convex problems in polynomial time. We also propose an efficient, scalable algorithm that out-performs general purpose numerical solvers and is able to handle the large problem instances commonly occurring in structure from motion settings. The potential of this proposed method is demonstrated on a number of different problems, consisting of both synthetic and real-world data

    Robust Camera Location Estimation by Convex Programming

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    33D structure recovery from a collection of 22D images requires the estimation of the camera locations and orientations, i.e. the camera motion. For large, irregular collections of images, existing methods for the location estimation part, which can be formulated as the inverse problem of estimating nn locations t1,t2,…,tn\mathbf{t}_1, \mathbf{t}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{t}_n in R3\mathbb{R}^3 from noisy measurements of a subset of the pairwise directions ti−tj∥ti−tj∥\frac{\mathbf{t}_i - \mathbf{t}_j}{\|\mathbf{t}_i - \mathbf{t}_j\|}, are sensitive to outliers in direction measurements. In this paper, we firstly provide a complete characterization of well-posed instances of the location estimation problem, by presenting its relation to the existing theory of parallel rigidity. For robust estimation of camera locations, we introduce a two-step approach, comprised of a pairwise direction estimation method robust to outliers in point correspondences between image pairs, and a convex program to maintain robustness to outlier directions. In the presence of partially corrupted measurements, we empirically demonstrate that our convex formulation can even recover the locations exactly. Lastly, we demonstrate the utility of our formulations through experiments on Internet photo collections.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    GraphMatch: Efficient Large-Scale Graph Construction for Structure from Motion

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    We present GraphMatch, an approximate yet efficient method for building the matching graph for large-scale structure-from-motion (SfM) pipelines. Unlike modern SfM pipelines that use vocabulary (Voc.) trees to quickly build the matching graph and avoid a costly brute-force search of matching image pairs, GraphMatch does not require an expensive offline pre-processing phase to construct a Voc. tree. Instead, GraphMatch leverages two priors that can predict which image pairs are likely to match, thereby making the matching process for SfM much more efficient. The first is a score computed from the distance between the Fisher vectors of any two images. The second prior is based on the graph distance between vertices in the underlying matching graph. GraphMatch combines these two priors into an iterative "sample-and-propagate" scheme similar to the PatchMatch algorithm. Its sampling stage uses Fisher similarity priors to guide the search for matching image pairs, while its propagation stage explores neighbors of matched pairs to find new ones with a high image similarity score. Our experiments show that GraphMatch finds the most image pairs as compared to competing, approximate methods while at the same time being the most efficient.Comment: Published at IEEE 3DV 201

    Robust Rotation Synchronization via Low-rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition

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    This paper deals with the rotation synchronization problem, which arises in global registration of 3D point-sets and in structure from motion. The problem is formulated in an unprecedented way as a "low-rank and sparse" matrix decomposition that handles both outliers and missing data. A minimization strategy, dubbed R-GoDec, is also proposed and evaluated experimentally against state-of-the-art algorithms on simulated and real data. The results show that R-GoDec is the fastest among the robust algorithms.Comment: The material contained in this paper is part of a manuscript submitted to CVI