3,250 research outputs found

    Dressing method based on homogeneous Fredholm equation: quasilinear PDEs in multidimensions

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    In this paper we develop a dressing method for constructing and solving some classes of matrix quasi-linear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in arbitrary dimensions. This method is based on a homogeneous integral equation with a nontrivial kernel, which allows one to reduce the nonlinear PDEs to systems of non-differential (algebraic or transcendental) equations for the unknown fields. In the simplest examples, the above dressing scheme captures matrix equations integrated by the characteristics method and nonlinear PDEs associated with matrix Hopf-Cole transformations.Comment: 31 page

    Some properties of solutions to weakly hypoelliptic equations

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    A linear different operator L is called weakly hypoelliptic if any local solution u of Lu=0 is smooth. We allow for systems, that is, the coefficients may be matrices, not necessarily of square size. This is a huge class of important operators which cover all elliptic, overdetermined elliptic, subelliptic and parabolic equations. We extend several classical theorems from complex analysis to solutions of any weakly hypoelliptic equation: the Montel theorem providing convergent subsequences, the Vitali theorem ensuring convergence of a given sequence and Riemann's first removable singularity theorem. In the case of constant coefficients we show that Liouville's theorem holds, any bounded solution must be constant and any L^p-solution must vanish.Comment: published version (up to cosmetic issues

    Geometry of Darboux-Manakov-Zakharov systems and its application

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    The intrinsic geometric properties of generalized Darboux-Manakov-Zakharov systems of semilinear partial differential equations \label{GDMZabstract} \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}=f_{ij}\Big(x_k,u,\frac{\partial u}{\partial x_l}\Big), 1\leq i<j\leq n, k,l\in\{1,...,n\} for a real-valued function u(x1,...,xn)u(x_1,...,x_n) are studied with particular reference to the linear systems in this equation class. System (\ref{GDMZabstract}) will not generally be involutive in the sense of Cartan: its coefficients will be constrained by complicated nonlinear integrability conditions. We derive geometric tools for explicitly constructing involutive systems of the form (\ref{GDMZabstract}), essentially solving the integrability conditions. Specializing to the linear case provides us with a novel way of viewing and solving the multi-dimensional nn-wave resonant interaction system and its modified version as well as constructing new examples of semi-Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type. The general theory is illustrated by a study of these applications

    Differential reductions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation and associated higher dimensional nonlinear PDEs

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    We represent an algorithm allowing one to construct new classes of partially integrable multidimensional nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) starting with the special type of solutions to the (1+1)-dimensional hierarchy of nonlinear PDEs linearizable by the matrix Hopf-Cole substitution (the B\"urgers hierarchy). We derive examples of four-dimensional nonlinear matrix PDEs together with they scalar and three-dimensional reductions. Variants of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili type and Korteweg-de Vries type equations are represented among them. Our algorithm is based on the combination of two Frobenius type reductions and special differential reduction imposed on the matrix fields of integrable PDEs. It is shown that the derived four-dimensional nonlinear PDEs admit arbitrary functions of two variables in their solution spaces which clarifies the integrability degree of these PDEs.Comment: 20 pages, 1 fugur

    Numerical Schubert calculus

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    We develop numerical homotopy algorithms for solving systems of polynomial equations arising from the classical Schubert calculus. These homotopies are optimal in that generically no paths diverge. For problems defined by hypersurface Schubert conditions we give two algorithms based on extrinsic deformations of the Grassmannian: one is derived from a Gr\"obner basis for the Pl\"ucker ideal of the Grassmannian and the other from a SAGBI basis for its projective coordinate ring. The more general case of special Schubert conditions is solved by delicate intrinsic deformations, called Pieri homotopies, which first arose in the study of enumerative geometry over the real numbers. Computational results are presented and applications to control theory are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX 2e with 2 figures, used epsf.st
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