7 research outputs found

    Role of Salt on Coating Failure

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    It is important to understand the role of salt in the coating failure because it may influence the coating degradation mechanism that is related to coating performance. This project will study the role of salt on two types of organic coatings under two different immersion environment. The environment selected was 3.5% by weight sodium chloride solution and deionized (DI) water. The two coatings were Neorez 1080 (a waterborne polyurethane) and Joncryl 587-AC (a solvent borne polyurethane). Each coating was tested in each environment using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement which presented a total of four data sets. The equivalent circuit modeling was used to fit the EIS data in order to study the physical behavior of the coating. The conclusion is that a sodium chloride solution will cause rapid coating failure compared to DI water for the two types of coatings evaluated in this project

    Daytonian 2015

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    University of Dayton student yearbook. Early yearbooks cover St. Mary\u27s Institute. Annual publication of the Daytonian began in 1923; it was not published in 1929, 1932-1934 and 1944. Short volumes highlighting the graduating class were published in 1930, 1931 and 1945 under different titles.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/archives_yrbk/1072/thumbnail.jp

    Identifying risk for atypical parenting behavior using prenatal profiles of interpersonal trauma experiences and PTSD symptoms

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    Experiences of interpersonal trauma and symptoms of PTSD greatly impact the ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships, which is especially problematic during the perinatal period due to the formation of the mother-child relationship. Interpersonal trauma and symptoms of PTSD present considerable risk for the emergence of a concerning class of “atypical” maternal behaviors (e.g., contradictory communication, sexualized/role reversed behavior, and severe withdrawal) that have serious implications for child social-emotional development. However, past research has focused primarily on how maternal experiences of childhood maltreatment and, to a lesser extent, PTSD symptom severity, predict atypical parenting behaviors. The present study aimed to better understand the association between both child- and adulthood experiences of interpersonal trauma and PTSD symptoms, and atypical parenting behaviors. One hundred twenty women from a longitudinal study that spanned from the third trimester of pregnancy through 3-years postpartum were utilized. Experiences of childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence (IPV) were assessed during pregnancy. Atypical parenting behaviors were coded from mother-infant interactions 1-year postpartum. Bivariate associations between experiences of interpersonal trauma, prenatal PTSD symptoms, and atypical parenting behavior were few in number. Profiles of interpersonal trauma experiences and prenatal PTSD symptoms were identified using latent profile analysis. Subsequent analyses indicated that experiencing multiple types of childhood maltreatment and prenatal IPV predicted later atypical parenting behavior. Reported PTSD symptoms across clusters, as well as having less education and younger age, presented risk for atypical parenting behavior. Results increase understanding about individual differences in prenatal risk for the development of atypical parenting behavior and have implications for interventions aimed at preventing or reducing parenting problems

    Partnership sostenibili nel business calcio. Dall'intrattenimento alla responsabilitĂ  sociale attraverso l'engagement dei tifosi

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    In questo lavoro proponiamo un nuovo modello di sponsorizzazione nel business calcio con l’obiettivo di fornire un nuovo strumento per integrare le logiche della responsabilità sociale a quelle del business. Il progetto parte dalla considerazione che le organizzazioni calcistiche sono diventate vere e proprie aziende a seguito della loro metamorfosi in industrie dell’intrattenimento avvenuta a partire dagli anni Ottanta. Un cambiamento che ha portato maggiori profitti al settore, ma anche numerosi problemi e responsabilità. Attraverso lo studio di questa metamorfosi, degli stakeholder delle organizzazioni calcistiche, della loro comunicazione e del loro impegno sostenibile, siamo arrivati a condurre un sondaggio su un campione di tifosi per comprendere meglio come percepiscono la società della propria squadra tifata e gli sponsor che la sostengono. Dai risultati emersi siamo giunti all’elaborazione delle nostre partnership sostenibili basate sull’engagement dei tifosi: un nuovo modo di gestire e programmare queste preziose collaborazioni in modo che possano portare vantaggi economici, d’immagine e sociali a entrambe le parti, coinvolgendo in modo attivo i tifosi della squadra, portando vantaggi anche a beneficiari terzi.In this work, we present a new model of sponsorship in the football business. Our aim is to provide a new tool to integrate social responsibility with the corporate business. Our project starts from the observation that football organizations have become real companies after their metamorphosis in entertainment industries. A metamorphosis that has come about from the Eighties. This change has not only brought profits to the economic sector, but also numerous problems and responsibilities. After the study of this metamorphosis, football organizations’ stakeholder, clubs’ communication and their sustainable commitment, we have conducted a survey completed by a sample of football fans. The goal was to better understand how fans consider the club they support and the sponsors that cooperate with the club. From the emerged results, we have turned to the development of our sustainable partnership based on fan engagement. This new strategy wants to manage and plan these precious collaborations in order to achieve benefits for both the partners in three different areas: commercial (profit), communicative (image) and social (community). A new type of partnership in which clubs’ fans are actively involved

    Final Doctoral Recital

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    Voice, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kyle Krause, Richard Strauss. Please see Additional Documents for Recital Program