617 research outputs found

    Elliptic Double Zeta Values

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    We study an elliptic analogue of multiple zeta values, the elliptic multiple zeta values of Enriquez, which are the coefficients of the elliptic KZB associator. Originally defined by iterated integrals on a once-punctured complex elliptic curve, it turns out that they can also be expressed as certain linear combinations of indefinite iterated integrals of Eisenstein series and multiple zeta values. In this paper, we prove that the Q\mathbb{Q}-span of these elliptic multiple zeta values forms a Q\mathbb{Q}-algebra, which is naturally filtered by the length and is conjecturally graded by the weight. Our main result is a proof of a formula for the number of Q\mathbb{Q}-linearly independent elliptic multiple zeta values of lengths one and two for arbitrary weight.Comment: 22 page

    Hopf algebras of endomorphisms of Hopf algebras

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    In the last decennia two generalizations of the Hopf algebra of symmetric functions have appeared and shown themselves important, the Hopf algebra of noncommutative symmetric functions NSymm and the Hopf algebra of quasisymmetric functions QSymm. It has also become clear that it is important to understand the noncommutative versions of such important structures as Symm the Hopf algebra of symmetric functions. Not least because the right noncommmutative versions are often more beautiful than the commutaive ones (not all cluttered up with counting coefficients). NSymm and QSymm are not truly the full noncommutative generalizations. One is maximally noncommutative but cocommutative, the other is maximally non cocommutative but commutative. There is a common, selfdual generalization, the Hopf algebra of permutations of Malvenuto, Poirier, and Reutenauer (MPR). This one is, I feel, best understood as a Hopf algebra of endomorphisms. In any case, this point of view suggests vast generalizations leading to the Hopf algebras of endomorphisms and word Hopf algebras with which this paper is concerned. This point of view also sheds light on the somewhat mysterious formulas of MPR and on the question where all the extra structure (such as autoduality) comes from. The paper concludes with a few sections on the structure of MPR and the question of algebra retractions of the natural inclusion of Hopf algebras of NSymm into MPR and section of the naural projection of MPR onto QSymm.Comment: 40 pages. Revised and expanded version of a (nonarchived) preprint of 200

    Relations between elliptic multiple zeta values and a special derivation algebra

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    We investigate relations between elliptic multiple zeta values and describe a method to derive the number of indecomposable elements of given weight and length. Our method is based on representing elliptic multiple zeta values as iterated integrals over Eisenstein series and exploiting the connection with a special derivation algebra. Its commutator relations give rise to constraints on the iterated integrals over Eisenstein series relevant for elliptic multiple zeta values and thereby allow to count the indecomposable representatives. Conversely, the above connection suggests apparently new relations in the derivation algebra. Under https://tools.aei.mpg.de/emzv we provide relations for elliptic multiple zeta values over a wide range of weights and lengths.Comment: 43 pages, v2:replaced with published versio

    Decomposition of elliptic multiple zeta values and iterated Eisenstein integrals

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    We describe a decomposition algorithm for elliptic multiple zeta values, which amounts to the construction of an injective map ψ\psi from the algebra of elliptic multiple zeta values to a space of iterated Eisenstein integrals. We give many examples of this decomposition, and conclude with a short discussion about the image of ψ\psi. It turns out that the failure of surjectivity of ψ\psi is in some sense governed by period polynomials of modular forms.Comment: v2, minor change

    Efficient Quantum Transforms

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    Quantum mechanics requires the operation of quantum computers to be unitary, and thus makes it important to have general techniques for developing fast quantum algorithms for computing unitary transforms. A quantum routine for computing a generalized Kronecker product is given. Applications include re-development of the networks for computing the Walsh-Hadamard and the quantum Fourier transform. New networks for two wavelet transforms are given. Quantum computation of Fourier transforms for non-Abelian groups is defined. A slightly relaxed definition is shown to simplify the analysis and the networks that computes the transforms. Efficient networks for computing such transforms for a class of metacyclic groups are introduced. A novel network for computing a Fourier transform for a group used in quantum error-correction is also given.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX2e, 7 figures include