3 research outputs found

    Some special types of determinants in graded skew P BW extensions.

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    In this paper, we prove that the Nakayama automorphism of a graded skew PBW extension over a finitely presented Koszul Auslanderregular algebra has trivial homological determinant. For A = σ(R)<x1, x2> a graded skew PBW extension over a connected algebra R, we compute its Pdeterminant and the inverse of σ. In the particular case of quasi-commutative skew PBW extensions over Koszul Artin-Schelter regular algebras, we show explicitly the connection between the Nakayama automorphism of the ring of coefficients and the extension. Finally, we give conditions to guarantee that A is Calabi-Yau. We provide illustrative examples of the theory concerning algebras of interest in noncommutative algebraic geometry and noncommutative differential geometryEn este artículo, demostramos que el automorfismo de Nakayama de una extensión PBW torcida graduada sobre un álgebra de Koszul finitamente presentada y Auslander-regular tiene determinante homológico trivial. Para A = σ(R)<x1, x2> una extensión PBW torcida graduada sobre un álgebra conexa R, calculamos su P-determinante y el inverso de σ. En el caso particular de extensiones PBW torcidas cuasi-conmutativas sobre álgebras de Koszul Artin-Schelter regulares, mostramos explícitamente la relación entre el automorfismo de Nakayama del anillo de coeficientes y la extensión. Finalmente, damos condiciones para garantizar que A sea Calabi-Yau. Proporcionamos ejemplos ilustrativos de la teoría con álgebras de interés en geometría algebraica no conmutativa y geometría diferencial no conmutativa

    Koszulity and Point Modules of Finitely Semi-Graded Rings and Algebras

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    In this paper, we investigate the Koszul behavior of finitely semi-graded algebras by the distributivity of some associated lattice of ideals. The Hilbert series, the Poincaré series, and the Yoneda algebra are defined for this class of algebras. Moreover, the point modules and the point functor are introduced for finitely semi-graded rings. Finitely semi-graded algebras and rings include many important examples of non- N -graded algebras coming from mathematical physics that play a very important role in mirror symmetry problems, and for these concrete examples, the Koszulity will be established, as well as the explicit computation of its Hilbert and Poincaré series